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Last active August 9, 2022 08:27
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Save Ripley6811/b4d0011dd5a584142360 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add non-ASCII text as images to jsPDF. Use for Chinese characters and more. If canvas can draw it, then it can be added to jsPDF.
* Prints a line of non-ASCII text as a series of images.
* All doc.text methods can be replaced with this method.
* Works like doc.text but requires a fontsize (default is 10).
* Add function to jsPDF instance (do not overwrite doc.text):
* var doc = new jsPDF();
* doc.alttext = nonASCIItext;
* @param {Number} x Horizontal placement
* @param {Number} y Vertical placement
* @param {String} ch_string Non-ASCII string to add as an image
* @param {Number} fontsize Similar sizing as doc.setFontSize()
function nonASCIItext(x, y, ch_string, fontsize) {
if (ch_string === null) return;
// Test if there is non-ASCII characters in string
var hasNonASCII = false,
defaultFontSize = 10;
for (var i=0; i<ch_string.length; i++) {
if (ch_string.charCodeAt(i) > 128) {
hasNonASCII = true;
// If all chars are "ASCII" then use built-in doc.text function
if (hasNonASCII === false) {
if (fontsize) this.setFontSize(fontsize);
this.text(x, y, ch_string);
* Create temp canvas and ctx once and store on doc object
if (this.charCtx === undefined) {
// Canvas & ctx settings
var background = "#fff",
foreground = "#000",
font = "bold 150px PMingLiU",
width = '150'; // Height default is 150
this.charCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.charCanvas.width = width;
this.charCtx = this.charCanvas.getContext('2d');
this.charCtx.font = font;
this.charCtx.clear = function () {
// Clear content using background color
this.fillStyle = background;
this.fillStyle = foreground;
// Convenience and iter tracking vars for loop
var ctx = this.charCtx,
xi = x,
width = this.charCanvas.width,
scale = (fontsize || defaultFontSize) / 450;
// Make image for each character and add to document
for (var i=0; i<ch_string.length; i++) {
ctx.fillText(ch_string.charAt(i), 0, 120); // Draw character
this.charCanvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0), // 1.0 highest quality,
xi, y-width*scale*.9, // Offset
width*scale, width*scale // Sizing
xi = xi + ctx.measureText(ch_string.charAt(i)).width*scale*1.1; // 1.1 for a little extra space
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