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Created November 17, 2023 09:15
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This code is for generating a banner image with randomly selected and resized images from a directory.
This code is for generating a banner image with randomly selected and resized images from a directory.
- Run the code in a Python interpreter or an IDE.
- Enter the relative path to the image directory that contains the images you want to use for the banner.
- Enter the desired output width and height of the banner image in pixels. For example, “1400” and “400”.
- The code will create and save the banner image in the same directory as the input images, with a random filename starting with “banner_”
- The code will also show the banner image in a new window. You can close the window when you are done.
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageOps
import random
import os
import secrets
def put_gradient(im, gradient_magnitude=1.):
if im.mode != 'RGBA':
im = im.convert('RGBA')
width, height = im.size
gradient ='L', (1, height), color=0xFF)
for y in range(height):
gradient.putpixel((0, y), int(255 * (gradient_magnitude * float(y)/height)))
alpha = gradient.resize(im.size)
black_im ='RGBA', (width, height), color=0) # i.e. black
return Image.alpha_composite(im, black_im)
# prompt the user for the image directory
image_dir = input("Enter the path to the image directory: ")
# prompt the user for the output image size
width = int(input("Enter the desired output width: "))
height = int(input("Enter the desired output height: "))
valid_extensions = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png']
# get a list of all image files in the directory
image_files = [os.path.join(image_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(image_dir) if f.endswith(tuple(valid_extensions))]
# define the number of squares
num_squares = len(image_files)
# calculate the maximum size of the squares
max_size = math.floor(height / 2)
# calculate the default size of the squares
default_size = math.ceil(width * 0.1)
# calculate the size of the squares
square_size = min(default_size, max_size)
# calculate the number of squares that can fit in a row
squares_per_row = math.floor(width / square_size)
# calculate the number of rows needed to draw all the squares
num_rows = math.ceil(height / squares_per_row)
if len(image_files) < squares_per_row*num_rows:
image_files = image_files * int(squares_per_row*num_rows)
image_files = image_files[:num_squares]
# create a new image
image ='RGBA', (width, height), (255, 255, 255, 255))
for row in range(num_rows):
for i in range(squares_per_row):
# calculate the position of the square
x = i * square_size
y = row * square_size
tile_image =[(row * squares_per_row) + i])
tile_image_aspect_ratio = tile_image.width / tile_image.height
if tile_image_aspect_ratio >= 1:
# tile image is wider than or equal to square
tile_image_cropped_width = tile_image.height
tile_image_cropped_height = tile_image.height
tile_image_cropped_x = (tile_image.width - tile_image_cropped_width) // 2
tile_image_cropped_y = 0
# tile image is taller than square
tile_image_cropped_width = tile_image.width
tile_image_cropped_height = tile_image.width
tile_image_cropped_x = 0
tile_image_cropped_y = (tile_image.height - tile_image_cropped_height) // 2
tile_image_cropped = tile_image.crop((tile_image_cropped_x, tile_image_cropped_y, tile_image_cropped_x + tile_image_cropped_width, tile_image_cropped_y + tile_image_cropped_height))
tile_image_resized = tile_image_cropped.resize((square_size, square_size))
image.paste(tile_image_resized, (x, y))
output = put_gradient(image)
# Save output image
filename = 'banner_' + secrets.token_hex(4) + '.jpg'
output.convert('RGB').save(os.path.join(image_dir, filename))
# show the image
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