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Last active October 8, 2015 22:24
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  • Save Riveascore/b4183b10b19dda878fb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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  • What do their navbar dropdowns look like?
  • FeePay logo and navbar links should be aligned similar to rest of page, consistent margins (take Bootstrap's .container element as an example).

Better Nav Layout:

logo link link link link link RequestDemo

Header (first image with laptop)

  • Add text shadow if none
  • Margins aren't consistent as well
  • Can't put my finger on it, but header feels a bit gross
  • Suggestion, could try blurred background image, Same content on left, mobile version of FeePay on right (within iPhone)
  • Lots of text right away is very daunting, it feels like I'm already having to work/think, a summarized list might be more welcoming rather than a paragraph

Helping Families

  • The image top takes up a lot of space, it's a good concept, but try it rotated, [Content on Left | Fade into image]
  • Testimonials look good, here's another idea to play around with, could try gray background, panel object with FeePay orange color, top with text, then white panel footer with "person name" and below it "who they are"
  • Could use stock image of person as background for testimonials. This way it feels as if someone is actually talking about their experience.

Results statistics

  • "Versatile integration", feels a bit interjected, also needs to be separated better

Our products

  • Needs to be separated better
  • Make entire product container (icon/title/description/learnMore) clickable
  • Margin on "Learn More" feels a little inconsistent (more margin-top)

Dedicated World-Class Support and Training

  • FeePay support image looks bad
  • Title, paragraph, and image spacing feels a little weird
  • There is a lot of mention of support, but no direct link in this section

FeePay Has Simplified Processes

  • Debate button text "Get Started" vs. "Contact". Using "Get Started" feels more promising, "I can start now" vs. "I have to talk to someone" (feels customer support like)".


  • Put "Administrator Support" in the middle so things align better and it is better aligned with "request demo".


  • Example of products on mobile (screenshot within iPhone 6)
  • Have we considered a "Featured In" section? (featured in New York times etc.)
  • "Simplifying your school's processes". The title feels close, but it might be a bit better if we add "FeePay" into the mix. "FeePay is helping you do xyz". There may also be room for a 2nd action that FeePay does, "FeePay is helping you do abc and xyz".
  • In general, the section containing VersatileIntegration/RealDistricts/OurProducts feel too crammed together; they don't feel separate at all.
  • Overall, too many paragraphs for a marketing site, it feels like I'm reading a novel. You could try panel or list objects lead to more expansive pages about this material. If paragraphs are necessary, make them a bit wider so they look less daunting.
  • Extra Idea, make an image or info graphic comparing what your system will look like compared to how it likely looked before. complex system of nodes, vs. 3-4 connections when using FeePay
  • Titles for each section: instead of just taglines and nouns, try statements that help the reader envision that they're doing something.
  • Analyze "simplifying your school's __" vs. "Simplify your school's __". The first one does feel like we're already doing it, which brings comfort, but the 2nd one makes the user feel excited about doing that thing: "Oh, I can simplify my school's __"
  • "Get Started" feels more welcoming than "Request a demo", making a request sounds like it will be a while before I can actually start
  • "HOW IT WORKS" button in the top header doesn't make sense.
  • I do like the capitalized text within buttons.
  • You're using white, light gray, and dark gray sections, but there's not enough variance. Try adding at least one more color such as FeePay orange as the background color for a section.
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