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Created May 18, 2015 14:29
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Git command 101
git help # shows git commands
git init # creates git repository in current directory
git add -A # adds all files in current directory to repository
git commit -m "message" # commits changes with specific message
git push # pushes committed changes to remote repository on server
git status # checks current status of the local repository
git pull # pulls updates from remote repository
git fetch # fetches changes from remote repository
git fetch -p # fetches changes with "prune" option removes local copies of deleted "remote" branches
git checkout my_branch # switches to branch named "my_branch"
git checkout -b my_branch # creates local branch named "my_branch"
git branch --delete my_branch # removes local branch named "my_branch"
git push origin --delete # removes remote branch named "my_branch"
git branch # displays local branches
git branch -a # displays all branches (local and remote)
git merge my_branch # merges branch named "my_branch" into branch on which we are checked out
git stash # creates stash with currently saved changes on current branch
git stash list # displays list of stashes
git stash apply # applies stash with previously saved changes
git reset --hard # discards all uncommitted local changes
git reset <file> # removes <file> added to repository from current index ("about to be committed" area)
git revert commit_name # creates new commit, which undoes all changes introduced in commit named commit_name
git revert HEAD # reverts commit we just created with additional "revert commit"
git reset --hard HEAD^ # reverts last commit without additional "revert commit"
git rebase my_branch # pulls changes from "my_branch" to branch on which we are checked out without making commit
git log # displays log of the commits in repository
git remote -v # gets address of the remote repository
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