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Created August 25, 2018 02:55
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The combined appendices for Homebrew Garbage


Abilities have two parts: a cost and an effect. The cost represents the cost in ability points the character must expend to use the ability, and the effect is a description of what happens when the skill is used.

Many abilities have a section listed "Alternate Flavors". This section is used to list names of similar abilities that will help better align the ability's effects with the fantasy of a particular character, or give a player or GM ideas for slight variations on the ability that they can use instead.

Rip Space

Cost: 2 ability points

You open a tear in spacetime in front of you and link it to another tear at a point of your choosing within long range. You may reach through the tear to interact as if you were at either location.

Alternate Flavors: Conjure Minor Clone, Conjured Hand


Cost: 1 ability point

You coat your weapon in poison and strike at the enemy. If you do not deal a lethal blow, the enemy becomes defeated after they act twice (after two rounds have passed).

Alternate flavors: Doom, Curse, Condemn


Cost: 2 ability points

When you fall in battle, you may expend 2 ability points to remain wounded instead.

Alternate flavors: Uncanny Dodge, Fated Purpose


Cost: 1 ability point

You must be in melee range to use this ability. You may choose an ally in melee range. For the rest of combat, any time your ally would be attacked, you may choose to make yourself the target of the attack instead. This effect expires if you are wounded or fall in battle.


Cost: 2 ability points

You may take another action during your round in combat. You may only use this ability once per round.

Stand Ground

Cost: 1 ability point

Until your next turn, you gain a +5 bonus to all defense rolls.

Vicious Strike

Cost: 1 ability point

You make a particularly vicious attack with a +3 bonus to your roll.

Protective Ward

Cost: 2 ability points

You may target an ally; until your next turn, if the targeted ally would fall in battle, instead they do not. This may occur a maximum of once.


Cost: X ability points

You may spend any number of ability points to give an ally the same number of points minus one. (For example, if you spend 3 ability points, your ally would gain 2 ability points).

Alternate flavors: Channel Energy, Share Soul


Cost: 1 ability points

You may target a wounded ally. The targeted ally is no longer wounded.

Alternate Flavors: Second Wind, Rejuvenate, Bandage


Cost: 3 ability points

You may target a fallen ally. The ally is no longer considered fallen, and may rejoin the battle.

Alternate Flavors: Stitch Wounds, Restore Life

Smite Undead

Cost: 3 ability points

You may immediately fell an enemy undead.

Alternate Flavors: Banish Spirit, Hunt Beast

Conjure Weapon

Cost: 2 ability points

You may magically conjure a weapon of any type. This weapon remains in existence until the end of combat (or 5 minutes pass). Attacks with this weapon are made with a +2 to the roll.

Alternate Flavors: Enchant Weapon, Divine Weapon, Sharpen Weapon


Cost: 1 ability point

Instead of making one attack, you may make two attacks, directed at two different targets.

Alternate Flavors: Double Strike, Twin Arrows, Soul Link

Divine Guidance

Cost: 2 ability points

You may commune with your patron deity or one of its representatives for a short time to ask for guidance.

Alternate Flavors: Commune with the Dead, Call Upon Ancestors, Read Fortune

Divine Intervention

Cost: 2 ability points

You commune with your patron deity and request divine intervention on your behalf. You must succeed at a task with a target difficulty of 12 to receive divine assistance. You cannot make a specific request, and the result of the intervention is entirely up to the Game Master.


Cost: 3 ability points

You may take on the form of a nonmagical beast of roughly your size or smaller for a maximum of 24 hours.

Alternate Flavors: Shapeshift

Feather Fall

Cost: 1 ability point

You may choose up to 6 creatures or objects in far range (including yourself). For the next 5 minutes, all of the targets fall slowly enough to land gently, no matter the height.


Cost: 3 ability points

You make an attack against every unit in melee range (including allies, but excluding yourself). The attack has a -3 penalty to hit against enemies and a -5 penalty to hit against allies. Make a different roll for each target.

Alternate Flavors: Unbound Energy, Wild Rage


Cost: 3 ability points

You may immediately fell an enemy that has not yet acted during the current combat encounter.


Cost: 1 ability point

Choose an enemy. The chosen enemy may only attack you during the next round of combat.

Stroke of Luck

Cost: 1 ability point

You may reroll a result for a task, attack, defense or any other roll and take the higher of the two rolls.



Sneak - When the character is able to act while the target of their action is unaware of their presence (either in combat or out of combat), they get two ability points to spend on a single action taken immediately. The points disappear if no action is taken, or if an action is performed but it was not an ability that required ability points.
Cheat - When the character is able to pickpocket a character or use sleight of hand to alter something in their environment to their benefit, instead of gaining a circumstance bonus on a relevant roll, they may instead gain an ability point. For instance, the character may pickpocket the mayor of a town while talking to them. The result of the pickpocket (which item might have been stolen, or even placed onto the mayor's person) does not need to be determined. Instead, the idea that they've done something beneficial for the party is understood, and the character gains an ability point.


Rage - Any time the Barbarian could become angry, they may choose to do so and gain one ability point. They may additionally gain one point any time they are the target of an attack during combat. All ability points are depleted when the character exits combat or if they are no longer angry.


Research - Gain one ability point any time the character actively seeks out new information, whether via reading a book or conversing with people.


Battle-planning - Any time the party rolls for initiative, the character gains 3 ability points that may only be used during the resulting combat.


Resourceful - Any time the character would replenish their inventory points, they instead gain twice that amount. They may use their inventory points as if they were ability points.


Devotion - Any time the character performs an action that would be actively encouraged by their patron deity, they may gain one ability point.

Soul Collector

Harvest Souls - Any time a living creature dies within long range of the character, they may gain an ability point. If the creature was of human intelligence or greater, they may instead gain 2 ability points.


Charismatic - Any time a character improves their attitude toward you, you may gain 2 ability points. For example, you might do a favor for a townsperson, give a bartender information on rumors they find interesting, or just share a pint of beer with a random tavern patron.
Well-Connected - Any time you meet a new creature of humanoid intelligence or higher who is friendly toward you, you may gain 1 ability point.


Affinity for Nature - Any time you utilize nature's bounty to sustain yourself or overcome an obstacle, you may gain 1 ability point. (For example, you might forage or hunt for food rather than packing rations, or create a bed out of plants rather than bringing along a bedroll)


Insatiable - Any time you eat a large animal such as a goat or pig, or otherwise have a large feast, you may gain 1 ability point.


Talents have two parts: a cost and an effect. The cost represents the cost in talent points the character must use to acquire the talent, and the effect is a description of the effects of the talent.

Many talents have a section listed "Alternate Flavors". This section is used to list names of similar talents that will help better align the talents's effects with the fantasy of a particular character, or give a player or GM ideas for slight variations on the talent that they can use instead.

Sneak Attack

Cost: 1 talent point

On the first round of combat, you may make a melee attack against any enemy combatant, regardless of range, with a +3 bonus to your roll.

Undead Flesh

Cost: 2 talent points

You do not need to eat, sleep or breathe.

Alternate Flavors: Mechanized Body, Magic Form


Cost: 1 talent point

You can see in the dark flawlessly even when no light is present.

Alternate Flavors: Blindsight, Spectral Sight, True Sight

Runic Knowledge

Cost: 1 talent point

You can read any written language as if it were your native tongue.


Cost: 3 talent points

You may fly.

Alternate Flavors: Levitation, Winged


Cost: 1 talent point

When an ally falls in combat, you gain a +3 to any attack rolls made against the enemy that felled your ally.

Track Beast

Cost: 1 talent point

You may sense the locations of any beasts (creatures of a dog's size or larger, but of less than human intelligence)

Alternate Flavors: Sense Undead, Detect Humanoids

Tactical Positioning

Cost: 1 talent point

When only allies remain in melee range, you may use this ability to bring one additional enemy into melee range.

Hunt Beast

Cost: 1 talent point

Any time you make an attack against a beast, you gain a +3 bonus to the roll.

Alternate Flavors: Demon Hunter, Vampire Hunter, Undead Specialist, Mage Slayer

Fire Resistant

Cost: 1 talent point

Any time you defend against fire damage, you gain a +3 bonus to the defense roll.

Alternate Flavors: Cold Resistance, Thick Skin, Hard Scales


Cost: 2 talent points

During combat, you may move once per turn without expending an action.

Expert Dodge

Cost: 3 talent points

Once per combat round, if you fail to defend against an attack, you may roll once more and take the new result.

Alternate Flavors: Shieldmaster, Deft Parrying

Analytical Conversationalist

Cost: 1 talent point

During combat, you have a +2 bonus to offensive rolls made against targets with whom you've had a previous conversation.

Rolling Landing

Cost: 1 talent point

You do not suffer risk of injury when falling from great heights.

Alternate Flavors: Light as a Feather

Reckless Attack

Cost: 2 talent points

You may take two actions during your turn in combat. During your next turn, however, you may not take any actions at all.


Cost: 1 talent point

You are able to accurately mimic the voices of other people and the sounds of other creatures.


Cost: 1 talent point

You gain a +2 bonus to rolls made as attempts to recover from being wounded.

Spiteful Blow

Cost: 1 talent point

Any time you become wounded, you may immediately make an attack against the target that wounded you as long as you would normally be able to attack the target on your turn. (They must be in range).


Cost: 2 talent points

Once per turn, when you are attacked and successfully defend against the attack, you may immediately attack the enemy that targeted you. Your counterattack is made with a -3 penalty to the roll.

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