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Created February 14, 2011 13:08
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// courtesy of and others
def primes(upto) {
def primes = []
def range = 2..upto
for(i in range) {
primes[i] = true
for(def index=2; index<upto; index++) {
if(primes[index]) {
def increment = 2
def value
while((value = index*increment)<=upto) {
primes[value] = false
def returned = []
for(i in range) {
returned << i
return returned
* Small optimization : directly compute squares for easier formula writing
def squares(upto) {
returned = []
for(i in 1..upto) {
return returned
def maxN = 1000
def maxFactors = 1000
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
def primes = primes(maxN)
println "primes computed"
def squares = squares(maxFactors)
println "squares computed"
def workingFactors = [:]
for(a in -1*maxFactors..maxFactors) {
for(b in -1*maxFactors..maxFactors) {
boolean isPrime = true
def matching = []
for(def n=1; n<maxN && isPrime; n++) {
result = squares[n]+n*a+b;
if(isPrime) {
matching << result
if(matching.size()>0) {
println "reached ${a}"
bestEntry = workingFactors.max { e ->
println "best entry is ${bestEntry.key} product is ${bestEntry.key.inject(1, {result, entry -> result*entry})} and sequence length is ${bestEntry.value.size()}"
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
println "duration "+((end-start)/1000.0)+" s";
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