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Last active November 16, 2022 10:40
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Updated UpgradeClient gist
import UpgradeClient from 'upgrade_client_lib';
function async SampleAplication() {
// construct upgrade client for student1
const userId = "student1";
// set host url
const hostUrl = '';
// Two ways for initializing user
const upClient = new UpgradeClient(userId, hostUrl); // No network call will be done over here.
const upClient = new UpgradeClient(userId, hostUrl, token); // No network call will be done over here.
const groupMembership = convertObjectToRecordGroup({
class: ["class1", "class2"]
const workingGroup = convertObjectToRecordWorkingGroup({
class: "class1"
// Initialize user with Upgrade system
// There are multiple ways to initialize user
// We can set groupMemberShip and workingGroup for user later by invoking the function setGroupMembership and setWorkingGroup
await upClient.init(); // Network call. It will create a new user with the userId passed in the constructor if not created already
await upClient.init(groupMembership); // Network call. It will create a new user with groupMembership if not created already
await upClient.init(groupMembership, workingGroup); // Network call. It will create a new user with groupMembership and workingGroup if not created already
// Set alternative user ids for current user
const altUserIds = ['aliases1', 'aliases2', 'aliases3'];
await upClient.setAltUserIds(altUserIds); // Network call to set altUserIds for current user
// set group membership for client
await upClient.setGroupMembership(groupMembership); // Network call. It will create group on Upgrade
// set working group for client
await upClient.setWorkingGroup(workingGroup); // Network call. It will create working group on Upgrade
await upClient.getAllExperimentConditions('context'); // Network call. It will retrieve all assignments.
const experimentConditions = await upClient.getExperimentCondition('context', 'site', 'target'); // It will do network only if getAllExperimentConditions() is not called before this function
await upClient.markExperimentPoint('site', 'conditionCode', 'condition applied', 'target'); // Network call. It will mark experiment point
await upClient.failedExperimentPoint('site', 'Not implemented yet', 'target'); // Network call
await upClient.getAllFeatureFlags(); // Network call. It will return all feature flags
// Feature flag key
const featureFlagKey = 'theme';
const flag = await upClient.getFeatureFlag(featureFlagKey); // No Network call.
await upClient.log(logData); // Network call. It will log data of user
await upClient.addMetrics(metrics); // Network call. It will add metrics in upgrade system
function convertObjectToRecordGroup(obj) {
const objMap: Record<string, Array<string>> = {}
Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
objMap[key] = obj[key];
return objMap;
function convertObjectToRecordWorkingGroup(obj) {
const objMap: Record<string, string > = {}
Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
objMap[key] = obj[key];
return objMap;
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