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Created December 26, 2017 18:22
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Beginner 2d Game Programming [JS] - 4 - Example
//more code
var candy = new Assets("candy", 'res/textures/candy.png', 30, 80)
candy.front = {
stand: candy.sheet.crop(20, 150),
step_l: candy.sheet.crop(60, 150),
step_r: candy.sheet.crop(100, 150)
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CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.myDrawImage = function (asset, _x, _y, _width, _height) {
_width = _width ? _width : asset.width
_height = _height ? _height : asset.height
this.drawImage(asset.sheet, asset.x, asset.y, asset.width, asset.height,
_x, _y, _width, _height)
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i = 0
function render() {
g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)
g.fillRect(10, 10, 50, 100)
var candy = Assets.getAssets("candy")
if (i % 12 < 4) {
g.myDrawImage(candy.front.stand, 20, 20)
} else if (i % 12 >= 4 && i % 12 < 8) {
g.myDrawImage(candy.front.step_l, 20, 20)
} else {
g.myDrawImage(candy.front.step_r, 20, 20)
//more code
define(['Class'], function (Class) {
var SpriteSheet = Class.extend({
init: function (_sheet, _swidth, _sheight) {
this.sheet = _sheet
this.swidth = _swidth
this.sheight = _sheight
SpriteSheet.prototype.crop = function (_x, _y, _width, _height) {
_width = _width ? _width : this.swidth
_height = _height ? _height : this.sheight
return {"sheet": this.sheet, x: _x, y: _y, width: _width, height: _height}
return SpriteSheet
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