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Created March 1, 2017 14:12
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#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
//#include <cuda_gl_interop.h>
#include "FLAMEGPU.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include "header.h"
//#include "visualisation/GlobalsController.h"
#include "navigationhost.h"
#include <mutex>
#include "dynamic/uploading.h"
#include <random>
#include <glm/gtx/norm.hpp>
#include <QtCore/QString>
//These defines are duplicated in
#define SCALE_FACTOR0 1.0f //1.0f is underground station
#define SCALE_FACTOR1 1.5f //unfinished station
#define SCALE_FACTOR2 2.305291f //tunnel station
const int FPS = 60;
ModelData *md;
ScalingData *sd[3];
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 rng(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> entranceDistribution[3];
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> normalised;
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> speedModPercent;
const float DOOR_OFFSETS[3][4] = { { SCALE_FACTOR0 *-0.0462, SCALE_FACTOR0 *-0.0324, SCALE_FACTOR0 *0.0324, SCALE_FACTOR0 *0.0462 },
{ SCALE_FACTOR1 *-0.0462, SCALE_FACTOR1 *-0.0324, SCALE_FACTOR1 *0.0324, SCALE_FACTOR1 *0.0462 },
{ SCALE_FACTOR2 *-0.0462, SCALE_FACTOR2 *-0.0324, SCALE_FACTOR2 *0.0324, SCALE_FACTOR2 *0.0462 } };//For tram model, in FLAME units
void setCurrentTimestamp(int ct) { CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = ct; }
int getCurrentTimestamp() { return CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; }
void setCUDADevice()
cudaDeviceProp devProp;
//int deviceCount = 0;
//for (int dc = 0; dc < deviceCount; ++dc)
//cudaGetDeviceProperties(&devProp, dc);
//printf("%d:%s\n", dc,;
//#include <cuda_gl_interop.h>
//unsigned int devCount;
//int devices[2];
//devices[0] = -1; devices[1] = -1;
//cudaGLGetDevices(&devCount, &devices[0], 2, cudaGLDeviceListAll);
//printf("CUDAGL devices: %d, %d\n", devices[0], devices[1]);
//if (devices[0] == -1)
// printf("err\n");
// devices[0] = 1;
cudaError_t cudaStatus = cudaSetDevice(0);//Set GL Device 0 (Need it to be the graphics device)
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess || cudaGetLastError() != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error setting CUDA device!");
void initFLAMEcu(std::string modelPath, unsigned int stationCount, unsigned int trainCount, ScalingData *returnScaling[])
md = new ModelData(stationCount, trainCount);
//Load each stations data
std::string undergroundPath = modelPath + std::string("/0underground.scx");
returnScaling[0] = initNavigation(undergroundPath.c_str(), 0);
std::string unfinishedPath = modelPath + std::string("/1unfinished.scx");
returnScaling[1] = initNavigation(unfinishedPath.c_str(), 1);
std::string tunnelPath = modelPath + std::string("/2tunnel.scx");
returnScaling[2] = initNavigation(tunnelPath.c_str(), 2);
//Eventually write custom init, so it isn't loaded from a basically empty file.
//Count entrances and stations
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
md->platformCount[j] = navDat[j].platformVec.size();
for (auto &&s : navDat[j].startsVec)
unsigned int a = abs(s.startId);//Don't correct them to 0-index, we want size
if (a>md->entranceCount[j])
md->entranceCount[j] = a;
entranceDistribution[j] = std::uniform_int_distribution<int>(-md->entranceCount[j], -1);
normalised = std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(0.0, 1.0);
//speedModPercent = std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(rtn->toFlameScale(1.3f), rtn->toFlameScale(1.65f));//1.3-1.65 metres per second, scaled to FLAME scale
speedModPercent = std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(1.3f, 1.65f);//1.3-1.65 metres per second
//Initialise seeding from this info.
//return rtn;
void cleanupFLAMEcu()
delete md;
void stepSim()
void initFLAMEConst(PedSettings::Data data)
cudaGetLastError();//Clear cuda error stack
float ped_d = (data.pedestrianRadius * 2) + 0.05f;
void notifyArrival(const int timestamp, const unsigned int trainId, const unsigned int stationId, std::shared_ptr<std::list<int>> passengers)
if (stationId >= 4)//temp md->stationCount)
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected arrival station %d.", stationId);
//Insert the arrival into the relevant stations buffer in chronological order, so it can be processed within the FLAME model
auto it = md->arrivals[stationId]->begin();
for (; it != md->arrivals[stationId]->end(); ++it)
if (it->timestamp > timestamp)
ArrivingTrain at;
at.timestamp = timestamp;
at.trainId = trainId;
at.pedDests = passengers;
md->arrivals[stationId]->insert(it, at);
* Returns a suitable RouteStart for the giving origin/destination
* @note This method assumes there is exactly one route between each OD pair
* @note If either param is negative, a uniform random entrance is chosen
RouteStart &getRouteStart(unsigned int stationId, int origin, int destination, glm::vec2 agentLoc, bool isBus)
if (isBus)
origin = -1;
origin = origin<0 ? entranceDistribution[stationId](rng) : origin;
destination = destination<0 ? entranceDistribution[stationId](rng) : destination;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (origin < -(int)md->entranceCount[stationId] || origin >= (int)md->platformCount[stationId])
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Origin out of bounds @ getStartIndex() %d vs p%d e%d\n", origin, md->platformCount[stationId], md->entranceCount[stationId]);
if (destination < -(int)md->entranceCount[stationId] || destination >= (int)md->platformCount[stationId])
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Destination out of bounds @ getStartIndex() %d vs p%d e%d\n", destination, md->platformCount[stationId], md->entranceCount[stationId]);
RouteStart *rs=nullptr;
float bestDist=FLT_MAX;
for (auto &&start:navDat[stationId].startsVec)
if (start.startId == origin&&start.endId == destination)
//If we are starting at a platform
if (origin >= 0)
//Find the nearest applicable route
float d = glm::distance2(agentLoc,start.firstBranchpt);
if (d<bestDist)
bestDist = d;
rs = &start;
return start;
if (rs)
return *rs;
#ifdef _DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Route %d->%d not found! @ getStartIndex()\n", origin, destination);
origin = origin<0 ? -1 : origin;
destination = destination<0 ? -1 : destination;
for (auto &&start : navDat[stationId].startsVec)
if (start.startId == origin&&start.endId == destination)
//If we are starting at a platform
if (origin >= 0)
//Find the nearest applicable route
float d = glm::distance2(agentLoc, start.firstBranchpt);
if (d<bestDist)
bestDist = d;
rs = &start;
return start;
if (rs)
return *rs;
fprintf(stderr, "Fatal Error: Route %d->%d still not found! @ getStartIndex()\n", origin, destination);
inline xmachine_memory_Boid0 emptyAgent0()
xmachine_memory_Boid0 agent;
//Locate agent
agent.x = 0;
agent.y = 0;
agent.z = 0;
//Init motion forces
agent.dx = 0;
agent.dy = 0;
agent.fx = 0;
agent.fy = 0;
agent.fz = 0;
agent.gx = 0; = 0; = 0;
//Config navigation
agent.wp1 = -1;//-2 states agent is on platform
agent.wp2 = -3;//-3 states next node is required
agent.wp3 = -3;
agent.state = 0;
//Config animation
agent.animate = (normalised(rng));
agent.animate_dir = (normalised(rng))*0.5f + 1.0f;;
agent.speed_mod = speedModPercent(rng);
return agent;
inline xmachine_memory_Boid1 emptyAgent1()
xmachine_memory_Boid1 agent;
//Locate agent
agent.x = 0;
agent.y = 0;
agent.z = 0;
//Init motion forces
agent.dx = 0;
agent.dy = 0;
agent.fx = 0;
agent.fy = 0;
agent.fz = 0;
agent.gx = 0; = 0; = 0;
//Config navigation
agent.wp1 = -1;//-2 states agent is on platform
agent.wp2 = -3;//-3 states next node is required
agent.wp3 = -3;
agent.state = 0;
//Config animation
agent.animate = (normalised(rng));
agent.animate_dir = (normalised(rng))*0.5f + 1.0f;;
agent.speed_mod = speedModPercent(rng);
return agent;
inline xmachine_memory_Boid2 emptyAgent2()
xmachine_memory_Boid2 agent;
//Locate agent
agent.x = 0;
agent.y = 0;
agent.z = 0;
//Init motion forces
agent.dx = 0;
agent.dy = 0;
agent.fx = 0;
agent.fy = 0;
agent.fz = 0;
agent.gx = 0; = 0; = 0;
//Config navigation
agent.wp1 = -1;//-2 states agent is on platform
agent.wp2 = -3;//-3 states next node is required
agent.wp3 = -3;
agent.state = 0;
//Config animation
agent.animate = (normalised(rng));
agent.animate_dir = (normalised(rng))*0.5f + 1.0f;;
agent.speed_mod = speedModPercent(rng);
return agent;
void createPassengerEntrance(unsigned int stationId, unsigned int platformId, bool isBus)
RouteStart &rs = getRouteStart(stationId, - 1, platformId, glm::vec2(), isBus);//Currently spawn rng entrance, we dont really care, there's probably only one
RouteItem &ri = navDat[stationId].itemsVec[rs.startItem];
NodeEnclosure &ne = navDat[stationId].enclosuresVec[ri.enclosure];
//Create agent
if (stationId==0)
xmachine_memory_Boid0 agent = emptyAgent0();
//Randomly locate agent at starting enclosure
agent.x = ne.vx[0] + (-0.01f + 0.02f * (rand() % 100) / 100.0f);
agent.y = ne.vy[0] + (-0.01f + 0.02f * (rand() % 100) / 100.0f);
//Init nav
agent.wp1 = rs.startItem;//-2 states agent is on platform
agent.destination = platformId;
else if (stationId == 1)
xmachine_memory_Boid1 agent = emptyAgent1();
//Randomly locate agent at starting enclosure
agent.x = ne.vx[0] + (-0.01f + 0.02f * (rand() % 100) / 100.0f);
agent.y = ne.vy[0] + (-0.01f + 0.02f * (rand() % 100) / 100.0f);
//Init nav
agent.wp1 = rs.startItem;//-2 states agent is on platform
agent.destination = platformId;
else if (stationId == 2)
xmachine_memory_Boid2 agent = emptyAgent2();
//Randomly locate agent at starting enclosure
agent.x = ne.vx[0] + (-0.01f + 0.02f * (rand() % 100) / 100.0f);
agent.y = ne.vy[0] + (-0.01f + 0.02f * (rand() % 100) / 100.0f);
//Init nav
agent.wp1 = rs.startItem;//-2 states agent is on platform
agent.destination = platformId;
glm::vec2 pformDir2(unsigned int stationId, unsigned int platformId)
glm::vec2 center = (navDat[stationId].platformVec[platformId].start + navDat[stationId].platformVec[platformId].end) / 2.0f;
glm::vec2 direction = normalize(navDat[stationId].platformVec[platformId].end - navDat[stationId].platformVec[platformId].start);
glm::vec3 _platformDir = normalize(cross(glm::vec3(0, 1, 0), glm::vec3(direction.x, 0, direction.y)));
return glm::vec2(_platformDir.x, _platformDir.z);
void createPassengerPlatform(unsigned int stationId, unsigned int platformId, unsigned int trainId, int destination, int d_index)
//int startItem = rs.startItem;//First item is bad, gives us path from platform center to waypoint
//int secondItem = navDat.itemsVec[startItem].nextNode;//this should point to the waypoint
//Iterate till we find the branching point
//while (secondItem>=0)
// secondItem = navDat.itemsVec[secondItem].nextNode;
// printf("Start:%d, Next:%d, Target: %d\n", startItem, secondItem, navDat.itemsVec[secondItem].target);
//printf("Pfm%d, Dst%d, wp1%d, wp2%d,\n", platformId, destination, startItem, secondItem);
//This node shall be our target
//Locate passenger at platform
//This math should be done once at init
glm::vec2 center = (navDat[stationId].platformVec[platformId].start + ((navDat[stationId].platformVec[platformId].end - navDat[stationId].platformVec[platformId].start) / 2.0f)) - (0.00391604984f*pformDir2(stationId, platformId));
glm::vec2 direction = normalize(navDat[stationId].platformVec[platformId].end*100.0f - navDat[stationId].platformVec[platformId].start*100.0f);
//Convert doorOffset to model units (from metres?), need to get scale factor out of scx gen
glm::vec2 pos = center + direction*(DOOR_OFFSETS[stationId][d_index]);
//Calc agent direction
glm::vec3 _platformDir = normalize(cross(glm::vec3(0, 1, 0), glm::vec3(direction.x,0,direction.y)));
glm::vec2 platformDir = glm::vec2(_platformDir.x, _platformDir.z);
//Parse destination (-1 = home, 0+ = new platform)
RouteStart &rs = getRouteStart(stationId, platformId, destination, pos, false);
int startItem = rs.startItem;//First item is actually the waypoint
//Create agent
if (stationId==0)
xmachine_memory_Boid0 agent = emptyAgent0();
agent.x = pos.x;
agent.y = pos.y;
agent.dx = platformDir.x;
agent.dy = platformDir.y;
agent.fx = platformDir.x * 2;
agent.fy = platformDir.y * 2;
//Init nav
agent.wp1 = -12;//-12 states agent is on platform
agent.wp2 = startItem;
agent.wp3 = platformId;
agent.state = 1;//We will use 1 to say agent is walking towards platform
agent.destination = destination;
else if (stationId == 1)
xmachine_memory_Boid1 agent = emptyAgent1();
agent.x = pos.x;
agent.y = pos.y;
agent.dx = platformDir.x;
agent.dy = platformDir.y;
agent.fx = platformDir.x * 2;
agent.fy = platformDir.y * 2;
//Init nav
agent.wp1 = -12;//-12 states agent is on platform
agent.wp2 = startItem;
agent.wp3 = platformId;
agent.state = 1;//We will use 1 to say agent is walking towards platform
agent.destination = destination;
else if (stationId == 2)
xmachine_memory_Boid2 agent = emptyAgent2();
agent.x = pos.x;
agent.y = pos.y;
agent.dx = platformDir.x;
agent.dy = platformDir.y;
agent.fx = platformDir.x * 2;
agent.fy = platformDir.y * 2;
//Init nav
agent.wp1 = -12;//-12 states agent is on platform
agent.wp2 = startItem;
agent.wp3 = platformId;
agent.state = 1;//We will use 1 to say agent is walking towards platform
agent.destination = destination;
void cleanupFLAME()
int cleanupCUDA()
printf("cleanup cuda\n");
cudaError_t cudaStatus = cudaDeviceReset();
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error resetting the device!");
return 1;
return 0;
* @param stationId The station id
int getAgentMax(int stationId)
if (stationId==0)
return get_agent_Boid0_MAX_count();
if (stationId == 1)
return get_agent_Boid1_MAX_count();
if (stationId == 2)
return get_agent_Boid2_MAX_count();
return 0;
* @param stationId The station id
int getAgentCount(int stationId)
//printf("%d\n", get_agent_agent_default_count());
if (stationId == 0)
return get_agent_Boid0_default0_count();
if (stationId == 1)
return get_agent_Boid1_default1_count();
if (stationId == 2)
return get_agent_Boid2_default2_count();
return 0;
__global__ void output_to_TBO0(xmachine_memory_Boid0_list* agents, glm::vec4* data1, glm::vec4* data2)
//global thread index
int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
data1[index].x = agents->x[index];
data1[index].y = agents->z[index];// agents->animate[index];
data1[index].z = agents->y[index];
//data1[index].w = agents->height[index];
data2[index].x = agents->fx[index];//gx
data2[index].y = agents->fz[index];
data2[index].z = agents->fy[index];//gy //(float)agents->exit_no[index];
data2[index].w = agents->animate[index];
__global__ void output_to_TBO1(xmachine_memory_Boid1_list* agents, glm::vec4* data1, glm::vec4* data2)
//global thread index
int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
data1[index].x = agents->x[index];
data1[index].y = agents->z[index];// agents->animate[index];
data1[index].z = agents->y[index];
//data1[index].w = agents->height[index];
data2[index].x = agents->fx[index];//gx
data2[index].y = agents->fz[index];
data2[index].z = agents->fy[index];//gy //(float)agents->exit_no[index];
data2[index].w = agents->animate[index];
__global__ void output_to_TBO2(xmachine_memory_Boid2_list* agents, glm::vec4* data1, glm::vec4* data2)
//global thread index
int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
data1[index].x = agents->x[index];
data1[index].y = agents->z[index];// agents->animate[index];
data1[index].z = agents->y[index];
//data1[index].w = agents->height[index];
data2[index].x = agents->fx[index];//gx
data2[index].y = agents->fz[index];
data2[index].z = agents->fy[index];//gy //(float)agents->exit_no[index];
data2[index].w = agents->animate[index];
void fillBuffers(std::pair<glm::vec4*, glm::vec4*> buffs, int stationId)
cudaError_t status = cudaGetLastError();
if (status != CUDA_SUCCESS || (status = cudaGetLastError()) != CUDA_SUCCESS)
if (status == cudaErrorUnknown)
printf("An Unknown CUDA Error Occurred :(\n");
printf("Perhaps performing the same operation under the CUDA debugger with Memory Checker enabled could help!\n");
printf("If this error only occurs outside of NSight debugging sessions, or causes the system to lock up. It may be caused by not passing the required amount of shared memory to a kernal launch that uses runtime sized shared memory.\n");
printf("Also possible you have forgotten to allocate texture memory you are trying to read\n");
printf("Passing a buffer to 'cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray' or a texture to 'cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer'.\n");
printf(" CUDA Error Occurred @ output_to_TBO2;\n%s\n", cudaGetErrorString(status));
int threads_per_tile = 128;
int tile_size;
dim3 grid;
dim3 threads;
int ct = getAgentCount(stationId);
if (ct > 0)
// map OpenGL buffer object for writing from CUDA
//gpuErrchk(cudaGLMapBufferObject((void**)&dptr_1, *instances_data1_tbo));
//gpuErrchk(cudaGLMapBufferObject((void**)&dptr_2, *instances_data2_tbo));
//cuda block size
tile_size = (int)ceil((float)ct / threads_per_tile);
grid = dim3(tile_size, 1, 1);
threads = dim3(threads_per_tile, 1, 1);
if (stationId==0)
output_to_TBO0 <<<grid, threads >>>(get_device_Boid0_default0_agents(), std::get<0>(buffs), std::get<1>(buffs));
else if (stationId == 1)
output_to_TBO1 <<<grid, threads >>>(get_device_Boid1_default1_agents(), std::get<0>(buffs), std::get<1>(buffs));
else if (stationId == 2)
output_to_TBO2 <<<grid, threads >>>(get_device_Boid2_default2_agents(), std::get<0>(buffs), std::get<1>(buffs));
status = cudaGetLastError();
if (status != CUDA_SUCCESS || (status = cudaGetLastError()) != CUDA_SUCCESS)
if (status == cudaErrorUnknown)
printf("An Unknown CUDA Error Occurred :(\n");
printf("Perhaps performing the same operation under the CUDA debugger with Memory Checker enabled could help!\n");
printf("If this error only occurs outside of NSight debugging sessions, or causes the system to lock up. It may be caused by not passing the required amount of shared memory to a kernal launch that uses runtime sized shared memory.\n");
printf("Also possible you have forgotten to allocate texture memory you are trying to read\n");
printf("Passing a buffer to 'cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray' or a texture to 'cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer'.\n");
printf(" CUDA Error Occurred @ output_to_TBO2;\n%s\n", cudaGetErrorString(status));
// unmap buffer object
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