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Created April 20, 2024 02:54
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A Python script to find the maximum number of notes that ever play simultaneously in a MIDI file, across all tracks
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import mido
NoteList = list[tuple[int, str, int]]
def squash_track_notes(midi: mido.MidiFile) -> NoteList:
Create a single list that just contains (tick, 'start'/'end', some_unique_id)
triples for every note in the midi, sorted by tick.
_next_id = 1
def make_id():
nonlocal _next_id
_next_id += 1
return _next_id - 1
all_notes = []
for track_i, track in enumerate(midi.tracks):
active_notes = {}
time = 0
for msg in track:
time += msg.time
if msg.type == 'note_on' and msg.velocity > 0:
local_id = (, msg.note)
if local_id in active_notes:
print(f'WARNING: duplicate note ({msg}) at {time} on track {track_i + 1}')
active_notes[local_id] = time
elif msg.type == 'note_off' or (msg.type == 'note_on' and msg.velocity == 0):
local_id = (, msg.note)
if local_id not in active_notes:
print(f'WARNING: start of note ({msg}) at {time} on track {track_i + 1} was never seen')
start_time = active_notes[local_id]
global_id = make_id()
all_notes.append((start_time, 'start', global_id))
all_notes.append((time, 'end', global_id))
del active_notes[local_id]
if active_notes:
print(f'WARNING: some notes in track {track_i + 1} never ended')
all_notes.sort(key=lambda elem: elem[0])
return all_notes
def find_times_with_most_active_notes(all_notes: NoteList) -> tuple[list[int], int]:
# Just iterate over the list and keep track of the time when the most notes are active
active_notes = set()
worst_times = []
worst_amount = 0
for time, type_, id_ in all_notes:
if type_ == 'start':
if len(active_notes) > worst_amount:
worst_amount = len(active_notes)
worst_times = [time]
elif len(active_notes) == worst_amount:
if active_notes:
print('WARNING: some notes in the squashed track never ended')
return worst_times, worst_amount
def main(argv: list[str] | None = None) -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='MIDI Simultaneous Note Counter')
parser.add_argument('midi_file', type=Path,
help='input file to check')
parser.add_argument('--beats-per-measure', type=float, default=4,
help='number of beats per measure (default: 4, meaning 4/4 time)')
parser.add_argument('--extend-notes-by', type=float, default=16,
help="treat all notes as if they're this much longer, to account for fade-out duration (default: 16, meaning the duration of a sixteenth note)")
args = parser.parse_args()
print(f'Checking {args.midi_file}...')
midi = mido.MidiFile(args.midi_file)
quarter_note = midi.ticks_per_beat
if args.extend_notes_by <= 0:
note_time_extension = 0
note_time_extension = round(quarter_note / (args.extend_notes_by / 4))
# First, conceptually squash everything into a single track
all_notes = squash_track_notes(midi)
# Lengthen all notes slightly, to allow them time to fade out
if note_time_extension > 0:
all_notes_2 = []
for time, type_, id_ in all_notes:
if type_ == 'end':
time += note_time_extension
all_notes_2.append((time, type_, id_))
all_notes = all_notes_2
del all_notes_2
all_notes.sort(key=lambda elem: elem[0])
# Then find the times with the most notes active
worst_times, worst_amount = find_times_with_most_active_notes(all_notes)
# And finally, print them out
print(f'{worst_amount} notes are playing simultaneously at:')
for time in worst_times:
beat = time / midi.ticks_per_beat
measure = int(beat / 4)
beat_in_measure = beat % args.beats_per_measure
print(f'- tick {time} (beat {beat + 1:0.3f}, aka measure {measure + 1} beat {beat_in_measure + 1:0.3f})')
print(f'(Ticks are zero-indexed. Beats and measures are one-indexed, and assume a {args.beats_per_measure}/4 time signature.)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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