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Last active August 3, 2021 16:23
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This is the repository containig the ricing configuration of the system. Please follow the steps of the file in the repository to get the desired effect of ricing.

i3 is one of the most popular open source software that is used for ricing. 'Ricing' basically represents customizing desktop and enables multi-tasking tiling features and so on.

To install

$ sudo apt install i3
$ sudo apt install feh thunar rofi pavucontrol arandr i3blocks compton lxappearance

Logout of the window and on the login screen, you will get a white icon depicting the i3 window manager, select that and login.

On login, you will get to choose Win or Alt keys to be your Mod key. It is preferable to use the Win key but you can use the Alt key as well.

Now, you are good to go.

Patch the i3 folder from the repository and place it in your .config folder of your home directory.

Please note that .config is a hidden folder.

Basic key bindings

Win + Enter => Opens the Terminal.

Win + Shift + Q => Terminates the ongoing process upon which the cursor is hovering.

Win + D => Opens the DMenu (An application where you can search for installed applications).

Win + H => It causes horizontal tiling. Press the keys simultanoeusly and open a new window. It gets added to the side of the existing window.

Win + V => It causes vertical tiling. Press the keys simultanoeusly and open a new window. It gets added to the bottom of the existing window.

Win + Up Arrow Key or Win + L => Shifts the focus to the window above the current window. (Applicable only when vertical tiling is done).

Win + Down Arrow Key or Win + K => Shifts the focus to the window below the current window. (Applicable only when vertical tiling is done).

Win + Left Arrow Key or Win + J => Shifts the focus to the window to the left of the current window. (Applicable only when horizontal tiling is done).

Win + Right Arrow Key or Win + ; => Shifts the focus to the window to the right of the current window. (Applicable only when horizontal tiling is done).

Win + S => Stacks the windows.

Win + E => Tiles the windows.

Win + W => Toggles the windows.

Win + F => Changes to Fullscreen mode.

Win + Shift + C => Reloads the current windows.

Win + R => Activates the resize mode. Hover over the window you want to resize and use the arrow keys to resize the windows.

Win + Shift + R => Restarts the i3 manager.

Win + Shift + Space => Floats the window and makes it draggable.

Win + Shift + X => Locks the screen.

Win + Num (1 to 0) => Opens a workspace numbered 1 to 0.

Win + Shift + Num (1 to 0) => Shifts the window upon which it is hovered to the workspace numbered 1 to 0.

Win + Shift + E => Logout of i3.

Win + T => Opens Thunar.

Win + O => Opens Rofi.

Win + P => Opens Rofi Shell mode.

These key bindings can be altered in the config file of i3.

Customizing Wallpaper and Resolution

Please change the directory to the images file given in Line 206 and 227 of config file to the image location of your respective wallpaper and lockscreen.

Lockscreen only supports .png files

$ xrandr

Copy the output and paste it in line 228 followed by exec_always. It sets the resolution of your screen and it helps in adjusting multiple monitors.

Renaming Workspaces and Assigning Applications

Workspaces can be renamed by assigning names within the inverted commas in the lines 108 to 117 of the config file.

Applications can be assigned by using the xprop command and making subsequent changes in the config files

$ xprop

Click on the application and get the class and assign it using the syntax in line 131.

Opening Applications on Boot

Use the exec_always line in the code of the config file. Example shown in line 224 and 225.

Downloading Fonts

You can download fonts and install them. For example, I have installed the Yosemite San Francisco Font in my system.

Download the font in .zip format from the link in Manual Install section of the repository.

$ cd Downloads 
$ unzip
$ cd YosemiteSanFranciscoFont-master 
$ mv *.ttf ~/.fonts/

You can now see the font already installed in lxappearance as 'SFNS Display'. Adjust the font size also. Change line 16 of config file as well to apply the font to all sectors.

Changing colour of the bar and windows

You can change the colours of the windows (both activa and inactive) by inserting hexadecimal colours in line 179 to 184.

You can also customize the bar by i3blocks (discussed later).

Installing icons and theme

You can install icon packs and themes and implement them in your system using lxappearance.

Suggested sites for downloading iconpacks and themes are:

You can even download custom cursors and implement them.

Customizing Rofi and DMenu

Rofi and DMenu are basically Application Managers.

DMenu can be customized using the code line 50 of config file

For customizing Rofi, use the following bash commands:

$ cd /usr/share/rofi/themes
$ la

It will display all the themes. Copy and paste your desired theme in line 207 and 208.


You can visit i3wm for further customization and help.

May the Source Be with you !!!

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