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Last active January 17, 2024 10:46
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  • Save Rmanaf/18e0e4730c68dd46b2562851357384d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Rmanaf/18e0e4730c68dd46b2562851357384d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This JavaScript code is designed to scrape data from a Google Scholar profile page and calculate various research indices for a researcher.
* This JavaScript code is designed to scrape data from a Google Scholar profile page and calculate
* various research indices for a researcher. It extracts information such as publication years,
* citations, and the h-index, and then computes several research metrics, including the R-index,
* A-index, G-index, M-index, E-index, AR-index, and HG-index. The code also provides statistics
* about the researcher's publications, total citations, h-core citations, and more.
* ** Usage: **
* 1. First, locate the Google Scholar profile page of the researcher you want to analyze.
* 2. Ensure that you load and expand the list of articles all the way down on the profile page.
* 3. Copy the code provided here.
* 4. Open your browser's developer console:
* - On Windows (Google Chrome), you can press F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I to access the console.
* - On macOS (Google Chrome), you can press Cmd + Option + I to access the console.
* 5. Paste the code into the console, and press Enter to run it.
* ** Considerations: **
* 1. To ensure accurate results, make sure you have expanded the list of articles on the profile page
* to access all the researcher's publications. The code relies on having access to all articles to
* work correctly.
* 2. The code may not consider articles with undeclared years or citations in the calculations.
* 3. In some cases, the code may encounter profiles with h-index values that are less than the
* actual h-index. This could be due to variations in Google Scholar data presentation.
* ** References: **
* 1. [The R- and AR-indices: Complementing the h-index](
* 2. [Scientometrics: An overview of concepts, applications and indicators](
* For questions, bug reports, suggestions for improvement, or any other inquiries, please feel free
* to contact me at <> or reach out to the code gist at <> and leave a comment.
* Happy Analyzing!
// Retrieve the table containing the publications from the Google Scholar profile page
const pubs_table = document.getElementById('gsc_a_t');
// Extract statistical data from the profile, like total citations, h-index, etc.
const stats = Array.from(document.getElementById('gsc_rsb_st').querySelectorAll('.gsc_rsb_std'))
.filter(item => is_number(item.innerText))
.map(item => parseInt(item.innerText));
// Extract data for each article, including publication year and citations
const articles = Array.from(pubs_table.querySelectorAll('.gsc_a_tr')).map(item => {
let year = parseInt(item.querySelector('.gsc_a_y > span').innerText);
let citations = parseInt(item.querySelector('.gsc_a_c > a').innerText);
return {
year: year,
citations: citations
const h_index = stats[2];
const years = get_years();
const since = Math.min(...years);
const last = Math.max(...years);
const this_year = new Date().getFullYear();
* Checks if a value is a number using regular expressions.
* Note: This function uses regular expressions to determine if a value is a number,
* as the standard 'number != NaN' check may not work properly for all cases, especially
* when dealing with parsed text.
* @param {string} value - The value to be checked.
* @returns {boolean} - True if the value is a number; otherwise, false.
function is_number(value) {
const integerRegExp = /^\d+$/;
return integerRegExp.test(value);
* Converts a numeric value to a floating-point number with two decimal places.
* @param {number} value - The numeric value to be converted.
* @returns {number} - A floating-point number with two decimal places.
function to_float(value) {
return parseFloat(value.toFixed(2));
* Extracts and returns the citations of articles from the 'articles' array.
* @returns {number[]} - An array of article citations that are considered as valid numbers.
function get_citations() {
return articles
.map(item => item.citations) // Extract the citations from each article.
.filter(item => is_number(item)); // Filter and keep only valid numeric citations.
* Extracts and returns the publication years of articles from the 'articles' array.
* @returns {number[]} - An array of publication years that are considered as valid numbers.
function get_years() {
return articles
.map(item => item.year) // Extract the publication years from each article.
.filter(item => is_number(item)); // Filter and keep only valid numeric publication years.
* Calculates and returns the total number of citations from the extracted articles' citations.
* @returns {number} - The total number of citations.
function get_total_citations() {
// Retrieve the valid article citations using the 'get_citations' function and sum them.
return get_citations().reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
* Extracts and returns articles that are considered part of the H-core, based on the provided h-index.
* It filters and extracts articles from the 'articles' array that have valid citations and meet or exceed
* the provided h-index.
* Note: This function is designed to prevent potential issues and variations mentioned in the code introduction[3].
* Typically, H-core articles are the first 'h_index' elements when sorted by citations.
* @returns {Object[]} - An array of articles that meet the H-core criteria.
function get_h_core() {
return articles.filter(item => is_number(item.citations)).slice(0, h_index);
// return articles.filter(item => is_number(item.citations) && (item.citations >= h_index));
* Calculates and returns the sum of citations from articles considered part of the H-core.
* @returns {number} - The sum of citations from H-core articles.
function get_sum_h_core() {
// Use the 'get_h_core' function to obtain H-core articles, extract their citations, and calculate the sum.
return get_h_core().map(item => item.citations).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
* Calculates and returns the M-index value.
* @returns {number} - The M-index value.
function get_m_index() {
// Calculate the M-index using the provided h-index, last year of publications, and the first year of publications.
return h_index / Math.max(last - since, 1);
* Calculates and returns the G-index value.
* @returns {number} - The G-index value.
function get_g_index() {
// Retrieve the citations from articles using the 'get_citations' function.
const citations = get_citations();
let g_index = 0;
let total = citations[0];
// Iterate to find the G-index based on cumulative citations.
while (total >= (g_index * g_index)) {
total += citations[g_index];
// Return the calculated G-index value.
return g_index;
* Calculates and returns the HG-index value.
* @returns {number} - The HG-index value.
function get_hg_index() {
// Calculate the HG-index based on the G-index and h-index.
return Math.sqrt(get_g_index() * h_index);
* Calculates and returns the A-index value.
* @returns {number} - The A-index value.
function get_a_index() {
// Calculate the A-index based on the h-index and the sum of citations from H-core articles.
return (1 / h_index) * get_sum_h_core();
* Calculates and returns the R-index value.
* @returns {number} - The R-index value.
function get_r_index() {
// Calculate the R-index based on the A-index and h-index.
return Math.sqrt(get_a_index() * h_index);
* Calculates and returns the AR-index value.
* @returns {number} - The AR-index value.
function get_ar_index() {
// Use the 'get_h_core' function to obtain H-core articles.
const h_core = get_h_core();
let sum = 0;
let h_max = { age: 0, citations: 0 };
// Iterate through H-core articles to calculate their AR-index contribution.
// This calculation involves summing articles' citations divided by the age of the article.
// Additionally, we look for articles with the same citation count as the h-index.
// According to the reference[2], if there are several publications with exactly h citations,
// we include the most recent ones in the h-core.
h_core.forEach(item => {
let year = item.year;
// Calculate the age of the article based on its publication year.
// According to the reference[2], when an article is published in the current year,
// an average age of 0.5 is used for calculation.
let age = Math.max(this_year - item.year, 0.5);
if (item.citations == h_index) {
if (h_max.age < age) {
h_max = {
age: age,
citations: h_index
sum += item.citations / age;
sum += h_max.citations / Math.max(1, h_max.age);
return Math.sqrt(sum);
* Calculates and returns the E-index value.
* @returns {number} - The E-index value.
function get_e_index() {
// Calculate the E-index based on the sum of H-core citations and the square of the h-index.
return Math.sqrt(get_sum_h_core() - (h_index * h_index));
// Output the calculated indices and other relevant information to the console
"Articles": articles.length,
"Total citations (Google / Real)": stats[0] + " / " + get_total_citations(),
"Total h-core citations": get_sum_h_core(),
"Since": since,
"Last": last,
"H-Index": h_index,
"R-index": to_float(get_r_index()),
"A-index": to_float(get_a_index()),
"G-index": get_g_index(),
"M-index": to_float(get_m_index()),
"E-index": to_float(get_e_index()),
"AR-index": to_float(get_ar_index()),
"HG-index": to_float(get_hg_index()),
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