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RikerW / d.txt
Created June 16, 2018 00:36
shakespeare sonnets all, punctuation and numbers removed and in one line
from fairest creatures we desire increase that thereby beauty's rose might never die but as the riper should by time decease his tender heir might bear his memory but thou contracted to thine own bright eyes feed'st thy light's flame with selfsubstantial fuel making a famine where abundance lies thy self thy foe to thy sweet self too cruel thou that art now the world's fresh ornament and only herald to the gaudy spring within thine own bud buriest thy content and tender churl mak'st waste in niggarding pity the world or else this glutton be to eat the world's due by the grave and thee. when forty winters shall besiege thy brow and dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field thy youth's proud livery so gazed on now will be a tatter'd weed of small worth held then being asked where all thy beauty lies where all the treasure of thy lusty days to say within thine own deep sunken eyes were an alleating shame and thriftless praise. how much more praise deserv'd thy beauty's use if thou couldst answer 'this fair child o
x=sum([1if i in'aeiou'else 0for i in list(n.lower())])
print'Vowels: '+`x`,'Consonants'+`len(n)-x`
# line breakdown:
n=raw_input() # get input, assign to n
1/n.isalpha() # make sure n is only letters, since 1/false evaluates to 1/0 which is an error
x=sum([1if i in'aeiou'else 0for i in list(n.lower())]) # count vowels, and yes "1if" and "0for" are valid syntax
.com Edition
007 Collector's Edition (James Bond)
007 50th Anniversary Edition (James Bond)
1. F.C. Köln Edition
1,000,000 Edition
3D New York Edition
30th Anniversary Edition
40th Anniversary Edition
40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition

These are the things necessary to compile dNAO, with branch devel-3.15.2:

Before you do this, comment out the line of:


in include/config.h. Then do the following:

  1. In include/color.h, change line 64 (struct re_pattern_buffer match;) to char *match.
  2. In include/system.h, comment out lines 479-480.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Moderator Flasher Userscript
// @namespace
// @version 1.0
// @description Alerts you if very scary and dangerous moderators are there
// @author The Hivemind of the TL
// @match*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
<title>Fanatic - Badge - Literature Stack Exchange</title>
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<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Literature Stack Exchange" href="/opensearch.xml">
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RikerW / reviewstalker.user.js
Last active May 14, 2017 20:30
reviewstalker for mith
// ==UserScript==
// @name Review Stalker Reloaded
// @namespace com.tuggy.nathan
// @description Reloads specified Stack Exchange review pages, opening tasks as they show up
// @include *://**
// @exclude *://**
// @include /^https?://[^\.]*\.?stackoverflow\.com/review/
// @include /^https?://[^\.]*\.?serverfault\.com/review/
// @include /^https?://[^\.]*\.?superuser\.com/review/
// @include /^https?://[^\.]*\.?askubuntu\.com/review/
git clone ~/.dnethack
cd ~/.dnethack
make install
alias dnethack="cd ~/.dnethack/dnethackdir ; ./dnethack ; cd"