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Created March 11, 2018 13:32
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TypeForm Tracking in Google Analytics
/* Typform Tracking in Google Analytics. (Free Account)
* @Ritwikga
* Digishuffle
//// Create Webhook For Every New Form//////
var formId = '' // Form ID is available in the URL ({formID}/create)
var formTag = '' // Enter name for the webhook
/// Webhook & API Info ////
var webhookURL = '' //Enter the published web app URL
var APIkey = '' //Personal Token from the account settings
///Google Anlaytics Info////////
var propertyID = ''; //Google Analytics Property ID
var eventCategory = 'Form Submission';
///////// Input End ////////////////
var mp_hit = { 'v':'1' , 'tid' : propertyID, 't': 'event','ni':'1', 'cid': Math.random().toString(16), 'ec':eventCategory }
var endpoint = ""+formId+"/webhooks/"+formTag
function createWebhook()
var payload = {url : webhookURL, enabled: true}
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(endpoint,{method:'put',
headers: {Authorization: 'bearer '+APIkey},
function currentWebHook()
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(endpoint,{method:'get',headers:{Authorization: 'bearer ' + APIkey},muteHttpExceptions:true })
function deleteWebHook()
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(endpoint,{method:'delete',headers:{Authorization: 'bearer ' + APIkey},muteHttpExceptions:true })
function doPost(e)
var parsedData = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents)
var formData = parsedData['form_response']['definition']
var formTitle = formData['title'] + " ("+formData['id']+")"
mp_hit['ea'] = formTitle;
var url = ''
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {'method':'POST','payload':mp_hit})
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("Success")
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