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Created September 3, 2015 20:01
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Group12 Project 3 Feedback

Technical Requirements


  • Your API includes at least 2 models, one of which may be a user
  • Your models include at least one association
  • Your API has RESTful routes as appropriate

I'm intrigued by how you required your env.js and how you connected to your database. Nothing wrong with either of them, except perhaps that it adds some extra length to your app.js; just never seen it done that way before.


  • Your app provides a reasonable user experience
  • Your view(s) includes at least one AJAX request that allows a user to somehow interact with the API
  • Your code, as rendered in the browser, passes a CSS validator and an HTML validator

My comments were largely regarding the modularity of your code. Artists and Concerts should have had their own models in order to contain all of their various methods. Also, the user interface is a little confusing; it's not immediately apparent to me what the purpose of the app is. I wish my playlists were displayed on the main page. Way to make use of APIs!

Code Quality

Your code follows the styles we've covered in class: DRY, easy to read, well-commented.

Maybe too well-commented! You did a great job of commenting/documenting your front-end Javascript. However, your back-end has lots of extraneous code.


  • One person from your team should file an issue on the pbj-project3-gallery repo. The issue should contain:
    • A link to your group's main Github repo.
    • At least 3 specific areas of code on which you would like targeted feedback (agree on these as a team)
    • Any other comments or questions
  • Your submitted Github repository includes a planning folder that contains:
    • Evidence of planning (e.g. user stories, ERDs, and wireframe)
  • Your repository includes a link to the deployed version of your project in the repository URL field
  • The repository includes a file containing:
    • A description of the project
    • A couple paragraphs about the general approach you took
    • Installation instructions for any dependencies
    • Descriptions of any unsolved problems or major hurdles your team had to overcome

Nice readme!

Deployment and functionality

  • Your application is deployed to Heroku (hint: use heroku rename to give your app a nice URL)
  • Cursory use of your app yields no errors that "break" your app

No errors. Nicely done!

Exceeds Expectations

This certainly meets all the project requirements, and I'm impressed by the extensiveness of the front-end Javascript. It does feel a bit like some things were stuck in purely because they were a project requirement, and this detracts from the unified feel of the app. Additionally, I feel like the purpose of the app isn't super-compelling since there are so many playlist-y things out there (why not just use Spotify itself?). However, these are much more subjective criticisms rather than objective criticisms. All-in-all, very nicely done!

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