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Created April 30, 2019 11:03
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pragma solidity 0.5.7;
* xEuro.sol
* xEUR tokens smart contract
* implements [ERC-20 Token Standard](
* ver. 1.0.7
* 2019-04-29
* address:
* deployed on block: 7660532
* solc version : 0.5.7+commit.6da8b019
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Unsigned math operations with safety checks that revert on error
library SafeMath {
* @dev Multiplies two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See:
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
require(c / a == b);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two unsigned integers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
require(b > 0);
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
* @dev Subtracts two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b <= a);
uint256 c = a - b;
return c;
* @dev Adds two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
require(c >= a);
return c;
* @dev Divides two unsigned integers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo),
* reverts when dividing by zero.
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b != 0);
return a % b;
* ERC-677
* see:
* Allow tokens to be transferred to contracts and have the contract trigger logic for how to respond to receiving
* the tokens within a single transaction.
contract TokenRecipient {
function onTokenTransfer(address _from, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _extraData) external returns (bool);
// function tokenFallback(address _from, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _extraData) external returns (bool);
* see:!/verifyEthAddress/
* in our smart contract every new admin should have a verified identity on
contract CryptonomicaVerification {
// returns 0 if verification is not revoked
function revokedOn(address _address) external view returns (uint unixTime);
function keyCertificateValidUntil(address _address) external view returns (uint unixTime);
contract xEuro {
* see:
using SafeMath for uint256;
CryptonomicaVerification public cryptonomicaVerification;
/* --- ERC-20 variables ----- */
* function name() constant returns (string name)
string public constant name = "xEuro";
* function symbol() constant returns (string symbol)
string public constant symbol = "xEUR";
* function decimals() constant returns (uint8 decimals)
uint8 public constant decimals = 0; // 1 token = €1, no smaller unit
* function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 totalSupply)
* we start with zero
uint256 public totalSupply = 0;
// function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance)
mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
* function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining)
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;
/* --- administrative variables */
* addresses that are admins in this smart contracts
* admin can assign and revoke authority to perform functions (mint, burn, transfer) in this contract
* for other addresses and for himself
mapping(address => bool) public isAdmin;
* addresses that can mint tokens
mapping(address => bool) public canMint;
* addresses allowed to transfer tokens from contract's own address to another address
* for example after tokens were minted, they can be transferred to user
* (tokenholder of new (fresh minted) tokens is always this smart contract itself)
mapping(address => bool) public canTransferFromContract;
* addresses allowed to burn tokens
* tokens can burned only if their tokenholder is smart contract itself
* nobody can burn tokens owned by user
mapping(address => bool) public canBurn;
/* --- ERC-20 events */
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
* event we fire when data are sent from this smart contract to other smart contract
* @param _from will be msg.sender
* @param _toContract address of smart contract information is sent to
* @param _extraData any data that msg.sender sends to another smart contract
event DataSentToAnotherContract(address indexed _from, address indexed _toContract, bytes _extraData);
/* --- ERC-20 Functions */
* there is and attack:
* but this function is required by ERC-20:
* To prevent attack vectors like the one described on
* and discussed on ,
* clients SHOULD make sure to create user interfaces in such a way that they set the allowance first to 0 before
* setting it to another value for the same spender.
* THOUGH The contract itself shouldn’t enforce it, to allow backwards compatibility with contracts deployed before
* @param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
* @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent.
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success){
allowance[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
* Overloaded (see approve function
* see
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _currentValue, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success){
require(allowance[msg.sender][_spender] == _currentValue);
return approve(_spender, _value);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success){
return transferFrom(msg.sender, _to, _value);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success){
// Transfers of 0 values MUST be treated as normal transfers and fire the Transfer event (ERC-20)
// Variables of uint type cannot be negative. Thus, comparing uint variable with zero (greater than or equal) is redundant
// require(_value >= 0);
require(_to != address(0));
// The function SHOULD throw unless the _from account has deliberately authorized the sender of the message via some mechanism
msg.sender == _from
|| _value <= allowance[_from][msg.sender]
|| (_from == address(this) && canTransferFromContract[msg.sender]),
"Sender not authorized");
// check if _from account have required amount
require(_value <= balanceOf[_from], "Account doesn't have required amount");
if (_to == address(this)) {// tokens sent to smart contract itself (for exchange to fiat)
// (!) only token holder can send tokens to smart contract address to get fiat, not using allowance
require(_from == msg.sender, "Only token holder can do this");
require(_value >= minExchangeAmount, "Value is less than min. exchange amount");
// this event used by our bot to monitor tokens that have to be burned and to make a fiat payment
// bot also verifies this information checking 'tokensInTransfer' mapping, which contains the same data
emit TokensIn(
// here we write information about this transfer
// (the same as in event, but stored in contract variable and with timestamp)
tokensInTransfer[tokensInEventsCounter].from = _from;
tokensInTransfer[tokensInEventsCounter].value = _value;
// timestamp:
tokensInTransfer[tokensInEventsCounter].receivedOn = now;
balanceOf[_from] = balanceOf[_from].sub(_value);
balanceOf[_to] = balanceOf[_to].add(_value);
// If allowance used, change allowances correspondingly
if (_from != msg.sender && _from != address(this)) {
allowance[_from][msg.sender] = allowance[_from][msg.sender].sub(_value);
emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
/* ---------- Interaction with other contracts */
* ERC-677
* transfer tokens with additional info to another smart contract, and calls its correspondent function
* @param _to - another smart contract address
* @param _value - number of tokens
* @param _extraData - data to send to another contract
* this is a recommended method to send tokens to smart contracts
function transferAndCall(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes memory _extraData) public returns (bool success){
TokenRecipient receiver = TokenRecipient(_to);
if (transferFrom(msg.sender, _to, _value)) {
// if (receiver.tokenFallback(msg.sender, _value, _extraData)) {
if (receiver.onTokenTransfer(msg.sender, _value, _extraData)) {
emit DataSentToAnotherContract(msg.sender, _to, _extraData);
return true;
return false;
* the same as above ('transferAndCall'), but for all tokens on user account
* for example for converting ALL tokens of user account to another tokens
function transferAllAndCall(address _to, bytes calldata _extraData) external returns (bool){
return transferAndCall(_to, balanceOf[msg.sender], _extraData);
/* --- Administrative functions */
* @param from old address
* @param to new address
* @param by who made a change
event CryptonomicaArbitrationContractAddressChanged(address from, address to, address indexed by);
* @param _newAddress address of new contract to be used to verify identity of new admins
function changeCryptonomicaVerificationContractAddress(address _newAddress) public returns (bool success) {
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
emit CryptonomicaArbitrationContractAddressChanged(address(cryptonomicaVerification), _newAddress, msg.sender);
cryptonomicaVerification = CryptonomicaVerification(_newAddress);
return true;
* @param by who added new admin
* @param newAdmin address of new admin
event AdminAdded(address indexed by, address indexed newAdmin);
function addAdmin(address _newAdmin) public returns (bool success){
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
require(_newAdmin != address(0), "Address can not be zero-address");
require(cryptonomicaVerification.keyCertificateValidUntil(_newAdmin) > now, "New admin has to be verified on");
// revokedOn returns uint256 (unix time), it's 0 if verification is not revoked
require(cryptonomicaVerification.revokedOn(_newAdmin) == 0, "Verification for this address was revoked, can not add");
isAdmin[_newAdmin] = true;
emit AdminAdded(msg.sender, _newAdmin);
return true;
* @param by an address who removed admin
* @param _oldAdmin address of the admin removed
event AdminRemoved(address indexed by, address indexed _oldAdmin);
* @param _oldAdmin address to be removed from admins
function removeAdmin(address _oldAdmin) external returns (bool success){
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
// prevents from deleting the last admin (can be multisig smart contract) by itself:
require(msg.sender != _oldAdmin, "Admin can't remove himself");
isAdmin[_oldAdmin] = false;
emit AdminRemoved(msg.sender, _oldAdmin);
return true;
* minimum amount of tokens than can be exchanged to fiat
* can be changed by admin
uint256 public minExchangeAmount;
* @param by address who made a change
* @param from value before the change
* @param to value after the change
event MinExchangeAmountChanged (address indexed by, uint256 from, uint256 to);
* @param _minExchangeAmount new value of minimum amount of tokens that can be exchanged to fiat
* only admin can make this change
function changeMinExchangeAmount(uint256 _minExchangeAmount) public returns (bool success){
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
uint256 from = minExchangeAmount;
minExchangeAmount = _minExchangeAmount;
emit MinExchangeAmountChanged(msg.sender, from, minExchangeAmount);
return true;
* @param by who add permission to mint (only admin can do this)
* @param newAddress address that was authorized to mint new tokens
event AddressAddedToCanMint(address indexed by, address indexed newAddress);
* Add permission to mint new tokens to address _newAddress
function addToCanMint(address _newAddress) public returns (bool success){
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
require(_newAddress != address(0), "Address can not be zero-address");
canMint[_newAddress] = true;
emit AddressAddedToCanMint(msg.sender, _newAddress);
return true;
event AddressRemovedFromCanMint(address indexed by, address indexed removedAddress);
function removeFromCanMint(address _addressToRemove) external returns (bool success){
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
canMint[_addressToRemove] = false;
emit AddressRemovedFromCanMint(msg.sender, _addressToRemove);
return true;
* @param by who add permission (should be admin)
* @param newAddress address that got permission
event AddressAddedToCanTransferFromContract(address indexed by, address indexed newAddress);
function addToCanTransferFromContract(address _newAddress) public returns (bool success){
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
require(_newAddress != address(0), "Address can not be zero-address");
canTransferFromContract[_newAddress] = true;
emit AddressAddedToCanTransferFromContract(msg.sender, _newAddress);
return true;
event AddressRemovedFromCanTransferFromContract(address indexed by, address indexed removedAddress);
function removeFromCanTransferFromContract(address _addressToRemove) external returns (bool success){
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
canTransferFromContract[_addressToRemove] = false;
emit AddressRemovedFromCanTransferFromContract(msg.sender, _addressToRemove);
return true;
* @param by who add permission (should be admin)
* @param newAddress address that got permission
event AddressAddedToCanBurn(address indexed by, address indexed newAddress);
function addToCanBurn(address _newAddress) public returns (bool success){
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
require(_newAddress != address(0), "Address can not be zero-address");
canBurn[_newAddress] = true;
emit AddressAddedToCanBurn(msg.sender, _newAddress);
return true;
event AddressRemovedFromCanBurn(address indexed by, address indexed removedAddress);
function removeFromCanBurn(address _addressToRemove) external returns (bool success){
require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin can do that");
canBurn[_addressToRemove] = false;
emit AddressRemovedFromCanBurn(msg.sender, _addressToRemove);
return true;
/* ---------- Create and burn tokens */
* number (id) for MintTokensEvent
uint public mintTokensEventsCounter = 0;
* struct used to write information about every transaction that mint new tokens (we call it 'MintTokensEvent')
* every 'MintTokensEvent' has its number/id (mintTokensEventsCounter)
struct MintTokensEvent {
address mintedBy; // address that minted tokens (msg.sender)
uint256 fiatInPaymentId; // reference to fiat transfer (deposit)
uint value; // number of new tokens minted
uint on; // UnixTime
uint currentTotalSupply; // new value of totalSupply
* keep all fiat tx ids, to prevent minting tokens twice (or more times) for the same fiat deposit
* @param uint256 reference (id) of fiat deposit
* @param bool if true tokens already were minted for this fiat deposit
* (see: require(!fiatInPaymentIds[fiatInPaymentId]); in function mintTokens
mapping(uint256 => bool) public fiatInPaymentIds;
* here we can find a MintTokensEvent by fiatInPaymentId (id of fiat deposit),
* so we now if tokens were minted for given incoming fiat payment (deposit), and if yes when and how many
* @param uint256 reference (id) of fiat deposit
mapping(uint256 => MintTokensEvent) public fiatInPaymentsToMintTokensEvent;
* here we store MintTokensEvent with its ordinal numbers/ids (mintTokensEventsCounter)
* @param uint256 > mintTokensEventsCounter
mapping(uint256 => MintTokensEvent) public mintTokensEvent;
* an event with the same information as in struct MintTokensEvent
event TokensMinted(
address indexed by, // who minted new tokens
uint256 indexed fiatInPaymentId, // reference to fiat payment (deposit)
uint value, // number of new minted tokens
uint currentTotalSupply, // totalSupply value after new tokens were minted
uint indexed mintTokensEventsCounter //
* tokens should be minted to contract own address, (!) after that tokens should be transferred using transferFrom
* @param value number of tokens to create
* @param fiatInPaymentId fiat payment (deposit) id
function mintTokens(uint256 value, uint256 fiatInPaymentId) public returns (bool success){
require(canMint[msg.sender], "Sender not authorized");
// require that this fiatInPaymentId was not used before:
require(!fiatInPaymentIds[fiatInPaymentId], "This fiat payment id is already used");
// Variables of uint type cannot be negative. Thus, comparing uint variable with zero (greater than or equal) is redundant
// require(value >= 0);
// this is the moment when new tokens appear in the system
totalSupply = totalSupply.add(value);
// first token holder of fresh minted tokens always is the contract itself
// (than tokens have to be transferred from contract address to user address)
balanceOf[address(this)] = balanceOf[address(this)].add(value);
mintTokensEvent[mintTokensEventsCounter].mintedBy = msg.sender;
mintTokensEvent[mintTokensEventsCounter].fiatInPaymentId = fiatInPaymentId;
mintTokensEvent[mintTokensEventsCounter].value = value;
mintTokensEvent[mintTokensEventsCounter].on = block.timestamp;
mintTokensEvent[mintTokensEventsCounter].currentTotalSupply = totalSupply;
// fiatInPaymentId => struct mintTokensEvent
fiatInPaymentsToMintTokensEvent[fiatInPaymentId] = mintTokensEvent[mintTokensEventsCounter];
emit TokensMinted(msg.sender, fiatInPaymentId, value, totalSupply, mintTokensEventsCounter);
// mark fiatInPaymentId as used to mint tokens
fiatInPaymentIds[fiatInPaymentId] = true;
return true;
* mint and transfer new tokens to user in one tx
* requires msg.sender to have both 'canMint' and 'canTransferFromContract' permissions
* @param _value number of new tokens to create (to mint)
* @param fiatInPaymentId id of fiat payment (deposit) received for new tokens
* @param _to receiver of new tokens
function mintAndTransfer(uint256 _value, uint256 fiatInPaymentId, address _to) public returns (bool success){
if (mintTokens(_value, fiatInPaymentId) && transferFrom(address(this), _to, _value)) {
return true;
return false;
/* -- Exchange tokens to fiat (tokens sent to contract owns address > fiat payment) */
* number for every 'event' when we receive tokens to contract own address for exchange to fiat
uint public tokensInEventsCounter = 0;
* @param from who sent tokens for exchange
* @param value number of tokens received for exchange
* @param receivedOn timestamp (UnixTime)
struct TokensInTransfer {// <<< used in 'transfer'
address from; //
uint value; //
uint receivedOn; // unix time
* @param uint256 < tokensInEventsCounter
mapping(uint256 => TokensInTransfer) public tokensInTransfer;
* @param from address that sent tokens for exchange to fiat
* @param value number of tokens received
* @param tokensInEventsCounter number of event
event TokensIn(
address indexed from,
uint256 value,
uint256 indexed tokensInEventsCounter
* we also count every every token burning
uint public burnTokensEventsCounter = 0;//
* @param by who burned tokens
* @param value number of tokens burned
* @param tokensInEventId corresponding id on tokensInEvent, after witch tokens were burned
* @param fiatOutPaymentId id of outgoing fiat payment to user
* @param burnedOn timestamp (unix time)
* @param currentTotalSupply totalSupply after tokens were burned
struct burnTokensEvent {
address by; //
uint256 value; //
uint256 tokensInEventId;
uint256 fiatOutPaymentId;
uint256 burnedOn; // UnixTime
uint256 currentTotalSupply;
* @param uint256 < burnTokensEventsCounter
mapping(uint256 => burnTokensEvent) public burnTokensEvents;
* we count every fiat payment id used when burn tokens to prevent using it twice
mapping(uint256 => bool) public fiatOutPaymentIdsUsed; //
* smart contract event with the same data as in struct burnTokensEvent
event TokensBurned(
address indexed by,
uint256 value,
uint256 indexed tokensInEventId, // this is the same as uint256 indexed tokensInEventsCounter in event TokensIn
uint256 indexed fiatOutPaymentId,
uint burnedOn, // UnixTime
uint currentTotalSupply
* (!) only contract's own tokens (balanceOf[this]) can be burned
* @param value number of tokens to burn
* @param tokensInEventId reference to tokensInEventsCounter value for incoming tokens event (tokensInEvent)
* @param fiatOutPaymentId id of outgoing fiat payment (from the bank)
function burnTokens(
uint256 value,
uint256 tokensInEventId, // this is the same as uint256 indexed tokensInEventsCounter in event TokensIn
uint256 fiatOutPaymentId
) public returns (bool success){
// Variables of uint type cannot be negative. Thus, comparing uint variable with zero (greater than or equal) is redundant
// require(value >= 0);
require(canBurn[msg.sender], "Sender not authorized");
require(balanceOf[address(this)] >= value, "Account does not have required amount");
// require(!tokensInEventIdsUsed[tokensInEventId]);
require(!fiatOutPaymentIdsUsed[fiatOutPaymentId], "This fiat payment id is already used");
balanceOf[address(this)] = balanceOf[address(this)].sub(value);
totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(value);
burnTokensEvents[burnTokensEventsCounter].by = msg.sender;
burnTokensEvents[burnTokensEventsCounter].value = value;
burnTokensEvents[burnTokensEventsCounter].tokensInEventId = tokensInEventId;
burnTokensEvents[burnTokensEventsCounter].fiatOutPaymentId = fiatOutPaymentId;
burnTokensEvents[burnTokensEventsCounter].burnedOn = block.timestamp;
burnTokensEvents[burnTokensEventsCounter].currentTotalSupply = totalSupply;
emit TokensBurned(msg.sender, value, tokensInEventId, fiatOutPaymentId, block.timestamp, totalSupply);
fiatOutPaymentIdsUsed[fiatOutPaymentId] = true;
return true;
/* ---------- Constructor */
constructor() public {// Constructor must be public or internal
// initial admin:
isAdmin[msg.sender] = true;
// to test main functions and events (can be removed in production, or can be not):
mintAndTransfer(12, 0, msg.sender);
transfer(msg.sender, 12);
transfer(address(this), 12);
burnTokens(12, 1, 0);
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