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Created August 21, 2016 12:38
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  • Save RoadRunnr/fc1cdba514030c0c7f6529ec6222989b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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%% R20 will have CMAC in crypto....
-export([aes_cmac/2, generate_subkeys/1]).
-define(Zero, <<0:128>>).
-define(Rb, <<16#87:128>>).
-define(BlockSize, 16).
%% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
%% + Algorithm Generate_Subkey +
%% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
%% + +
%% + Input : K (128-bit key) +
%% + Output : K1 (128-bit first subkey) +
%% + K2 (128-bit second subkey) +
%% +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
%% + +
%% + Constants: const_Zero is 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 +
%% + const_Rb is 0x00000000000000000000000000000087 +
%% + Variables: L for output of AES-128 applied to 0^128 +
%% + +
%% + Step 1. L := AES-128(K, const_Zero); +
%% + Step 2. if MSB(L) is equal to 0 +
%% + then K1 := L << 1; +
%% + else K1 := (L << 1) XOR const_Rb; +
%% + Step 3. if MSB(K1) is equal to 0 +
%% + then K2 := K1 << 1; +
%% + else K2 := (K1 << 1) XOR const_Rb; +
%% + Step 4. return K1, K2; +
%% + +
%% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
generate_subkeys(<<_:128>> = K) ->
L = crypto:block_encrypt(aes_ecb, K, ?Zero),
K1 = case L of
<<0:1, Rest0:127>> -> <<(Rest0 bsl 1):128>>;
<<1:1, Rest0:127>> -> crypto:exor(<<(Rest0 bsl 1):128>>, ?Rb)
K2 = case K1 of
<<0:1, Rest1:127>> -> <<(Rest1 bsl 1):128>>;
<<1:1, Rest1:127>> -> crypto:exor(<<(Rest1 bsl 1):128>>, ?Rb)
{K1, K2}.
%% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
%% + Algorithm AES-CMAC +
%% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
%% + +
%% + Input : K ( 128-bit key ) +
%% + : M ( message to be authenticated ) +
%% + : len ( length of the message in octets ) +
%% + Output : T ( message authentication code ) +
%% + +
%% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
%% + Constants: const_Zero is 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 +
%% + const_Bsize is 16 +
%% + +
%% + Variables: K1, K2 for 128-bit subkeys +
%% + M_i is the i-th block (i=1..ceil(len/const_Bsize)) +
%% + M_last is the last block xor-ed with K1 or K2 +
%% + n for number of blocks to be processed +
%% + r for number of octets of last block +
%% + flag for denoting if last block is complete or not +
%% + +
%% + Step 1. (K1,K2) := Generate_Subkey(K); +
%% + Step 2. n := ceil(len/const_Bsize); +
%% + Step 3. if n = 0 +
%% + then +
%% + n := 1; +
%% + flag := false; +
%% + else +
%% + if len mod const_Bsize is 0 +
%% + then flag := true; +
%% + else flag := false; +
%% + +
%% + Step 4. if flag is true +
%% + then M_last := M_n XOR K1; +
%% + else M_last := padding(M_n) XOR K2; +
%% + Step 5. X := const_Zero; +
%% + Step 6. for i := 1 to n-1 do +
%% + begin +
%% + Y := X XOR M_i; +
%% + X := AES-128(K,Y); +
%% + end +
%% + Y := M_last XOR X; +
%% + T := AES-128(K,Y); +
%% + Step 7. return T; +
%% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
aes_cmac(<<_:128>> = K, M) ->
case erlang:function_exported(crypto, cmac, 3) of
true ->
crypto:cmac(aes, K, M);
false ->
{K1, K2} = generate_subkeys(K),
calc(M, {K, K1, K2})
calc(M, {K, K1, K2}) ->
calc(M, {K, K1, K2}, ?Zero).
calc(<<M0:?BlockSize/binary>>, {K, K1, _K2}, X) ->
M1 = crypto:exor(M0, K1),
Y = crypto:exor(M1, X),
crypto:block_encrypt(aes_ecb, K, Y);
calc(<<M:?BlockSize/binary, Rest/binary>>, {K, K1, K2}, X0) ->
Y = crypto:exor(X0, M),
X1 = crypto:block_encrypt(aes_ecb, K, Y),
calc(Rest, {K, K1, K2}, X1);
calc(M, {K, _K1, K2}, X) ->
PaddingSize = 128 - bit_size(M) - 1,
M1 = crypto:exor(<<M/binary, 1:1, 0:PaddingSize>>, K2),
Y = crypto:exor(M1, X),
crypto:block_encrypt(aes_ecb, K, Y).
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Please note that it causes an error with current crypto:cmac implementation.

crypto:cmac(aes, K, M);

should be

crypto:cmac(aes_cbc128, K, M);

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