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Last active August 3, 2019 04:45
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Zaq Quotes
Memeing with you guys seriously helps when I'm in a bad mood.\n
I need to start doing more shooters.\n
I hate the bot.\n
Zoey’s not a hooker.\n
You all are the prettiest nerds of all of everything.\n
Will you get off of my ass? I know it’s great but you don’t want this!\n
It takes a lot of stamina to mount a person.\n
It’s super hot up in here, and it’s not just my good looks.\n
It gets hotter.\n
I will discipline you more, don’t make me get the whip out!\n
You got an adorable booty.\n
You let all the juices caramelize on the breasts.\n
I love wood.\n
I'm taking this too fast\n
You are all wonderful people and I hope you achieve all your dreams.\n
I did not see the bush pole!\n
Trim your bush so people can see your pole.\n
Fuck wireless mouses!\n
It's a tight fit.\n
Whopidoo, I made a mistakeypoo.\n
Holy craps!\n
You gotta do you before you do anybody else.\n
My spirit is already free my body is in chains.\n
I dunno, I don't speak words.\n
I was trying to fool you, but then I genuinely got confused.\n
There's nothing wrong with him, he's just a fucked up person\n
I'm a dick (in a singsong voice)\n
I don’t like touching him here\n
Ow I punched myself in the face.\n
I don't want to get kidnapped, I just give opportunities for things to happen\n
He was moist chat...\n
why is there so much wood in my life?\n
I just want to climb you, come here!\n
Save me from my idiocy gahhh zaqV\n
They grow big here.\n
I got the purdiest mouth.\n
I hate that I have to pull it out\n
You think that Jay!\n
I am a murderer.\n
Capital F Capital U Capital C Capital F...err K.\n
Every single one of you are the best doofuses.\n
Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.\n
Blame Dwin.\n
There's nothing wrong with liking the color of baby poop.\n
Fuck gravity.\n
You got to look at the shape of the body and stuff.\n
Don't quote me\n
You figured out gravity and how not to fuck it.\n
What is up with your booty? Why are you so damn energetic?\n
Don't give me a hug, you weirdo\n
I'm not stabbing a bitch.\n
A rich soulful voice to make up for the lack of soul I have.\n
Xion is amazing, but he's no grillbro\n
You don't want me inspired, you want me hopeless.\n
I have a soft spot for dwarves\n
Zamy will happen\n
It’s not hard to kidnap people.\n
I’m not a gymnastics!\n
I don't get to kill people often, alright.\n
Sometimes slow jerk motions get you out of tricky situations.\n
I am but a humble derp.\n
I prefer the backside but it's up to you guys.\n
Everybody is just fondling with balls right now, it's great.\n
Calm your titties.\n
We're doing it to the Halo soundtrack.\n
To be honest, you just have to swallow, you can't chew.\n
I am a hipster!\n
Okay, we gotta get rid of Bucky.\n
I might be crazy. Whatever!\n
Andrews can i kill people?\n
You want to help plan murdering people?\n
I’m incredibly cheap!\n
There's part of me that's always like; one more. One more.\n
Did I lose?\n
When they say it's large, they aren't joking.\n
Parents are so juicy! I love them!\n
I would rather draw Zamy.\n
Oh man, I can't wait to fuck this one up.\n
This butt isn't big enough.\n
Okay now shoot her in the head, she's dead.\n
I'm a truck, beep beep.\n
I fucking run Therapy Town, alright?\n
I guess I just don't like cute things.\n
Zamy isn't dead.\n
I got two hoes.\n
Gimme your pipe, I need it!\n
Nothing wrong with some relaxing murder.\n
See Spont's smart, I'm not.\n
I like that putting that there. It's enjoyable.\n
Oy, I wanna punch you.\n
Ok it's an ass name!\n
Every time I eat kale, I taste blood.\n
It just sounds like ass…\n
I don't know why I keep punching him.\n
Where's the one that doesn't have the shit on the ass?\n
That could come into handy.\n
I have consumed paint, on accident, a lot.\n
I can't afford money.\n
I don't ever think we are gonna have more kidnappings.\n
I think I run into cars a lot more when I'm looking behind me.\n
There is always a chance to get lucky.\n
I just wanna get to the morgue.\n
Never watch Oy.\n
I'm not a door!\n
I like the hand thingy.\n
It just keeps getting longer.\n
It's very hard.\n
This is my ambulance, you've got to ask to come inside of it\n
I fucked everything.\n
He's blowing him.\n
The booty is hard to contain on this one.\n
I thought it wouldn't fit either.\n
Awww no I have syphilis!\n
10-4 you dick.\n
We'll do it in our normal spot.\n
I don't think! I just derp.\n
I changed something on the thing.\n
I fucked with a knob.\n
Since when do cars have middle names!?\n
It's always about doing it.\n
Dwin’s right.\n
Oy, I dont even know what to do with you anymore.\n
Maybe I am short…\n
I'm not used to these motions alright!\n
This is a very delicate process that requires ALL the fingers.\n
I think we need to do more morphine.\n
I'm fucking thirsty for the fucking medical calls.\n
I can control the swoosh in my hands, I can’t control the swoosh in my pants.\n
I don’t mean to say lewd things... I just do.\n
Just eat a meat pie, you'll be fine.\n
YOLO this fucking shit, alright?\n
I think I just need to get off.\n
Everything looks like butts now.\n
Let me draw asses for you!\n
Come to Zaquelle's channel and hire her for butt art.\n
I can fit this!\n
The difference between hours are the minutes.\n
Might as well not wear pants!\n
Fuck the ponytail.\n
You never wan't to wake up under somebody like this!\n
Fuck that cheese!\n
Fuck you, Top. Fuck you.\n
At some point when you are cutting the body it doesn't look good.\n
I could make it bigger but I never do.\n
It always seems to just get longer, and longer... So many people want to get in.\n
You just have to keep going at it.\n
Everybody needs to be naked!\n
Oy is cool.\n
It's VT, ofc it's sex lines.\n
He must be high on balls…\n
I just want to scoot around the pole.\n
I wanna be able to scat!\n
Are we doing it in the parking lot?\n
I can’t get off chat!\n
Strip her!\n
You wanna do the backdoor thing?\n
You guys are thirsty for relationships, I'm thirsty for death.\n
I want everything to burn.\n
It hurts in a good way.\n
Human skin isn’t really good for leather.\n
How do you want me to wiggle this?\n
Still on the D, fack.\n
When in doubt, sing it out!\n
Multiplayer is why I play games , unless they are single player…\n
I'm not a Wizard... oh wait yes I am.\n
Imma do me\n
I'm touching things!\n
Where the hell is Xion?\n
I gotta stop breathing…\n
I can read... sometimes... one the week-end…\n
I'm an inpatient buttface.\n
Mistakes make the beauty.\n
Oh, there's a bunch of jizz over here.\n
Once you start feeling invincible, you start noticing you're not invincible.\n
Dwin is smarter than me.\n
Bushpoles have gotten me many times.\n
I die from grapes.\n
Game, please tell me what to do.\n
I forgot about water.\n
After that pun I just want to kill some innocent monster.\n
No I want to kill things.\n
I die a lot because I con't care about dying.\n
Thank god Amy is dead.\n
I love to argue.\n
We're all gonna do a conjugal visit together.\n
Shia LaBeouf is a fucking liar!\n
Look, I need to touch the bodies.\n
Imagine if we chased tail in everything.\n
I wanna stab people!\n
Chat is stupid.\n
I wanna find prostitutes.\n
Everything is so delicate! And I'm just a ... wrecker.\n
He's bald but he also has hair... this is weird.\n
Fuffles... what is that?!?!\n
W00ter you idiot!\n
Once you turn yourself off, you can't turn yourself on again.\n
I’m normal.\n
Swing the butt a little bit.\n
Love needs to die!\n
That's a sexy line.\n
We're all potatoes. We all po-tate.\n
I can wead.\n
You don't put memes in titles, because then they become un-memes.\n
I don’t understand rich people.\n
Nobody wears underwear.\n
I miss killing people.\n
Anything can be a porno... anything.\n
I'm pretty much a ginormous baby.\n
Holding in your sneeze will make your brain explode. It's science.\n
Butts are consistently close to poop.\n
Shut up Oy and Dwin.\n
Pixel you're so fucking thirsty, jesus christ!\n
It's as cool as dead ice cubes, because all ice cubes are dead.\n
Look at me, look at me... Well you can't see me, so look... look at my voice\n
I like pens that have a thicker tip.\n
Just stick my finger inside this?!\n
I'm just going to start licking all the toilet seats.\n
I lived in Oakland before it was cool.\n
I hate pants with a passion.\n
I don't wanna wear clothes anymore.\n
Theoretically, this boss is super easy... Just don't get caught.\n
I wanna eat peoples brains.\n
Turn that frown upside down because you're amazing!!\n
Santa probably gets peed on.\n
You're never gonna get the taste of asshole out of your mouth, it's just not gonna happen.\n
Sometimes you have a lot of force and then the whole thing goes inside…\n
History is nice, but I don't get it.\n
I just cuck you guys all the time.\n
Our missions is to pit everybody in the ambulance.\n
It's just a corpse.... dead bodies don't mean anything.\n
I’m a responsible parent.\n
Being cool and looking cool are two different things.\n
I don't think Classy lifts.\n
Let’s all just vote for butts! Why not!?\n
This doesn't sound like a hobo font.\n
Why are all the d’s weird, some are smaller than the others.\n
What's the point of these thermalstats? Do they give me... stats?\n
I was a Fucking God on the Bicycle, no one got close.\n
Look at these curves.\n
I'm not gonna lie, chat might die.\n
Of course Struttin likes BBC. He's lewd as fuck.\n
Who knew Turdnugget would be w00ter?\n
I can't bum rush him!\n
Chat you are the only thing good in my life right now…\n
Chat is dead…\n
Why do they put so many trees in the forest?!?\n
I'm having difficulties keeping my rod up.\n
How am I smelly already, what the hell?\n
I got your hat, now I got your head.\n
I forgot Stealth Kill kills people.\n
We put down bunnies here!\n
She's singing with the turkey leg!\n
I don't know, I'm just saying shit.\n
That's what I get for being so easy.\n
I think nature gave me a bitch slap…\n
I had no idea there was a big gaping hole.\n
I am very bad at everything alright.\n
Why does it look like i’m chasing butts all the time?\n
Sticky things suck.\n
Glitter bombs are worse than real bombs.\n
I don't listen to the tutorial because I already kinda.., No I don't. That's a lie. I don't know what I'm doing.\n
We are always a smelly butthead, it’s what we do.\n
Don't wait for me to pull out ma'am.\n
Man, I stink.\n
Cocaine is a healthy snack for anyone.\n
I ain't about that solo yolo life.\n
Zaquelle : w00terDab\n
No one got hurt... except civilians.\n
I didn't think we would kill this many people this fast.\n
I'm a real gamer, I play mobile games!\n
I'm an expert Role Player.\n
I make references that I don't even understand, I just say shit. That's how my brain opurates.\n
Having something plastered against your face is SO much better.\n
A lot of things can be said, it doesn't mean it's true.\n
I'm a very wise person.\n
I get it, it's a reference!\n
Welcome to war, son. Where death is served in the morning.\n
I AM an elite soldier!\n
Ever feel like you hit everything but the thing you are aiming at?\n
Why does it always bounce up and down?\n
This is why I liked casual mode... it was so much easier.\n
I'm an useless piece of organic matter.\n
Nothing good comes from a lab.\n
Everybody kind of looks the same if you take away all the differences.\n
Am I just killing household pets?\n
Can I probe Earth?\n
Cults are fun!\n
I'm sad we don't look like a butthole anymore.\n
Friendzone is best zone.\n
You know what? I really suck at games.\n
That was a weird jerk of the wrist…\n
I didn't go to math school!\n
My eyes feel so good when they close.\n
Thanos is a good guy if you don't look at him.\n
That’s a good looking foot!\n
I'm a lurker unless I'm talking.\n
Thank god we have probing.\n
I don't wanna see everybodies pooper!\n
My name is Zaq, I fuck shit up all the time.\n
I don't know where I'm going…\n
Can I revive a cone?\n
The D just sits really nicely in there.\n
Sometimes you just get rammed.\n
The nips are already out, what are you talking about?!\n
Dab on the haters. Dab.\n
I'm fucking blind!\n
How are you guys smelling me through the internet!\n
I should stop saying things.\n
Who knew balls were so mesmerizing when they are falling down a very narrow valley.\n
I don't care. It's meat.\n
I’m a person that just likes seeing skulls explode.... i’m sorry.\n
Why am I just randomly grunting!?\n
He fucking gave it to me.\n
I smell your butt from 7 miles away.\n
I think I have poop on me.\n
It’s like going for tongue and then someone throws up on you.\n
Fuck science!\n
I am triggered by romance\n
I live at home.\n
I retract that “fuck you”.\n
A little bit of dying never hurt anybody. It's just the death part that hurts.\n
I'm awake but i'm also dying inside.\n
I love you, but fuck you!\n
Wait, shit, I'm the short one!\n
Do I not exist!?!\n
I'm trying to think but I took pain medication. For some reason all I can think of is bumblebees.\n
I'm not high on ibuprofen but I can't feel my head anymore.\n
... and then I was shaking my butt a lot.\n
I love the destructive nature of fire, it’s so good.\n
Welcome to the ZaqPaq where everything is weird and nothing makes sense.\n
I just wanna sniff people, what's wrong with that?\n
Hiss at -- wait I'm not a cat. GRR! Grr at them!\n
You think I go to the sex shop all the time?!?\n
You guys fucking introduced me to crack.\n
I'm getting confused just going straight.\n
I look ridiculous.\n
What is going on in chat??\n
Shut the fuck up and keep rollin.\n
Maybe i'm just filled with hate.\n
Can I just be a dog?\n
I always want a cat butt on my mixer.\n
Look I get curious and then I decide to go deeper than I should and then I drown.\n
I was going to play Hayes today but....\n
Why can't you just be useful? (directed at Oy)\n
I got yo hoe\n
I have no room in my pants!\n
Support your hoe.\n
I'm good at murdering bunnies.\n
I love being disappointed, really.\n
This is baby making music.\n
I just want one thing in life... bite somebody.\n
I'm sure if you tried hard enough you could milk anything... You can extract the juices of the thing that's for sure.\n
Why did I mod you again? (about Dwin)\n
I'm just full of internal hate.\n
I love you, you derps.\n
I’m playing at 69, fuck that.\n
I just like the fact that everyone dies.\n
I don't like living floors.\n
Everybody loves some noods.\n
Look Zoeys penis was beautifully created.\n
I feel like I’m saying “dick” all the time.\n
Birds and the bees, go talk to your mom.\n
I was very distracted by Simple Plan.\n
You know what? Sometimes we're all just fucked up autobiographies.\n
Fuck my face.\n
Mother fucker! Nobody got hurt...\n
Okay, I am American now. PepeHands\n
You continue to be on my ass, can you stop being on my ass please?\n
I will turn you into a fuzzy rug!\n
I'm gonna spit out lyrics.\n
Man doors are so much easier to open when you throw people through them.\n
Hey Zaq wanna look at your own butt? Here ya go.\n
Instructions? I read them... but I didn’t read them though.\n
I love it when they land face down ass up.\n
It's sad it's not the first pole Zoey has worked.\n
My cheeks hurt now... Why did I drink apple juice.\n
The tightest option isnt always the best one.\n
I’m leaving my hoes at home.\n
Fuck you Tahhp for being right!\n
I’m trying to say no to cannibalism.\n
I like my throat moist.\n
Ok, we are gonna go do drugs!\n
There is being an asshole and then wearing someone’s skin as an asshole.\n
Who doesn't love brown holes and going down them.\n
I just want to be mean to everybody.\n
If I was a detective, I could detect things.\n
I need to stop swearing…\n
I just killed a man with my words.\n
This is what I get for listening to Racquel.\n
My nibs are fine.\n
I wanna ride the moist shutter man....\n
Slow down so they don’t fuck you.\n
I mostly do 2 probies at a time.\n
I wanna know what Elmo thinks about the incest.\n
You can own people.\n
It get's absurdly big at some point!\n
I mean, the general rule is back dat ass up.\n
I believed in you. I knew you were going to be able to fit it in.\n
I'm getting old.\n
Zaq doesn't know that the fuck she's doing.\n
I really want to be able to bite a butt today.\n
I’m just an old lady. 👵\n
Chat just likes tentacles.\n
I can't do sincerity anymore, i'm a broken human being.\n
I'm ready to die today.\n
Is that a wiener riding a banana?\n
Ahh man im gonna get hepatitis.\n
We made another person feel bad. FUCK YEAH!\n
Can you overdose on birth control?\n
Listen, my ambo is thicker and I stick it in tight places all the time.\n
I’m fucking addicted to RP... all the time.\n
I'm scared of ASMR.\n
Isn't the back view the most important part?\n
I am Zoey.... oh my god.\n
Wait.... that goes inside of him.\n
Some time you have to make less progress to make more progress.\n
Ohhh we have to go in between his legs…\n
I got to wear booty shorts today, so that's nice.\n
I'm having too much fun with my body.\n
So I concentrated on the meaty cylinder.\n
I am the choo choo train to the booty house\n
Yeah, i'm the fastest pee-er in the goddamn west.\n
I'm not disrespecting your mouse, but it's shit!\n
I don't like it when it's easy.\n
We are gonna do this hot and fast..\n
I did the baby a favour by shooting it in the face.\n
Let's go to your murder shack.\n
I don’t think our butt is going to make clapping sounds.\n
There is an explosion on my ass, I can feel the wind on it.\n
I'm not gonna kill him Mark! I can parent!\n
I don't wanna talk about the Cheetos sandwich!\n
Skeeter that's a shotgun!\n
Wait do I shoot it first or do I pee on it first?\n
Why would you want a raccoon on your junk?\n
...then it’s like this thing in your mouth and you just gotta accept it.\n
Just because I sell lube doesn't mean anything!\n
I’m done with him talking about his balls!\n
Get the fuck out Kilil.\n
Look we only do balls here.\n
Well.... that was my baderino…\n
Everything is flesh.\n
Question --- What's a spliff? What does that mean?\n
I went too duhduhduh too hard. zaqPbt\n
Look, everyone just wants to find a waifu.\n
I am old…\n
You’re just eating gummi bear head and calling it a day?\n
The weiner doodle has a weiner.\n
Everybody bows to Hayes.\n
I just like bossing people around!\n
Ok, I am an RP nerd.\n
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