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Created September 14, 2014 12:11
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Save RobertAudi/807ec699037542646584 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Transmission RPC Spec. Converted to Markdown, 'cause it's unreadable otherwise...
  1. Introduction ===============

This document describes a protocol for interacting with Transmission sessions remotely.

1.1 Terminology

The JSON terminology in RFC 4627 is used.

JSON is fairly common now, but for the benefit of torrent developers familiar with benc: a JSON array is equivalent to a benc list, a JSON object is equivalent to a benc dictionary, and a JSON object's keys are the dictionary's string keys.

1.2 Resources

The command-line utility "transmission-remote" uses this RPC API. Several developers have reported using its --debug JSON output as a reference when developing/debugging their own code.

  1. Message Format =================

Messages are formatted as objects. There are two types: requests (described in 2.1) and responses (described in 2.2).

All text MUST be UTF-8 encoded.

2.1. Requests

Requests support three keys:

  1. A required "method" string telling the name of the method to invoke
  2. An optional "arguments" object of key/value pairs
  3. An optional "tag" number used by clients to track responses. If provided by a request, the response MUST include the same tag.

2.2. Responses

Reponses support three keys:

  1. A required "result" string whose value MUST be "success" on success, or an error string on failure.
  2. An optional "arguments" object of key/value pairs
  3. An optional "tag" number as described in 2.1.

2.3. Transport Mechanism

HTTP POSTing a JSON-encoded request is the preferred way of communicating with a Transmission RPC server. The current Transmission implementation has the default URL as http://host:9091/transmission/rpc. Clients may use this as a default, but should allow the URL to be reconfigured, since the port and path may be changed to allow mapping and/or multiple daemons to run on a single server.

2.3.1. CSRF Protection

Most Transmission RPC servers require a X-Transmission-Session-Id header to be sent with requests, to prevent CSRF attacks.

When your request has the wrong id -- such as when you send your first request, or when the server expires the CSRF token -- the Transmission RPC server will return an HTTP 409 error with the right X-Transmission-Session-Id in its own headers.

So, the correct way to handle a 409 response is to update your X-Transmission-Session-Id and to resend the previous request.

  1. Torrent Requests ===================

3.1. Torrent Action Requests

Method name          | libtransmission function
"torrent-start"      | tr_torrentStart
"torrent-start-now"  | tr_torrentStartNow
"torrent-stop"       | tr_torrentStop
"torrent-verify"     | tr_torrentVerify
"torrent-reannounce" | tr_torrentManualUpdate ("ask tracker for more peers")

Request arguments:

  • ids, which specifies which torrents to use. All torrents are used if the "ids" argument is omitted. ids should be one of the following:
    1. An integer referring to a torrent id
    2. A list of torrent id numbers, sha1 hash strings, or both
    3. A string, "recently-active", for recently-active torrents

Response arguments: none

3.2. Torrent Mutators

Method name: torrent-set

Request arguments:

string                | value type & description
"bandwidthPriority"   | number     this torrent's bandwidth tr_priority_t
"downloadLimit"       | number     maximum download speed (KBps)
"downloadLimited"     | boolean    true if "downloadLimit" is honored
"files-wanted"        | array      indices of file(s) to download
"files-unwanted"      | array      indices of file(s) to not download
"honorsSessionLimits" | boolean    true if session upload limits are honored
"ids"                 | array      torrent list, as described in 3.1
"location"            | string     new location of the torrent's content
"peer-limit"          | number     maximum number of peers
"priority-high"       | array      indices of high-priority file(s)
"priority-low"        | array      indices of low-priority file(s)
"priority-normal"     | array      indices of normal-priority file(s)
"queuePosition"       | number     position of this torrent in its queue [0...n)
"seedIdleLimit"       | number     torrent-level number of minutes of seeding inactivity
"seedIdleMode"        | number     which seeding inactivity to use.  See tr_idlelimit
"seedRatioLimit"      | double     torrent-level seeding ratio
"seedRatioMode"       | number     which ratio to use.  See tr_ratiolimit
"trackerAdd"          | array      strings of announce URLs to add
"trackerRemove"       | array      ids of trackers to remove
"trackerReplace"      | array      pairs of <trackerId/new announce URLs>
"uploadLimit"         | number     maximum upload speed (KBps)
"uploadLimited"       | boolean    true if "uploadLimit" is honored

Just as an empty ids value is shorthand for "all ids", using an empty array for files-wanted, files-unwanted, priority-high, priority-low, or priority-normal is shorthand for saying "all files".

Response arguments: none

3.3. Torrent Accessors

Method name: torrent-get.

Request arguments:

  1. An optional ids array as described in 3.1.
  2. A required fields array of keys. (see list below)

Response arguments:

  1. A "torrents" array of objects, each of which contains the key/value pairs matching the request's "fields" argument.
  2. If the request's "ids" field was "recently-active", a "removed" array of torrent-id numbers of recently-removed torrents.

Note: For more information on what these fields mean, see the comments in libtransmission/transmission.h. The "source" column here corresponds to the data structure there.

key                         | type                        | source
activityDate                | number                      | tr_stat
addedDate                   | number                      | tr_stat
bandwidthPriority           | number                      | tr_priority_t
comment                     | string                      | tr_info
corruptEver                 | number                      | tr_stat
creator                     | string                      | tr_info
dateCreated                 | number                      | tr_info
desiredAvailable            | number                      | tr_stat
doneDate                    | number                      | tr_stat
downloadDir                 | string                      | tr_torrent
downloadedEver              | number                      | tr_stat
downloadLimit               | number                      | tr_torrent
downloadLimited             | boolean                     | tr_torrent
error                       | number                      | tr_stat
errorString                 | string                      | tr_stat
eta                         | number                      | tr_stat
etaIdle                     | number                      | tr_stat
files                       | array (see below)           | n/a
fileStats                   | array (see below)           | n/a
hashString                  | string                      | tr_info
haveUnchecked               | number                      | tr_stat
haveValid                   | number                      | tr_stat
honorsSessionLimits         | boolean                     | tr_torrent
id                          | number                      | tr_torrent
isFinished                  | boolean                     | tr_stat
isPrivate                   | boolean                     | tr_torrent
isStalled                   | boolean                     | tr_stat
leftUntilDone               | number                      | tr_stat
magnetLink                  | number                      | n/a
manualAnnounceTime          | number                      | tr_stat
maxConnectedPeers           | number                      | tr_torrent
metadataPercentComplete     | double                      | tr_stat
name                        | string                      | tr_info
peer-limit                  | number                      | tr_torrent
peers                       | array (see below)           | n/a
peersConnected              | number                      | tr_stat
peersFrom                   | object (see below)          | n/a
peersGettingFromUs          | number                      | tr_stat
peersSendingToUs            | number                      | tr_stat
percentDone                 | double                      | tr_stat
pieces                      | string (see below)          | tr_torrent
pieceCount                  | number                      | tr_info
pieceSize                   | number                      | tr_info
priorities                  | array (see below)           | n/a
queuePosition               | number                      | tr_stat
rateDownload (B/s)          | number                      | tr_stat
rateUpload (B/s)            | number                      | tr_stat
recheckProgress             | double                      | tr_stat
secondsDownloading          | number                      | tr_stat
secondsSeeding              | number                      | tr_stat
seedIdleLimit               | number                      | tr_torrent
seedIdleMode                | number                      | tr_inactvelimit
seedRatioLimit              | double                      | tr_torrent
seedRatioMode               | number                      | tr_ratiolimit
sizeWhenDone                | number                      | tr_stat
startDate                   | number                      | tr_stat
status                      | number                      | tr_stat
trackers                    | array (see below)           | n/a
trackerStats                | array (see below)           | n/a
totalSize                   | number                      | tr_info
torrentFile                 | string                      | tr_info
uploadedEver                | number                      | tr_stat
uploadLimit                 | number                      | tr_torrent
uploadLimited               | boolean                     | tr_torrent
uploadRatio                 | double                      | tr_stat
wanted                      | array (see below)           | n/a
webseeds                    | array (see below)           | n/a
webseedsSendingToUs         | number                      | tr_stat
                            |                             |
                            |                             |
files              | array of objects, each containing:   |
                   | bytesCompleted          | number     | tr_torrent
                   | length                  | number     | tr_info
                   | name                    | string     | tr_info
fileStats          | a file's non-constant properties.    |
                   | array of tr_info.filecount objects,  |
                   | each containing:                     |
                   | bytesCompleted          | number     | tr_torrent
                   | wanted                  | boolean    | tr_info
                   | priority                | number     | tr_info
peers              | array of objects, each containing:   |
                   | address                 | string     | tr_peer_stat
                   | clientName              | string     | tr_peer_stat
                   | clientIsChoked          | boolean    | tr_peer_stat
                   | clientIsInterested      | boolean    | tr_peer_stat
                   | flagStr                 | string     | tr_peer_stat
                   | isDownloadingFrom       | boolean    | tr_peer_stat
                   | isEncrypted             | boolean    | tr_peer_stat
                   | isIncoming              | boolean    | tr_peer_stat
                   | isUploadingTo           | boolean    | tr_peer_stat
                   | isUTP                   | boolean    | tr_peer_stat
                   | peerIsChoked            | boolean    | tr_peer_stat
                   | peerIsInterested        | boolean    | tr_peer_stat
                   | port                    | number     | tr_peer_stat
                   | progress                | double     | tr_peer_stat
                   | rateToClient (B/s)      | number     | tr_peer_stat
                   | rateToPeer (B/s)        | number     | tr_peer_stat
peersFrom          | an object containing:                |
                   | fromCache               | number     | tr_stat
                   | fromDht                 | number     | tr_stat
                   | fromIncoming            | number     | tr_stat
                   | fromLpd                 | number     | tr_stat
                   | fromLtep                | number     | tr_stat
                   | fromPex                 | number     | tr_stat
                   | fromTracker             | number     | tr_stat
pieces             | A bitfield holding pieceCount flags  | tr_torrent
                   | which are set to 'true' if we have   |
                   | the piece matching that position.    |
                   | JSON doesn't allow raw binary data,  |
                   | so this is a base64-encoded string.  |
priorities         | an array of tr_info.filecount        | tr_info
                   | numbers. each is the tr_priority_t   |
                   | mode for the corresponding file.     |
trackers           | array of objects, each containing:   |
                   | announce                | string     | tr_tracker_info
                   | id                      | number     | tr_tracker_info
                   | scrape                  | string     | tr_tracker_info
                   | tier                    | number     | tr_tracker_info
trackerStats       | array of objects, each containing:   |
                   | announce                | string     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | announceState           | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | downloadCount           | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | hasAnnounced            | boolean    | tr_tracker_stat
                   | hasScraped              | boolean    | tr_tracker_stat
                   | host                    | string     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | id                      | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | isBackup                | boolean    | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastAnnouncePeerCount   | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastAnnounceResult      | string     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastAnnounceStartTime   | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastAnnounceSucceeded   | boolean    | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastAnnounceTime        | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastAnnounceTimedOut    | boolean    | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastScrapeResult        | string     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastScrapeStartTime     | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastScrapeSucceeded     | boolean    | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastScrapeTime          | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | lastScrapeTimedOut      | boolean    | tr_tracker_stat
                   | leecherCount            | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | nextAnnounceTime        | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | nextScrapeTime          | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | scrape                  | string     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | scrapeState             | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | seederCount             | number     | tr_tracker_stat
                   | tier                    | number     | tr_tracker_stat
wanted             | an array of tr_info.fileCount        | tr_info
                   | 'booleans' true if the corresponding |
                   | file is to be downloaded.            |
webseeds           | an array of strings:                 |
                   | webseed                 | string     | tr_info


Say we want to get the name and total size of torrents #7 and #10.


   "arguments": {
       "fields": [ "id", "name", "totalSize" ],
       "ids": [ 7, 10 ]
   "method": "torrent-get",
   "tag": 39693


   "arguments": {
      "torrents": [
             "id": 10,
             "name": "Fedora x86_64 DVD",
             "totalSize": 34983493932,
             "id": 7,
             "name": "Ubuntu x86_64 DVD",
             "totalSize", 9923890123,
   "result": "success",
   "tag": 39693

3.4. Adding a Torrent

Method name: torrent-add

Request arguments:

key                  | value type & description
"cookies"            | string      pointer to a string of one or more cookies.
"download-dir"       | string      path to download the torrent to
"filename"           | string      filename or URL of the .torrent file
"metainfo"           | string      base64-encoded .torrent content
"paused"             | boolean     if true, don't start the torrent
"peer-limit"         | number      maximum number of peers
"bandwidthPriority"  | number      torrent's bandwidth tr_priority_t
"files-wanted"       | array       indices of file(s) to download
"files-unwanted"     | array       indices of file(s) to not download
"priority-high"      | array       indices of high-priority file(s)
"priority-low"       | array       indices of low-priority file(s)
"priority-normal"    | array       indices of normal-priority file(s)

Either filename OR metainfo MUST be included. All other arguments are optional.

The format of the cookies should be NAME=CONTENTS, where NAME is the cookie name and CONTENTS is what the cookie should contain. Set multiple cookies like this: name1=content1; name2=content2; etc. (

Response arguments:

On success, a torrent-added object in the form of one of 3.3's tr_info objects with the fields for id, name and hashString. On failure due to a duplicate torrent existing, a torrent-duplicate object in the same form.

3.5. Removing a Torrent

Method name: torrent-remove

Request arguments:

string                     | value type & description
"ids"                      | array      torrent list, as described in 3.1
"delete-local-data"        | boolean    delete local data. (default: false)

Response arguments: none

3.6. Moving a Torrent

Method name: torrent-set-location

Request arguments:

string                           | value type & description
"ids"                            | array      torrent list, as described in 3.1
"location"                       | string     the new torrent location
"move"                           | boolean    if true, move from previous location.
                                 |            otherwise, search "location" for files
                                 |            (default: false)

Response arguments: none

3.7. Renaming a Torrent's Path

Method name: torrent-rename-path

For more information on the use of this function, see the transmission.h documentation of tr_torrentRenamePath(). In particular, note that if this call succeeds you'll want to update the torrent's files and name field with torrent-get.

Request arguments:

string                           | value type & description
"ids"                            | array      the torrent torrent list, as described in 3.1
                                 |            (must only be 1 torrent)
"path"                           | string     the path to the file or folder that will be renamed
"name"                           | string     the file or folder's new name

Response arguments: path, name and id, holding the torrent ID integer

  1. Session Requests ===================

4.1. Session Arguments

string                           | value type | description
"alt-speed-down"                 | number     | max global download speed (KBps)
"alt-speed-enabled"              | boolean    | true means use the alt speeds
"alt-speed-time-begin"           | number     | when to turn on alt speeds (units: minutes after midnight)
"alt-speed-time-enabled"         | boolean    | true means the scheduled on/off times are used
"alt-speed-time-end"             | number     | when to turn off alt speeds (units: same)
"alt-speed-time-day"             | number     | what day(s) to turn on alt speeds (look at tr_sched_day)
"alt-speed-up"                   | number     | max global upload speed (KBps)
"blocklist-url"                  | string     | location of the blocklist to use for "blocklist-update"
"blocklist-enabled"              | boolean    | true means enabled
"blocklist-size"                 | number     | number of rules in the blocklist
"cache-size-mb"                  | number     | maximum size of the disk cache (MB)
"config-dir"                     | string     | location of transmission's configuration directory
"download-dir"                   | string     | default path to download torrents
"download-queue-size"            | number     | max number of torrents to download at once (see download-queue-enabled)
"download-queue-enabled"         | boolean    | if true, limit how many torrents can be downloaded at once
"dht-enabled"                    | boolean    | true means allow dht in public torrents
"encryption"                     | string     | "required", "preferred", "tolerated"
"idle-seeding-limit"             | number     | torrents we're seeding will be stopped if they're idle for this long
"idle-seeding-limit-enabled"     | boolean    | true if the seeding inactivity limit is honored by default
"incomplete-dir"                 | string     | path for incomplete torrents, when enabled
"incomplete-dir-enabled"         | boolean    | true means keep torrents in incomplete-dir until done
"lpd-enabled"                    | boolean    | true means allow Local Peer Discovery in public torrents
"peer-limit-global"              | number     | maximum global number of peers
"peer-limit-per-torrent"         | number     | maximum global number of peers
"pex-enabled"                    | boolean    | true means allow pex in public torrents
"peer-port"                      | number     | port number
"peer-port-random-on-start"      | boolean    | true means pick a random peer port on launch
"port-forwarding-enabled"        | boolean    | true means enabled
"queue-stalled-enabled"          | boolean    | whether or not to consider idle torrents as stalled
"queue-stalled-minutes"          | number     | torrents that are idle for N minuets aren't counted toward seed-queue-size or download-queue-size
"rename-partial-files"           | boolean    | true means append ".part" to incomplete files
"rpc-version"                    | number     | the current RPC API version
"rpc-version-minimum"            | number     | the minimum RPC API version supported
"script-torrent-done-filename"   | string     | filename of the script to run
"script-torrent-done-enabled"    | boolean    | whether or not to call the "done" script
"seedRatioLimit"                 | double     | the default seed ratio for torrents to use
"seedRatioLimited"               | boolean    | true if seedRatioLimit is honored by default
"seed-queue-size"                | number     | max number of torrents to uploaded at once (see seed-queue-enabled)
"seed-queue-enabled"             | boolean    | if true, limit how many torrents can be uploaded at once
"speed-limit-down"               | number     | max global download speed (KBps)
"speed-limit-down-enabled"       | boolean    | true means enabled
"speed-limit-up"                 | number     | max global upload speed (KBps)
"speed-limit-up-enabled"         | boolean    | true means enabled
"start-added-torrents"           | boolean    | true means added torrents will be started right away
"trash-original-torrent-files"   | boolean    | true means the .torrent file of added torrents will be deleted
"units"                          | object     | see below
"utp-enabled"                    | boolean    | true means allow utp
"version"                        | string     | long version string "$version ($revision)"
units                            | object containing:                       |
                                 | speed-units  | array  | 4 strings: KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s
                                 | speed-bytes  | number | number of bytes in a KB (1000 for kB; 1024 for KiB)
                                 | size-units   | array  | 4 strings: KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s
                                 | size-bytes   | number | number of bytes in a KB (1000 for kB; 1024 for KiB)
                                 | memory-units | array  | 4 strings: KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s
                                 | memory-bytes | number | number of bytes in a KB (1000 for kB; 1024 for KiB)

rpc-version indicates the RPC interface version supported by the RPC server. It is incremented when a new version of Transmission changes the RPC interface.

rpc-version-minimum indicates the oldest API supported by the RPC server. It is changes when a new version of Transmission changes the RPC interface in a way that is not backwards compatible. There are no plans for this to be common behavior.

4.1.1. Mutators

Method name: session-set

Request arguments:

One or more of 4.1's arguments, except: blocklist-size, config-dir, rpc-version, rpc-version-minimum and version

Response arguments: none

4.1.2. Accessors

Method name: session-get

Request arguments: none

Response arguments: all of 4.1's arguments

4.2. Session Statistics

Method name: session-stats

Request arguments: none

Response arguments:

string                     | value type
"activeTorrentCount"       | number
"downloadSpeed"            | number
"pausedTorrentCount"       | number
"torrentCount"             | number
"uploadSpeed"              | number
"cumulative-stats"         | object, containing:           |
                           | uploadedBytes    | number     | tr_session_stats
                           | downloadedBytes  | number     | tr_session_stats
                           | filesAdded       | number     | tr_session_stats
                           | sessionCount     | number     | tr_session_stats
                           | secondsActive    | number     | tr_session_stats
"current-stats"            | object, containing:           |
                           | uploadedBytes    | number     | tr_session_stats
                           | downloadedBytes  | number     | tr_session_stats
                           | filesAdded       | number     | tr_session_stats
                           | sessionCount     | number     | tr_session_stats
                           | secondsActive    | number     | tr_session_stats

4.3. Blocklist

Method name: blocklist-update

Request arguments: none

Response arguments: a number blocklist-size

4.4. Port Checking

This method tests to see if your incoming peer port is accessible from the outside world.

Method name: port-test

Request arguments: none

Response arguments: a bool, port-is-open

4.5. Session shutdown

This method tells the transmission session to shut down.

Method name: session-close

Request arguments: none

Response arguments: none

4.6. Queue Movement Requests

Method name          | libtransmission function
"queue-move-top"     | tr_torrentQueueMoveTop()
"queue-move-up"      | tr_torrentQueueMoveUp()
"queue-move-down"    | tr_torrentQueueMoveDown()
"queue-move-bottom"  | tr_torrentQueueMoveBottom()

Request arguments:

string      | value type & description
"ids"       | array   torrent list, as described in 3.1.

Response arguments: none

4.7. Free Space

This method tests how much free space is available in a client-specified folder.

Method name: free-space

Request arguments:

string      | value type & description
"path"      | string  the directory to query

Response arguments:

string      | value type & description
"path"      | string  same as the Request argument
"size-bytes"| number  the size, in bytes, of the free space in that directory
  1. Protocol Versions ====================

The following changes have been made to the RPC interface:

RPC   | Release | Backwards |                      |
Vers. | Version | Compat?   | Method               | Description
1     | 1.30    | n/a       | n/a                  | Initial version
2     | 1.34    | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "peers"
3     | 1.41    | yes       | torrent-get          | added "port" to "peers"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "downloaders"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "version"
      |         | yes       | torrent-remove       | new method
4     | 1.50    | yes       | session-get          | new arg "rpc-version"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "rpc-version-minimum"
      |         | yes       | session-stats        | added "cumulative-stats"
      |         | yes       | session-stats        | added "current-stats"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "downloadDir"
5     | 1.60    | yes       |                      | new method "torrent-reannounce"
      |         | yes       |                      | new method "blocklist-update"
      |         | yes       |                      | new method "port-test"
      |         |           |                      |
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "alt-speed-begin"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "alt-speed-down"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "alt-speed-enabled"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "alt-speed-end"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "alt-speed-time-enabled"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "alt-speed-up"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "blocklist-enabled"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "blocklist-size"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "peer-limit-per-torrent"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "seedRatioLimit"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "seedRatioLimited"
      |         |        NO | session-get          | renamed "pex-allowed" to "pex-enabled"
      |         |        NO | session-get          | renamed "port" to "peer-port"
      |         |        NO | session-get          | renamed "peer-limit" to "peer-limit-global"
      |         |           |                      |
      |         | yes       | torrent-add          | new arg "files-unwanted"
      |         | yes       | torrent-add          | new arg "files-wanted"
      |         | yes       | torrent-add          | new arg "priority-high"
      |         | yes       | torrent-add          | new arg "priority-low"
      |         | yes       | torrent-add          | new arg "priority-normal"
      |         |           |                      |
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "bandwidthPriority"
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "honorsSessionLimits"
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "seedRatioLimit"
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "seedRatioLimited"
      |         |        NO | torrent-set          | renamed "speed-limit-down" to "downloadLimit"
      |         |        NO | torrent-set          | renamed "speed-limit-down-enabled" to "downloadLimited"
      |         |        NO | torrent-set          | renamed "speed-limit-up" to "uploadLimit"
      |         |        NO | torrent-set          | renamed "speed-limit-up-enabled" to "uploadLimited"
      |         |           |                      |
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "bandwidthPriority"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "fileStats"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "honorsSessionLimits"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "percentDone"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "pieces"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "seedRatioLimit"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "seedRatioMode"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "torrentFile"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new ids option "recently-active"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "downloadLimitMode"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "uploadLimitMode"
6     | 1.70    | yes       |                      | new "method torrent-set-location"
7     | 1.80    |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "announceResponse"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "announceURL"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "downloaders"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "lastAnnounceTime"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "lastScrapeTime"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "leechers"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "nextAnnounceTime"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "nextScrapeTime"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "scrapeResponse"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "scrapeURL"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "seeders"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "timesCompleted"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "swarmSpeed"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "magnetLink"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "metadataPercentComplete"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "trackerStats"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "incomplete-dir"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "incomplete-dir-enabled"
8     | 1.90    | yes       | session-set          | new arg "rename-partial-files"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "rename-partial-files"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "config-dir"
      |         | yes       | torrent-add          | new arg "bandwidthPriority"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new trackerStats arg "lastAnnounceTimedOut"
8     | 1.92    | yes       | torrent-get          | new trackerStats arg "lastScrapeTimedOut"
9     | 2.00    | yes       | session-set          | new arg "start-added-torrents"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "trash-original-torrent-files"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "start-added-torrents"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "trash-original-torrent-files"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "isFinished"
10    | 2.10    | yes       | session-get          | new arg "cache-size-mb"
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "trackerAdd"
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "trackerRemove"
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "trackerReplace"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "idle-seeding-limit"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "idle-seeding-limit-enabled"
      |         | yes       | session-get          | new arg "units"
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "seedIdleLimit"
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "seedIdleMode"
11    | 2.12    | yes       | session-get          | new arg "blocklist-url"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "blocklist-url"
12    | 2.20    | yes       | session-get          | new arg "download-dir-free-space"
      |         | yes       | session-close        | new method
13    | 2.30    | yes       | session-get          | new arg "isUTP" to the "peers" list
      |         | yes       | torrent-add          | new arg "cookies"
      |         |        NO | torrent-get          | removed arg "peersKnown"
14    | 2.40    |        NO | torrent-get          | values of "status" field changed
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "queuePosition"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "isStalled"
      |         | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "fromLpd" in peersFrom
      |         | yes       | torrent-set          | new arg "queuePosition"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "download-queue-size"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "download-queue-enabled"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "seed-queue-size"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "seed-queue-enabled"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "queue-stalled-enabled"
      |         | yes       | session-set          | new arg "queue-stalled-minutes"
      |         | yes       |                      | new method "queue-move-top"
      |         | yes       |                      | new method "queue-move-up"
      |         | yes       |                      | new method "queue-move-down"
      |         | yes       |                      | new method "queue-move-bottom"
      |         | yes       |                      | new method "torrent-start-now"
15    | 2.80    | yes       | torrent-get          | new arg "etaIdle"
      |         | yes       | torrent-rename-path  | new method
      |         | yes       | free-space           | new method
      |         | yes       | torrent-add          | new return return arg "torrent-duplicate"

5.1. Upcoming Breakage

These features will be removed three months after 2.80's release:

  1. session-get's 'download-dir-free-space' argument will be removed. Its functionality has been superceded by the 'free-space' method.
  2. HTTP POSTs to http://server:port/transmission/upload will fail. This was an undocumented hack to allow web clients to add files without client-side access to the file. This functionality is superceded by using HTML5's FileReader object + the documented 'torrent-add' method.
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