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Last active February 9, 2022 20:50
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Match Detail Changes
- gameStartTimestamp in addition to gameCreation
- champion kill counts
- baronKills (int)
- bountyLevel (int)
- champExperience (int)
- championName (string)
- championTransform (int) - 0 None, 1 Slayer, 2 Assassin
- consumablesPurchased (int)
- firstBloodAssist (bool) - fixed
- gameEndedInEarlySurrender (bool)
- gameEndedInSurrender (bool)
- individualPosition (string) - see description below
- itemsPurchased (int)
- neutralMinionsKilledTeamJungle (removed)
- neutralMinionsKilledEnemyJungle (removed)
- nexusKills (int)
- objectivesStolen (int)
- objectivesStolenAssists (int)
- perks (obj) - reworked
- riotIdName (string)
- riotIdTagline (string)
- spell1Casts (int)
- spell1Id (int)
- spell2Casts (int)
- spell2Id (int)
- spell3Casts (int)
- spell4Casts (int)
- summoner1Casts (int)
- summoner2Casts (int)
- teamEarlySurrendered (bool)
- teamPosition (string) - see description below
- timePlayed (int)
- totalHealsOnTeammates (int)
- totalDamageShieldedOnTeammates (int)
- totalTimeCCDealt (int)
- totalTimeSpentDead (int)
individualPosition vs teamPosition
Both individualPosition and teamPosition are computed by the game server and are different versions of the most likely position played by a player.
The individualPosition is the best guess for which position the player actually played in isolation of anything else
The teamPosition is the best guess for which position the player actually played if we add the constraint that each team must have one top player, one jungle, one middle, etc.
Generally the recommendation is to use the teamPosition field for things relating to which position the player actually played.
Match Timeline
participant frames (new fields)
- championStats (obj)
- damageStats (obj)
- goldPerSecond (int)
- timeEnemySpentControlled (int)
- CHAMPION_KILL (new fields)
- bounty (int)
- killStreakLength (int)
- victimDamageDealt (obj)
- victimDamageReceived (obj)
- ELITE_MONSTER_KILL (new fields)
- killerTeamId (int)
"killType": "KILL_FIRST_BLOOD",
"killerId": 1,
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"timestamp": 0,
"killerId": 0,
"laneType": "MID_LANE",
"position": {
"x": 8955,
"y": 8510
"teamId": 100,
"timestamp": 0,
- LEVEL_UP (new)
"level": 2,
"participantId": 1,
"timestamp": 0,
"type": "LEVEL_UP"
"realTimestamp": 0000000000000,
"timestamp": 0,
"type": "PAUSE_END"
- PAUSE_END (new)
- GAME_END (new)
"gameId": 0000000000,
"realTimestamp": 0000000000000,
"timestamp": 0,
"type": "GAME_END",
"winningTeam": 100
"participantId": 1,
"timestamp": 0,
"transformType": "ASSASSIN",
"name": "Infernal",
"teamId": 100,
"timestamp": 0,
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