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Last active December 19, 2022 11:46
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Tiny lambda calculus extended with Fix combinators, unit, pair, and sum values
-- One argument operations with strict evaluation strategy
inductive UnOp : Type :=
| ufst : UnOp -- first element of the pair
| usnd : UnOp -- second element of the pair
| umkl : UnOp -- left constructor of either type
| umkr : UnOp -- right constructor of either type
deriving DecidableEq
open UnOp
-- Two argument operations with strict evaluation strategy
inductive BinOp : Type :=
| bapp : BinOp -- λ-application
| bmkp : BinOp -- pair constructor
deriving DecidableEq
open BinOp
-- Type family of expressions indexed by size of external context
inductive Expr : Nat → Type :=
| evar (m : Nat) (_: m < n) : Expr n -- de-brujin indexed variable
| emku (n : Nat) : Expr n -- element of the unit type
| euop (u : UnOp) (e : Expr n) : Expr n -- unary operation
| ebop (b : BinOp) (e₁ e₂ : Expr n) : Expr n -- binary operation
| eabs (e : Expr (n + 1)) : Expr n -- λ-abstraction
| elet (e₁ : Expr n) (e₂ : Expr (n + 1)) : Expr n -- let e₁ in e₂ (e₂ can refer to e₁ with evar)
| ecas (e : Expr n) (e₁ e₂ : Expr (n + 1)) : Expr n -- case statement on sum type (encoded as two lambdas)
| efix (e : Expr (n + 1)) : Expr n -- fix combinator
deriving DecidableEq
open Expr
-- Cast `Expr n` to `Expr m` provided that `n = m`
def Expr.castEq (e : Expr n) (h : n = m) : Expr m := cast (congrArg Expr h) e
-- Left-extend `Expr n` to `Expr (n + 1)`
def Expr.leftExtend (e : Expr n) : Expr (n + 1) :=
match e with
| evar m m_lt_n => evar m (Nat.lt_trans m_lt_n (Nat.lt_succ_self n))
| emku _ => emku (n + 1)
| euop u e => euop u (e.leftExtend)
| ebop b e₁ e₂ => ebop b (e₁.leftExtend) (e₂.leftExtend)
| eabs e => eabs (e.leftExtend)
| elet e₁ e₂ => elet (e₁.leftExtend) (e₂.leftExtend)
| ecas e e₁ e₂ => ecas (e.leftExtend) (e₁.leftExtend) (e₂.leftExtend)
| efix e => efix (e.leftExtend)
-- Some expressions that have reached final state are values
inductive Value : Expr 0 → Prop :=
| vmku : Value (emku 0) -- unit-type elements are values
| vmkp : Value e₁ → Value e₂ → Value (ebop bmkp e₁ e₂) -- pairs are values
| vmkl : Value e → Value (euop umkl e) -- left sum type constructors are values
| vmkr : Value e → Value (euop umkr e) -- right sum type constructors are values
| vabs : Value (eabs e) -- all functions are values
-- Decide if expression is a value
def Expr.decideIsValue (e : Expr 0) : Decidable (Value e) :=
match e with
| evar m m_lt_n => isFalse (by intro h; cases h)
| emku _ => isTrue Value.vmku
| euop u e => match Expr.decideIsValue e with
| isTrue h =>
match u with
| umkl => isTrue (Value.vmkl h)
| umkr => isTrue (Value.vmkr h)
| ufst => isFalse (by intro h; contradiction)
| usnd => isFalse (by intro h; contradiction)
| isFalse h => isFalse (by intro h; cases h; repeat {contradiction})
| ebop b e₁ e₂ => match Expr.decideIsValue e₁ with
| isTrue h₁ =>
match Expr.decideIsValue e₂ with
| isTrue h₂ =>
match b with
| bapp => isFalse (by intro h; contradiction)
| bmkp => isTrue (Value.vmkp h₁ h₂)
| isFalse h₂ => isFalse (by intro h; cases h; repeat {contradiction})
| isFalse h₂ => isFalse (by intro h; cases h; repeat {contradiction})
| eabs e => isTrue Value.vabs
| elet e₁ e₂ => isFalse (by intro h; cases h)
| ecas e e₁ e₂ => isFalse (by intro h; cases h)
| efix e => isFalse (by intro h; cases h)
-- Derive decidable instance using decideIsValue method
instance Expr.isValueDec (e : Expr 0) : Decidable (Value e) := Expr.decideIsValue e
-- Perform substitution
def Expr.subst (e₁ : Expr (n + 1)) (e₂ : Expr n) : Expr n :=
match e₁ with
| evar m m_lt_n => if h : m = n then e₂ else evar m (Nat.lt_of_le_of_ne (Nat.le_of_lt_succ m_lt_n) h)
| emku _ => emku n
| euop u e => euop u (e.subst e₂)
| ebop b e₁₁ e₁₂ => ebop b (e₁₁.subst e₂) (e₁₂.subst e₂)
| eabs e₁ => eabs (e₁.subst e₂.leftExtend)
| elet e₁₁ e₁₂ => elet (e₁₁.subst e₂) (e₁₂.subst e₂.leftExtend)
| ecas e₁ e₁₁ e₁₂ => ecas (e₁.subst e₂) (e₁₁.subst e₂.leftExtend) (e₁₂.subst e₂.leftExtend)
| efix e₁ => efix (e₁.subst e₂.leftExtend)
-- Small-step semantics for Expr
inductive SmallStep : Expr 0 → Expr 0 → Prop
| uopNext : SmallStep e e' → SmallStep (euop u e) (euop u e')
| bopLeft : SmallStep e₁ e₁' → SmallStep (ebop b e₁ e₂) (ebop b e₁' e₂)
| bopRight : Value e₁ → SmallStep e₂ e₂' → SmallStep (ebop b e₁ e₂) (ebop b e₁ e₂')
| appApply : Value (eabs e₁) → Value e₂ → SmallStep (ebop bapp (eabs e₁) e₂) (e₁.subst e₂)
| letLeft : SmallStep e₁ e₁' → SmallStep (elet e₁ e₂) (elet e₁' e₂)
| letApply : Value e₁ → SmallStep (elet e₁ e₂) (e₂.subst e₁)
| fstApply : Value (ebop bmkp e₁ e₂) → SmallStep (euop ufst (ebop bmkp e₁ e₂)) e₁
| sndApply : Value (ebop bmkp e₁ e₂) → SmallStep (euop usnd (ebop bmkp e₁ e₂)) e₂
| casNext : SmallStep e e' → SmallStep (ecas e e₁ e₂) (ecas e' e₁ e₂)
| casFst : Value (euop umkl e) → SmallStep (ecas (euop umkl e) e₁ e₂) (e₁.subst e)
| casSnd : Value (euop umkr e) → SmallStep (ecas (euop umkr e) e₁ e₂) (e₂.subst e)
| fixApply : SmallStep (efix e) (e.subst (efix e))
-- Value e implies termination of e
theorem Value.noStep {e : Expr 0} (e' : Expr 0) (v : Value e) : ¬SmallStep e e' := by
intro h
cases v with
| vmku => cases h
| @vmkp e₁ e₂ v₁ v₂ => cases h with
| @bopLeft _ e₁' _ _ s => exact (Value.noStep e₁' v₁) s
| @bopRight _ _ e₂' _ _ s => exact (Value.noStep e₂' v₂) s
| @vmkl e v' => cases h with
| @uopNext _ e₂ _ s => exact (Value.noStep e₂ v') s
| @vmkr e v' => cases h with
| @uopNext _ e₂ _ s => exact (Value.noStep e₂ v') s
| vabs => cases h
-- Small step implies not being a value
theorem SmallStep.noValue {e e' : Expr 0} (s : SmallStep e e') : ¬Value e := by
intro h; exact (Value.noStep e' h) s
-- Executable small-step semantics
def Expr.step : Expr 0 → Option (Expr 0)
| evar m m_lt_n => ((Nat.not_lt_zero m) m_lt_n).elim
| emku _ => Option.none
| euop u e => if Value e then
match u with
| ufst =>
match e with
| ebop bmkp e₁ _ => Option.some e₁
| _ => Option.none
| usnd =>
match e with
| ebop bmkp _ e₂ => Option.some e₂
| _ => Option.none
| umkl => Option.none
| umkr => Option.none
else (λ e' => euop u e')
| ebop b e₁ e₂ => if Value e₁ then
if Value e₂ then
match b with
| bapp =>
match e₁ with
| eabs e₁' => Option.some (e₁'.subst e₂)
| _ => Option.none
| bmkp => Option.none
else e₂ (λ e₂' => ebop b e₁ e₂')
else e₁ (λ e₁' => ebop b e₁' e₂)
| eabs _ => Option.none
| elet e₁ e₂ => if Value e₁ then Option.some (e₂.subst e₁) else e₁ (λ e₁ => elet e₁ e₂)
| ecas e e₁ e₂ => if Value e then
match e with
| euop umkl e => Option.some (e₁.subst e)
| euop umkr e => Option.some (e₂.subst e)
| _ => Option.none
else (λ e => ecas e e₁ e₂)
| efix e => Option.some (e.subst (efix e))
-- If Expr.step steps, SmallStep also will
theorem Expr.small_step_of_step {e e' : Expr 0} (h : Expr.step e = Option.some e') : SmallStep e e' := by
unfold Expr.step at h
unfold at h
cases e with
| evar m m_lt_n => exact ((Nat.not_lt_zero m) m_lt_n).elim
| emku _ => simp [*] at h
| euop u e =>
cases e.isValueDec with
| isTrue h₁ =>
cases u with
| ufst =>
cases e with
| ebop b e₁ e₂ =>
cases b with
| bmkp => simp [*] at h; rw [←h]; exact SmallStep.fstApply h₁
| _ => simp [*] at h
| _ => simp [*] at h
| usnd =>
cases e with
| ebop b e₁ e₂ =>
cases b with
| bmkp => simp [*] at h; rw [←h]; exact SmallStep.sndApply h₁
| _ => simp [*] at h
| _ => simp [*] at h
| umkl => simp [*] at h
| umkr => simp [*] at h
| isFalse h₁ =>
simp [*] at h
cases h₂ : step e with
| some e' => simp [*] at h; rw [←h]; exact SmallStep.uopNext (Expr.small_step_of_step h₂)
| none => simp [*] at h
| ebop b e₁ e₂ =>
cases e₁.isValueDec with
| isTrue h₁ =>
cases e₂.isValueDec with
| isTrue h₂ =>
cases b with
| bapp =>
simp [*] at h
cases h₁' : e₁ with
| eabs e₁' => rw [h₁'] at h; simp [*] at h; rw [←h]; rw [h₁'] at h₁; exact SmallStep.appApply h₁ h₂
| _ => simp [*] at h
| bmkp => simp [*] at h
| isFalse h₂ =>
simp [*] at h;
cases h'' : step e₂ with
| some e₂' =>
rw [h''] at h; simp [*] at h; rw [←h]
exact SmallStep.bopRight h₁ (Expr.small_step_of_step h'')
| none => simp [*] at h
| isFalse h₁ =>
simp [*] at h
cases h'' : step e₁ with
| some e₁' =>
rw [h''] at h; simp [*] at h; rw [←h]
exact SmallStep.bopLeft (Expr.small_step_of_step h'')
| none => simp [*] at h
| eabs e' => simp [*] at h
| elet e₁ e₂ =>
simp at h
cases e₁.isValueDec with
| isTrue h₁ => simp [*] at h; rw [←h]; exact SmallStep.letApply h₁
| isFalse h₁ =>
simp [*] at h;
cases h'' : step e₁ with
| some e₁' =>
rw [h''] at h; simp [*] at h; rw [←h]
exact SmallStep.letLeft (Expr.small_step_of_step h'')
| none => simp [*] at h
| ecas e e₁ e₂ =>
cases e.isValueDec with
| isTrue h' =>
cases e with
| euop u e' =>
cases u with
| umkl => simp [*] at h; rw [←h]; exact SmallStep.casFst h'
| umkr => simp [*] at h; rw [←h]; exact SmallStep.casSnd h'
| _ => simp [*] at h
| _ => simp [*] at h
| isFalse h' =>
simp [*] at h
cases h'' : step e with
| some e' => simp [*] at h; rw [←h]; exact SmallStep.casNext (Expr.small_step_of_step h'')
| none => simp [*] at h
| efix e => simp [*] at h; rw [←h]; exact SmallStep.fixApply
-- If SmallStep steps, Expr.step also will
theorem Expr.step_of_small_step {e e' : Expr 0} (h : SmallStep e e') : (Expr.step e = Option.some e') := by
unfold Expr.step
cases h with
| @uopNext e e' u s =>
let h := Expr.step_of_small_step s
let h' := s.noValue
simp [*]
| @bopLeft e₁ e₁' b e₂ s₁ =>
let h' := s₁.noValue
simp [*]
rw [Expr.step_of_small_step s₁]
| @bopRight e₁ e₂ e₂' b v₁ s₂ =>
let h := Expr.step_of_small_step s₂
let h' := s₂.noValue
simp [*]
| @appApply => simp [*]
| @letLeft e₁ e₁' e₂ s₁ =>
let h := Expr.step_of_small_step s₁
let h' := s₁.noValue
simp [*]
| @letApply => simp [*]
| @fstApply => simp [*]
| @sndApply => simp [*]
| @casNext e e' e₁ e₂ s =>
let h := Expr.step_of_small_step s
let h' := s.noValue
simp [*]
| @casFst => simp [*]
| @casSnd => simp [*]
| @fixApply => simp [*]
-- Two-way theorem that sums up two theorems above - Expr.step only steps when SmallStep does
theorem Expr.step_is_small_step : SmallStep e e' ↔ Expr.step e = Option.some e' := by
apply Iff.intro
exact Expr.step_of_small_step
exact Expr.small_step_of_step
-- Small step is, in fact, determenistic
theorem SmallStep.deterministic : SmallStep e e₁ → SmallStep e e₂ → e₁ = e₂ := by
intro s₁ s₂
rw [@Expr.step_is_small_step e e₁] at s₁
rw [@Expr.step_is_small_step e e₂, s₁] at s₂
simp at s₂
exact s₂
-- We can actually decide SmallStep relation
instance SmallStep.decidable (e e' : Expr 0) : Decidable (SmallStep e e') :=
if h : e' = e.step
then isTrue (Expr.small_step_of_step (Eq.symm h))
else isFalse (by
rw [Expr.step_is_small_step]
intro h'
let h'' := Eq.symm h'
exact h h'')
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