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Last active November 4, 2020 06:24
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Scrape completion times from a Steam user library using howlongtobeat
# - jq:
# - pup:
# - python-Levenshtein:
# - You'll need a Steam API key, which you can get from
# This pulls in the full steam app list from the API, your user's game list via the Steam API,
# and then parses HTML responses from the HLTB search endpoint using pup into JSON to get
# completion times. Levenshtein matching is used to resolve the (very common) case of where
# the Steam game name and the HLTB game name aren't exactly matching.
# This script processes games at a rate of 1 to 2 per second.
wget -qO- "${STEAM_API_KEY}&steamid=${STEAM_USER_ID}&format=json" | \
wget -qO- | \
jq -c '.applist.apps[]' | \
grep -E "\"appid\":($(echo "${ownedAppIds}" | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|$//'))," | \
while read game
echo "$game"
appName=$(echo "$game" | jq -r .name)
echo $appName >&2
wget -qO- --post-data \
"queryString=${appName}&t=games&sorthead=popular&sortd=Normal Order&length_type=main" \ | \
pup 'li .search_list_details json{}' | \
jq 'map(
[(.children[1].children[0].children | (if . == null then null else .[].text end))]])'
) | jq -c --slurp '.'
done | tee "complete_hltb_results_${STEAM_USER_ID}.jsonl" | \
python3 -c '
import json, sys, Levenshtein
def levenshtein(a, b):
if not a:
return len(b)
if not b:
return len(a)
return min(levenshtein(a[1:], b[1:])+(a[0] != b[0]),
levenshtein(a[1:], b)+1,
levenshtein(a, b[1:])+1)
for gameline in sys.stdin.readlines():
game = json.loads(gameline.strip())
if game[1] == []:
# Find the game where the Levenshtein distance between the Steam game name and the HLTB game name is minimal
steamName = game[0]["name"]
bestMatch = game[1][0]
bestDistance = Levenshtein.distance(steamName, bestMatch[0])
for hltbGame in game[1][1:]:
curDistance = Levenshtein.distance(steamName, hltbGame[0])
if curDistance < bestDistance:
bestMatch = hltbGame
bestDistance = curDistance
if bestDistance >= 5:
bestMatch = game[1][0]
outMatch = [bestMatch[0], bestMatch[1]] + [
[p.replace("\u00bd",".5") for p in bestMatch[2] if p != None]
' | tee "selected_hltb_results_${STEAM_USER_ID}.jsonl" | \
jq -r --slurp 'map([(.[1][2] | (if . == [] then null else (.[1] | split(" "))[0] end)), .[0].name])[] | @csv' > "selected_hltb_results_${STEAM_USER_ID}.csv"
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