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Docker Cheat Sheet

Docker Cheat Sheet


$ docker build -t my-image .                           # Create image using this directory's Dockerfile

$ docker run -p 4200:80 my-image                       # Run "my-image" mapping port 4200 to 80
$ docker run -d -p 4200:80 my-image                    # Same thing, but in detached mode
$ docker run username/repository:tag                   # Run image from a registry

$ docker image ls -a                                   # List all images on this machine
$ docker image rm <image id>                           # Remove specified image from this machine
$ docker image rm $(docker image ls -a -q)             # Remove all images from this machine

$ docker container ls                                  # List all running containers
$ docker container ls -a                               # List all containers, even those not running
$ docker container stop <hash>                         # Gracefully stop the specified container
$ docker container kill <hash>                         # Force shutdown of the specified container
$ docker container rm <hash>                           # Remove specified container from this machine
$ docker container rm $(docker container ls -a -q)     # Remove all containers

$ docker login                                         # Log in this CLI session using your Docker credentials
$ docker tag <image> username/repository:tag           # Tag <image> for upload to registry
$ docker push username/repository:tag                  # Upload tagged image to registry

$ docker system prune                                  # Remove all unused containers, networks and images.

Table of contents


Build an image from a Dockerfile

$ docker build -t my-image .

This command will create a image using this directory's Dockerfile and the current directory as the context.

$ docker build -f -t my-image .

This command will create a image using this directory's and the current directory as the context.

Option Description
--file, -f Name of the Dockerfile (Default is PATH/Dockerfile).
--tag, -t Name and optionally a tag in the "name:tag" format.


Run an image

$ docker run -p 4200:80 my-image

This command will run "my-image" mapping port 4200 on the host machine to 80 from the container.

$ docker run -d -p 4200:80 my-image

This command will do the same thing but in detached mode.

Option Description
--detach , -d Run container in background and print container ID.
--publish , -p HOSTPORT:CONTAINERPORT Publish a container’s port(s) to the host

Run an image from a registry

$ docker run username/repository:tag

This command will run the username/repository:tag image.

Run a command on an image

$ docker run my-image <command>

This command will run the <command> on a container started from "my-image".

$ docker run -it my-image /bin/bash

This command will start a new bash session on a container started from "my-image".

Option Description
--interactive, -i Keep STDIN open even if not attached.
--tty, -t Allocate a pseudo-TTY.

Run a command on a running container

$ docker exec -it <container id> <command>

This command will run the <command> on the container.

$ docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash

This command will start a new bash session on the container.

Option Description
--interactive, -i Keep STDIN open even if not attached.
--tty, -t Allocate a pseudo-TTY.


List all images

$ docker image ls -a

This command will list all images on this machine.

$ docker image ls -a -q

This command will do the same but show only the IDs.

Option Description
-a, --all Show all images (default hides intermediate images).
-q, --quiet Only show numeric IDs.

Remove an image

$ docker image rm <image id>

This command will remove the specified image from this machine.

Remove all images

$ docker image rm $(docker image ls -a -q)

This command will delete all images. The command docker image ls -a -q will return all existing image IDs and pass them to the rm command which will delete them.


List all running containers

$ docker container ls

This command will list all running containers.

$ docker ps

This command will do the same.

$ docker container ls -q

This command will do the same but only show the IDs.

Option Description
-q, --quiet Only show numeric IDs.

List all containers

$ docker container ls -a

This command will list all containers, even those not running.

$ docker container ls -a -q

This command will do the same but only show the IDs.

Option Description
-a, --all Show all containers (default shows just running).
-q, --quiet Only show numeric IDs.

Stop a container

$ docker container stop <hash>

This command will gracefully stop the specified container.

Stop all running containers

$ docker container stop $(docker ps -q)

This command will gracefully stop all running containers. The command docker ps -q will return all running container IDs and pass them to the stop command which will gracefully stop them.

Kill a container

$ docker container kill <hash>

This command will force shutdown of the specified container.

Kill all running containers

$ docker container kill $(docker ps -q)

This command will force shutdown all runnning containers. The command docker ps -q will return all running container IDs and pass them to the kill command which will force shutdown them.

Remove a container

$ docker container rm <hash>

This command will remove the specified container from this machine.

Remove all stopped containers

$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

This command will delete all stopped containers. The command docker ps -a -q will return all existing container IDs and pass them to the rm command which will delete them. Any running containers will not be deleted.


Upload tagged image to registry

$ docker login

Log in this CLI session using your Docker credentials.

$ docker tag <image> username/repository:tag

Tag <image> for upload to registry.

$ docker push username/repository:tag

Upload tagged image to registry.

$ docker logout

Log out of this CLI session.

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