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Last active March 18, 2020 00:16
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Document describing the datamodel of a Duolingo account



Fields like "timestamp" on xp events and "creation_date" on accounts are stored as unix time. That means "seconds since the Unix epoch".

It's accurate down to the second, and they're all in the same "timezone" which is UTC (like GMT but doesn't change for daylight savings or anything).

You can combine this with an account's (or a browser's) timezone and/or timezone_offset value to display the time in their local timezone.


The picture is stored on S3. The field doesn't actually have the full path to an image on it. You have to append /large, /medium, or /small to the URL to get a picture for an <img> tag.

It also doesn't have a protocol, you'll have to prepend https: to the beginning of the string.

Python classes for field reference

class DuolingoAccount:
    account_id: str
    name: str
    username: str
    email: str
    lingots: int
    picture: str
    timezone: str
    timezone_offset: str
    creation_date: int
    weekly_xp: int
    monthly_xp: int
    total_xp: int

class XPGainEvent:
    duolingo_account_id: str
    skill_id: str
    event_type: str
    xp: int
    timestamp: int

Data Example: Adam

  account_id  name          username    email                lingots  picture                                                          timezone               timezone_offset    creation_date    weekly_xp    monthly_xp    total_xp
------------  ------------  ----------  -----------------  ---------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ---------------  -----------  ------------  ----------
   154303020  Adam Johnson  Riizade        196  //  America/Los_Angeles              -0700       1452485563          224          1085        3731
  duolingo_account_id  skill                             event_type      xp    timestamp
---------------------  --------------------------------  ------------  ----  -----------
            154303020  da999f35dae6f9c0d1a64da80761d3c8  LESSON          14   1583814627
            154303020  da999f35dae6f9c0d1a64da80761d3c8  LESSON          15   1583815568
            154303020  da999f35dae6f9c0d1a64da80761d3c8  LESSON          15   1583815732
            154303020  da999f35dae6f9c0d1a64da80761d3c8  LESSON          13   1583815938
            154303020  da999f35dae6f9c0d1a64da80761d3c8  LESSON          15   1583816078
            154303020  da999f35dae6f9c0d1a64da80761d3c8  LESSON          15   1583816280
            154303020  4b2e9fc25c65981c6e015e030c3f31a1  LESSON          15   1583901811
            154303020  cb07809c692b875a91be319b3b3b932b  LESSON          15   1583901912
            154303020  cb07809c692b875a91be319b3b3b932b  LESSON          15   1583902331
            154303020  cb07809c692b875a91be319b3b3b932b  LESSON          15   1583904563
            154303020  cb07809c692b875a91be319b3b3b932b  LESSON          15   1583904767
            154303020  cb07809c692b875a91be319b3b3b932b  LESSON          15   1583905133
            154303020  cb07809c692b875a91be319b3b3b932b  LESSON          15   1583905244
            154303020  cb07809c692b875a91be319b3b3b932b  LESSON          13   1583905356
            154303020  629cb53e7ffefdcac370500c21d595f1  LESSON          15   1583981737
            154303020  629cb53e7ffefdcac370500c21d595f1  LESSON          15   1583983702
            154303020  629cb53e7ffefdcac370500c21d595f1  LESSON          12   1583986150
            154303020  629cb53e7ffefdcac370500c21d595f1  LESSON          13   1583986337
            154303020  629cb53e7ffefdcac370500c21d595f1  LESSON          15   1583986554
            154303020  629cb53e7ffefdcac370500c21d595f1  LESSON          15   1583986795
            154303020  629cb53e7ffefdcac370500c21d595f1  LESSON          15   1583987039
            154303020  0d37141ac060418d809cc90a3e7e7387  LESSON          15   1584064651
            154303020  0d37141ac060418d809cc90a3e7e7387  LESSON          14   1584064873
            154303020  0d37141ac060418d809cc90a3e7e7387  LESSON          15   1584065150
            154303020  0d37141ac060418d809cc90a3e7e7387  LESSON          15   1584065367
            154303020  0d37141ac060418d809cc90a3e7e7387  LESSON          15   1584065559
            154303020  0d37141ac060418d809cc90a3e7e7387  LESSON          15   1584069249
            154303020  0d37141ac060418d809cc90a3e7e7387  LESSON          15   1584069409
            154303020  fc69360361984551df1dfece8fcdb449  LESSON          15   1584069868
            154303020  fc69360361984551df1dfece8fcdb449  LESSON          13   1584070045
            154303020  fc69360361984551df1dfece8fcdb449  LESSON          13   1584070207
            154303020  fc69360361984551df1dfece8fcdb449  LESSON          15   1584070435
            154303020  fc69360361984551df1dfece8fcdb449  LESSON          15   1584070582
            154303020  fc69360361984551df1dfece8fcdb449  LESSON          15   1584070785
            154303020  fc69360361984551df1dfece8fcdb449  LESSON          13   1584071048
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          15   1584118917
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          13   1584119062
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          15   1584119378
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          15   1584119807
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          15   1584120510
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          14   1584120725
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          14   1584124770
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          20   1584124942
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          15   1584125335
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          13   1584125645
            154303020  894605f5e49fc414b73a2ac17c656845  LESSON          20   1584125914
            154303020  1c65da4d3a2cdc2cb514965a56153224  LESSON          13   1584209133
            154303020  1c65da4d3a2cdc2cb514965a56153224  LESSON          15   1584214915
            154303020  1c65da4d3a2cdc2cb514965a56153224  LESSON          15   1584216149
            154303020  1c65da4d3a2cdc2cb514965a56153224  LESSON          15   1584217485
            154303020  1c65da4d3a2cdc2cb514965a56153224  LESSON          15   1584217712
            154303020  1c65da4d3a2cdc2cb514965a56153224  LESSON          15   1584218069
            154303020  1c65da4d3a2cdc2cb514965a56153224  LESSON          15   1584219408
            154303020  1c65da4d3a2cdc2cb514965a56153224  LESSON          12   1584253292
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          15   1584306579
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          13   1584313090
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          13   1584313251
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          13   1584316159
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          15   1584316503
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          14   1584319522
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          15   1584319714
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          15   1584322350
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          15   1584322550
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          15   1584331045
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          13   1584338013
            154303020  fc2c1476096952c971a30f1852cf6ce3  LESSON          20   1584338403
            154303020  5b592d51894b7ca64b6872b0974a3a6f  LESSON          15   1584407611
            154303020  5b592d51894b7ca64b6872b0974a3a6f  LESSON          14   1584419522
            154303020  5b592d51894b7ca64b6872b0974a3a6f  LESSON          15   1584419676
            154303020  5b592d51894b7ca64b6872b0974a3a6f  LESSON          14   1584419826
            154303020  5b592d51894b7ca64b6872b0974a3a6f  LESSON          14   1584420011
            154303020  5b592d51894b7ca64b6872b0974a3a6f  LESSON          15   1584420171
            154303020  5b592d51894b7ca64b6872b0974a3a6f  LESSON          15   1584420316
            154303020  5b592d51894b7ca64b6872b0974a3a6f  LESSON          15   1584424538

Data Example: Sarah

account_id  name           username         email                        lingots  picture                                                        timezone       timezone_offset    creation_date    weekly_xp    monthly_xp    total_xp
------------  -------------  ---------------  -------------------------  ---------  -------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------------  ---------------  -----------  ------------  ----------
   1421889  Sarah Johnson  sarahrscientist       1382  //  Europe/Rome              +0100       1356499022           72          3271       47254
  duolingo_account_id  skill                             event_type      xp    timestamp
---------------------  --------------------------------  ------------  ----  -----------
              1421889  b97078cfaa753dbe61e6e8a0033219c8  LESSON          14   1584027545
              1421889  20ce27f5c0fa1760e6cbd3d73448e24b  LESSON          14   1584028512
              1421889  20ce27f5c0fa1760e6cbd3d73448e24b  LESSON          15   1584031561
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584033484
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584033590
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584033767
              1421889  196c51fba1cfb304942b4cf7b1ca72ab  LESSON          13   1584053184
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584053339
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584053451
              1421889  f5c805dd07f07ad0fe4e7c2ecbfe2c33  LESSON          13   1584053756
              1421889  f5c805dd07f07ad0fe4e7c2ecbfe2c33  LESSON          15   1584053989
              1421889  f5c805dd07f07ad0fe4e7c2ecbfe2c33  LESSON          15   1584058050
              1421889  abe0ee5f3857bbb9df70e509b1d9c171  LESSON          15   1584058249
              1421889  abe0ee5f3857bbb9df70e509b1d9c171  LESSON          15   1584058488
              1421889  6e7d0ca426586f63165692df91d2970c  LESSON          15   1584058897
              1421889  6e7d0ca426586f63165692df91d2970c  LESSON          14   1584059163
              1421889  6e7d0ca426586f63165692df91d2970c  LESSON          14   1584059548
              1421889  6e7d0ca426586f63165692df91d2970c  LESSON          15   1584059947
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584065928
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584066053
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584066154
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584066265
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584066373
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584066498
              1421889  84c9cb5c4bbc32c9a84fbe4b0b2eaf86  LESSON          13   1584101470
              1421889  84c9cb5c4bbc32c9a84fbe4b0b2eaf86  LESSON          20   1584101813
              1421889  84c9cb5c4bbc32c9a84fbe4b0b2eaf86  LESSON          15   1584102179
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584102351
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584102465
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584122725
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584122859
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584130486
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584130677
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584130884
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584131327
              1421889  8be4967bdb537a43a01fd23183bb291f  LESSON          14   1584132109
              1421889  38268e87c6e96a8591da93330da937c3  LESSON          15   1584132371
              1421889  0b3e3b2090650a3a75ac177567a2a4df  LESSON          13   1584137537
              1421889  2aa6691b016525f632d36baf543624de  LESSON          12   1584137844
              1421889  f5c805dd07f07ad0fe4e7c2ecbfe2c33  LESSON          14   1584138115
              1421889  84c9cb5c4bbc32c9a84fbe4b0b2eaf86  LESSON          13   1584139643
              1421889  33f1d8ceebf80f5baa5ca305afdcd399  PRACTICE        15   1584139764
              1421889  812883de38afbc0d0376728f9bfa7d21  LESSON          15   1584139847
              1421889  05901bbe6fcc68047fc563a841854221  LESSON          15   1584140003
              1421889  86cee569cf2d4b5dbaa4843c5529eac8  LESSON          15   1584140137
              1421889  dcee04d339de96b842384bfdb4f2231a  LESSON          14   1584140320
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584164488
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584164605
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584164727
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584164876
              1421889  0b3e3b2090650a3a75ac177567a2a4df  LESSON          15   1584165110
              1421889  8bc4f9dc4d851a24030adb4edaa78d76  LESSON          15   1584165355
              1421889  20ce27f5c0fa1760e6cbd3d73448e24b  LESSON          15   1584196907
              1421889  f5c805dd07f07ad0fe4e7c2ecbfe2c33  LESSON          12   1584197303
              1421889  abe0ee5f3857bbb9df70e509b1d9c171  LESSON          15   1584198127
              1421889  6e7d0ca426586f63165692df91d2970c  LESSON          14   1584198659
              1421889  f5c805dd07f07ad0fe4e7c2ecbfe2c33  LESSON          14   1584199105
              1421889  abe0ee5f3857bbb9df70e509b1d9c171  LESSON          15   1584199454
              1421889  1f1c9f50cfda8423937b47fe1da94c20  LESSON          13   1584204637
              1421889  8be4967bdb537a43a01fd23183bb291f  LESSON          20   1584205803
              1421889  9e3fef437e8d8f97f0fa36985ebe89dd  LESSON          13   1584206065
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584206553
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584206657
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584206770
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584206913
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584220636
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584220741
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584220839
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584220952
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584231556
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        26   1584231849
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584231998
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584232193
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584232364
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        28   1584232602
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        28   1584232803
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        30   1584233048
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584233241
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584233493
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584233781
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        26   1584233952
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584234112
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584234298
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        26   1584234941
              1421889  8b8ea3e216228659d9b33f27af1e2c41  LESSON          14   1584235166
              1421889  6dbfa4dc2714058392f18535d0760c49  LESSON          20   1584235357
              1421889  9c11e00601c7cfb3d89f09e84ab922f2  LESSON          15   1584235487
              1421889  ff015bd7ae07d3cef401fdd5e36c0dff  LESSON          13   1584235687
              1421889                                    TEST           100   1584236073
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584236183
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584236277
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584236358
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584236662
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584236754
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584237003
              1421889                                    TEST           100   1584237542
              1421889  c0d917aaba5f135255d64e5ea4e67e73  LESSON          13   1584238036
              1421889  6e7d0ca426586f63165692df91d2970c  LESSON          15   1584239471
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584244034
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584244141
              1421889  6e7d0ca426586f63165692df91d2970c  LESSON          15   1584247152
              1421889  6e7d0ca426586f63165692df91d2970c  LESSON          14   1584247552
              1421889  0c72b3e8db9a0aa1c5fb576e5aa2121e  LESSON          15   1584247847
              1421889  0c72b3e8db9a0aa1c5fb576e5aa2121e  LESSON          15   1584248265
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        26   1584300502
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584300726
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584300986
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584301186
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584301360
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        18   1584301500
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584301624
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        26   1584301769
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584301925
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584302146
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584302270
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584302371
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584303666
              1421889  0c72b3e8db9a0aa1c5fb576e5aa2121e  LESSON          14   1584303882
              1421889  84c9cb5c4bbc32c9a84fbe4b0b2eaf86  LESSON          12   1584304122
              1421889  b97078cfaa753dbe61e6e8a0033219c8  LESSON          20   1584305226
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        26   1584307121
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584307277
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584307405
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584307551
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584307706
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584307870
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584308045
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584308210
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584308370
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        20   1584308517
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        26   1584308682
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584308832
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        26   1584308992
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584309154
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584309299
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584309412
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584309570
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584309688
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584309793
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584309898
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584310016
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        22   1584310170
              1421889  0b70154e6187455dfd237b3bc1daf3f8  PRACTICE        15   1584310337
              1421889  d50782082402044b190d7504ae5ec836  LESSON          13   1584310501
              1421889  d50782082402044b190d7504ae5ec836  LESSON          13   1584310659
              1421889  c97160c2246f4cfffae5d6d4296de93f  TEST            20   1584311940
              1421889  d50782082402044b190d7504ae5ec836  LESSON          15   1584312057
              1421889                                    PRACTICE        24   1584312193
              1421889  812883de38afbc0d0376728f9bfa7d21  LESSON          15   1584398500
              1421889  812883de38afbc0d0376728f9bfa7d21  LESSON          14   1584399546
              1421889  812883de38afbc0d0376728f9bfa7d21  LESSON          15   1584477108
              1421889  05901bbe6fcc68047fc563a841854221  LESSON          13   1584484654
              1421889  0c72b3e8db9a0aa1c5fb576e5aa2121e  LESSON          15   1584484871
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