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Last active November 17, 2019 01:38
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# The function to create the initial population
organism_creator = lambda : Organism([1, 16, 16, 16, 1], output='linear')
# The function we are trying to learn. numpy doesn't have tau...
true_function = lambda x : np.sin(2 * np.pi * x) #
# The loss function, mean squared error, will serve as the negative fitness
loss_function = lambda y_true, y_estimate : np.mean((y_true - y_estimate)**2)
def simulate_and_evaluate(organism, replicates=1):
Randomly generate `replicates` samples in [0,1],
use the organism to predict their corresponding value,
and return the fitness score of the organism
X = np.random.random((replicates, 1))
predictions = organism.predict(X)
loss = loss_function(true_function(X), predictions)
return -loss
# Ecosystem requires a function that maps an organism to a real number fitness
scoring_function = lambda organism : simulate_and_evaluate(organism, replicates=100)
# Create the ecosystem
ecosystem = Ecosystem(organism_creator, scoring_function,
population_size=100, holdout=0.1, mating=True)
# Save the fitness score of the best organism in each generation
best_organism_scores = [ecosystem.get_best_organism(include_reward=True)[1]]
generations = 201
for i in range(generations):
this_generation_best = ecosystem.get_best_organism(include_reward=True)
# [Visualization code omitted...]
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