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Created November 11, 2019 15:35
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# Set up the environment and collect the observation space and action space sizes
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
observation_space = env.observation_space.shape[0]
action_space = env.action_space.n
# The function for creating the initial population
organism_creator = lambda : Organism([observation_space, 16, 16, 16, action_space], output='softmax')
def simulate_and_evaluate(organism, trials=1):
Run the environment `trials` times, using the organism as the agent
Return the average number of timesteps survived
fitness = 0
for i in range(trials):
state = env.reset() # Get the initial state
while True:
fitness += 1
action = organism.predict(state.reshape((1,-1)))
action = np.argmax(action.flatten())
state, reward, terminal, info = env.step(action)
if terminal: # break if the agent wins or loses
return fitness / trials
# Create the scoring function and build the ecosystem
scoring_function = lambda organism : simulate_and_evaluate(organism, trials=5)
ecosystem = Ecosystem(organism_creator, scoring_function,
population_size=100, holdout=0.1, mating=True)
generations = 200
for i in range(generations):
# [Visualization code omitted]
if this_generation_best[1] == 500: # Stop when an organism achieves a perfect score
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