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Created August 12, 2018 20:53
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Level 1


Strength: 2D
Dexterity: 4D
Intelligence: 3D
Charisma: 3D


Sneaking: 2D
Knife-fighting: 2D
Throwing Weapons: 1D
Sleight of Hand: 2D

Style - Rogue

Sneak - When the character is able to act while the target of their action is unaware of their presence (either in combat or out of combat), they get two ability points to spend on a single action taken immediately. The points disappear if no action is taken, or if an action is performed but it was not an ability that required ability points.
Cheat - When the character is able to pickpocket a character or use sleight of hand to alter something in their environment to their benefit, instead of gaining a circumstance bonus on a relevant roll, they may instead gain an ability point. For instance, the character may pickpocket the mayor of a town while talking to them. The result of the pickpocket (which item might have been stolen, or even placed onto the mayor's person) does not need to be determined. Instead, the idea that they've done something beneficial for the party is understood, and the character gains an ability point.


Sneak Attack

Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

On the first round of combat, you may make a melee attack against any enemy combatant, regardless of range.


Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

You may take another action during your round in combat. You may only use this ability once per round.


Conditions: Must be using a bladed or sharp weapon of some kind
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

You coat your weapon in poison and strike at the enemy. If you do not deal a lethal blow, the enemy becomes defeated after they act twice (after two rounds have passed).


A pair of daggers.
A collection of throwing knives.
A lockpicking set.


Level 1


Strength: 4D
Dexterity: 3D
Intelligence: 2D
Charisma: 3D


Swordsmanship: 2D
Brawling: 1D
Shield-wielding: 2D
Bravery: 2D

Style - Tactician

Preparation - Any time the character has one hour or more where they can perform activity uninterrupted, they may gain 3 ability points. The character cannot exceed 3 ability points at any time.


Vicious Strike

Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

You make a particularly vicious attack with a 1 die bonus to your roll.


Conditions: You fall in battle
Difficulty: None
Cost: 3 ability points

When you fall in battle, you may expend 3 ability points to remain standing.

Tactical Positioning

Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

When only allies remain in melee range, you may use this ability to bring one additional enemy into melee range. This ability may be used multiple times at once.


A longsword.
A shield.


Level 1


Strength: 3D
Dexterity: 2D
Intelligence: 3D
Charisma: 4D


Diplomacy: 2D
Religious Knowledge: 2D
Cultural Knowledge: 2D
Unholy Knowledge: 1D

Style - Faithful

Devotion - Any time the character performs an action that would be actively encouraged by their patron deity, they may gain one ability point.


Divine Guidance

Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

You may commune with your patron deity or one of its representatives for a short time to ask for guidance.

Turn Undead

Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

You may make an attack against an enemy undead with a 2 die bonus to your roll.


Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: X ability points

You may spend any number of ability points to give an ally the same number of points minus one. (For example, if you spend 3 ability points, your ally would gain 2 ability points).


A mace.
A shield.
A holy talisman.
Some holy water.


Level 1


Strength: 3D
Dexterity: 4D
Intelligence: 3D
Charisma: 2D


Natural Knowledge: 2D
Bowmanship: 2D
Geography: 2D
Swordsmanship: 1D

Style - Naturalist

Affinity for Nature - Any time you utilize nature's bounty to sustain yourself or overcome an obstacle, you may gain 1 ability point. (For example, you might forage or hunt for food rather than packing rations, or create a bed out of plants rather than bringing along a bedroll)


Track Beast

Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

You may sense the locations of any beasts (creatures of a dog's size or larger, but of less than human intelligence)


Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: None

You can see in the dark flawlessly even when no light is present.

Hunt Beast

Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

You may make an attack against an enemy beast with a 2 die bonus to your roll.


A bow.
A quiver full of arrows.
A skinning knife.
A longsword.


Level 1


Strength: 2D
Dexterity: 3D
Intelligence: 4D
Charisma: 3D


Arcane Knowledge: 2D
Insight: 2D
Research: 2D
History Knowledge: 1D


Focus - The character gains 8 ability points any time their character gets a good night's sleep. They cannot exceed 8 ability points in this way at any time.


Runic Knowledge

Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: None

You can read any written language as if it were your native tongue.

Rip Space

Conditions: You must be able to make a gesture to open the tear (you must not be bound or paralyzed)
Difficulty: None
Cost: 2 ability points

You open a tear in spacetime in front of you and link it to another tear at a point of your choosing within long range. You may reach through the tear to interact as if you were at either location.

Feather Fall

Conditions: None
Difficulty: None
Cost: 1 ability point

You may choose up to 6 creatures or objects in far range (including yourself). For the next 5 minutes, all of the targets fall slowly enough to land gently, no matter the height.


A magical talisman.
A pouch of spell components.

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