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Forked from Octachron/
Created February 19, 2018 14:16
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type scalar = float
type 'a one = [`one of 'a]
type 'a z = [`zero of 'a]
type 'a two = [`two of 'a]
type 'a three = [`three of 'a]
type 'a four = [`three of 'a]
let map2 f x y = Array.init (min (Array.length x) (Array.length y))
(fun n -> f x.(n) y.(n))
type ('a,'b,'c) any =
[< `zero of 'b & 'a | `one of 'b & 'a | `two of 'b & 'a] as 'c
type ('a, 'b,'c, 'parameters) product =
[<`zero of 'b & (* scalar broadcasting *)
[< `zero of 'c & 'p1 z
| `one of 'c & 'p1 one
| `two of 'c & 'p1 two]
| `one of 'b &
[< `zero of 'c & 'p1 one
| `one of 'c & 'p1 one
| `two of 'c & 'p1 one]
| `two of 'b &
[< `zero of 'c & 'p1 two
| `one of 'c & 'p1 one
| `two of 'c & 'p1 two]
] as 'a
constraint 'parameters = 'p1 * 'p2 * 'p3
(** (x,y,z,_ ) product computes the rank of x * y and
put the result inside z *)
type ('a, 'b,'c, 'parameters) sum =
[<`zero of 'b & (* scalar broadcasting *)
[< `zero of 'c & 'p1 z
| `one of 'c & 'p1 one
| `two of 'c & 'p1 two]
| `one of 'b &
[< `zero of 'c & 'p1 one
| `one of 'c & 'p1 one ]
| `two of 'b &
[< `zero of 'c & 'p1 two
| `two of 'c & 'p1 two]
] as 'a
constraint 'parameters = 'p1 * 'p2 * 'p3
(** (x,y,z,_ ) sum computes the rank of x + y and
put the result inside z *)
exception Unexpected_matrix_dimension
exception Unexpected_ranks of int * int
module Phantom: sig
type (+'dim,+'rank) t
type +'x scalar = ('a, 'b z) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x vec2 = ('a two,'b one) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x vec3 = ('a three,'b one) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x vec4 = ('a four,'b one) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x mat2 = ('a two,'b two) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x mat3 = ('a three,'b two) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x mat4 = ('a four,'b two) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
val scalar: float -> _ scalar
val vec2: float -> float -> _ vec2
val vec3: float -> float -> float -> ([`one],[`three]) t
val vec4: float -> float -> float -> float -> ([`one],[`three]) t
val mat2: _ vec2 -> _ vec2 -> _ mat2
val mat3: _ vec3 -> _ vec3 -> _ vec3 -> _ mat3
val mat4: _ vec4 -> _ vec4 -> _ vec4 -> _ vec4 -> _ mat4
val (+): ('a,('rank1,'rank2,'rank3,_) sum ) t
-> ('a,'rank2) t -> ('a,'rank3) t
val ( * ) : ('dim, ('rank1, 'rank2, 'rank3, _ ) product) t
-> ('dim, 'rank2) t ->
('dim,'rank3) t
val floor: _ scalar -> int
end = struct
type (+'dim,+'rank) t = {rank:int; data: float array }
type +'x scalar = ('a, 'b z) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x vec2 = ('a two,'b one) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x vec3 = ('a three,'b one) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x vec4 = ('a four,'b one) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x mat2 = ('a two,'b two) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x mat3 = ('a three,'b two) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
type +'x mat4 = ('a four,'b two) t constraint 'x = 'a * 'b
let scalar x = { rank = 0; data = [|x|] }
let vec2 x y = {rank=1; data = [|x;y|]}
let vec3 x y z = { rank=1; data = [|x;y;z|] }
let vec4 x y z t = { rank=1; data = [|x;y;z;t|] }
let mat2 {data=a;_} {data=b;_} =
{ rank = 2; data = [| a.(0); a.(1); b.(0); b.(1) |] }
let mat3 {data=a;_} {data=b;_} {data=c; _ } =
{ rank = 2; data = [| a.(0); a.(1); a.(2);
b.(0); b.(1); b.(2);
c.(0); c.(1); c.(2) |]
let mat4 {data=a;_} {data=b;_} {data=c; _ } {data=d;_} =
{ rank = 2; data = [| a.(0); a.(1); a.(2); a.(3);
b.(0); b.(1); b.(2); b.(3);
c.(0); c.(1); c.(2); c.(3);
d.(0); d.(1); d.(2); d.(3);
let map f x = { x with data = f }
let smap f x y = map (f y
let dim a = match Array.length with
| 4 -> 2
| 9 -> 3
| 16 -> 4
| _ -> raise Unexpected_matrix_dimension
let ( * ) a b = match a.rank, b.rank with
| 0, _ -> smap ( *. ) a b
| _, 0 -> smap ( *. ) b a
| 1, 1 -> { rank=1; data = map2 ( *. ) }
| 1, 2 | 2, 1 ->
let dim = Array.length in
let a , b, s1, s2= if a.rank = 1 then,, dim, 1
else,, 1, dim in
let sum i = let s = ref 0. and ij = ref (i * s1) in
for j = 0 to dim do s:= a.(j) *. b.(!ij) +. !s; ij := s2 + !ij done;
{ rank=1; data = Array.init dim sum }
| 2, 2 ->
let dim = dim a in
let a = and b = in
let sum i j = let s = ref 0. in
for k = 0 to dim do
s:= a.(i * dim + k) *. b.(k * dim + j) +. !s done;
let data = Array.init (Array.length a)
(fun n -> sum (n / dim) (n mod dim)) in
{ rank = 2; data }
| x, y -> raise (Unexpected_ranks (x,y))
let (+) a b =
if a.rank = 0 then
smap (+.) a b
else if b.rank = 0 then
smap (+.) b a
else { a with data = Array.map2 (+.) }
let floor a = int_of_float ( )
open Phantom
let v = vec2 0. 1.
let m = mat2 v v
let x = m * m
let z = v * m
let w = vec3 0. 0. 1.
let s = scalar 0.
let w = v + vec2 1. 1.
let v' = s + v
let v'' = s * v
let v''' = v' * v''
let error = vec3 0. 0. 1. + vec2 1. 0.
let error2 = vec3 0. 0. 1. * vec2 1. 0.
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