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Last active February 9, 2016 16:45
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InstallFest instructions!


Here's a shortlink to this page:

Please follow these instructions in order.


Open Applications > Utilities > Terminal

Below are a bunch of commands to enter into Terminal, which is a way of interacting with your computer that doesn't use the fancy desktop interface you're used to.

You should be able to copy and paste the lines into Terminal -- except for a few that have obvious prompts in them, like "YOUR NAME", which you should replace accordingly. Do not copy and paste multiple lines at once. Copy/paste them individually, one at a time.

The lines below all start with $, but you shouldn't actually write the $. Its purpose is just to make the starts of lines easy to see in these instructions.

Also, you may be prompted for a password at certain points:

This password thing drives me bananas

Just type your computer's password and hit Return, even if it doesn't look like it's recording anything you're typing. By default, Terminal does not show a bullet for each character you type -- it just shows one, to keep prying eyes from figuring out how long your password is.


TextEdit is the super-simple built-in text editor that comes with each Mac. We're not officially going to be writing any code with it in class.

That said, it's hard to avoid it because a lot of documents open up in it by default. Also, the fact that it's so small and lightweight makes it kinda nice for making tiny edits really quickly.

Out of the box, TextEdit shows things as rich text, meaning it lets you make things bold and italic, change fonts, etc (a la Microsoft Word). This adds lots of "hidden" code to the file you're editing.

To make TextEdit suitable for writing code, go to TextEdit > Preferences from the menu bar, and make the Format and Options section look like the image below. Notice that I've de-selected pretty much everything and changed it to plain text mode, which does not add any hidden code to your files.

TextEdit 1

Then quit and restart TextEdit.

Atom Text Editor

  1. Download Atom
  2. Open Atom
  3. From the 'Atom' menu, select 'Install Shell Commands'


XCode CLI tools

$ xcode-select --install


$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Wait until it's done downloading, then...

$ brew update && brew upgrade
$ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

You know it worked if...

The output of which brew is usr/local/bin/brew

The output of brew doctor is ready to brew


This checks to see if you have RVM installed already:

$ which rbenv

If the output is anything other than blank, get an instructor to help you uninstall.

Otherwise, go ahead and install RVM:

$ \curl -sSL | bash

Then close and reopen the Terminal.

You know it worked if...

The output of $ which rvm is not rvm not found

Ruby v 2.2.0

$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
$ rvm install 2.2.0

Then, close and reopen the terminal to ensure the terminal is using these changes.

You know it worked if...

  • The output of which ruby is not /usr/bin/ruby and
  • The output of ruby --version starts with ruby 2.2.0p0.


$ gem install pry


$ brew install git

You know it worked if...

The output of git --version is greater than or equal to 2.0

Configure Git

Be sure to replace "YOUR NAME" and "YOUR@EMAIL.COM"!

$ git config --global "YOUR NAME"
$ git config --global "YOUR@EMAIL.COM"
$ git config --global color.ui always
$ git config --global color.branch.current   "green reverse"
$ git config --global color.branch.local     green
$ git config --global color.branch.remote    yellow
$ git config --global color.status.added     green
$ git config --global color.status.changed   yellow
$ git config --global color.status.untracked red
$ git config --global core.editor "atom --wait"

Let's verify that everything was installed... programmatically.

$ brew install curl
  1. Go to
  2. Click the 'Raw' button
  3. Copy the address of the page that opens.
$ curl [THE WEB ADDRESS YOU COPIED] > Rakefile
$ rake installfest:doctor

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Scroll to the top of this page, click on the "Sign Up for a Github Account" button, and complete the steps.

Write your GitHub username on the whiteboard.

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