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Last active November 26, 2019 16:26
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var files = req.files;
var promisarr = [];//initialize promises array
function multiplefiles3(resobj) {
var params = {
Bucket: "******",
Key: resobj.originalname,
Body: resobj.buffer
return s3bucket.upload(params).promise();
var uploadsize = 0; => {
uploadsize = uploadsize + file.size;
promisarr.push(multiplefiles3(file));//push individual promises to that array , i'll refer them as child promises
Promise.all(promisarr)//evoke Promise.all() function , i'll refer this as parent promise
.then(result => {
//this result is a array of objects from the fulfiled promise
.catch(err => console.log(err));//if any of those promises get reject this whole promise will be rejected
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