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# Say we're both working on the same project, and I've just created
# a new branch for my cool new feature and pushed it up to my
# github-hosted repo on a branch called "feature".
# Inside your local copy of the repo:
# create a new remote called "johnreilly" for the repo located at github
git remote add johnreilly git://
# do a fetch of the remote repository
RobertFischer / gist:b446738f4c686870f46b
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25 — forked from ameyawebonise/gist:0a86fd8f9486dd576648
INSERT INTO TRACKER_REVIEW_AUDIT (trCTM_DataID, AUDIT_Date, EditWho_Id, WAS_Value, IS_Value, WAS_trCTM_ItemID, IS_trCTM_ItemID, WAS_Approved, IS_Approved, WAS_Expiration_Date, IS_Expiration_Date, WAS_Rej_Reason, IS_Rej_Reason, WAS_Reviewer, IS_Reviewer, WAS_Dose, IS_Dose, WAS_Administered_Date, IS_Administered_Date, IS_Test_Results, IS_Test_Result_Notes, IS_Next_Step, IS_Complete, IS_Pre, IS_Pre_Date, IS_Post, IS_Post_Date, WAS_Test_Results, WAS_Test_Result_Notes, WAS_Next_Step, WAS_Complete, WAS_Pre, WAS_Pre_Date, WAS_Post, WAS_Post_Date, IS_Record_Type, WAS_Record_Type, IS_trCTM_Status, WAS_trCTM_Status)
VALUES (NEW.trCTM_DataID, NOW(), NEW.EDIT_Who, NULL, NEW.trCTM_Value, NULL, NEW.trCTM_ItemID, NULL, NEW.trCTM_Approved, NULL,NEW.trCTM_Expiration_Date, NULL, NEW.trCTM_Rej_Reason, NULL, NEW.trCTM_Reviewer, NULL, NEW.trCTM_Dose,NULL, NEW.trCTM_Administered_Date,NEW.trCTM_Test_Results, NEW.trCTM_Test_Result_Notes, NEW.trCTM_Next_Step, NEW.trCTM_Complete, NEW.trCTM_Pre,
RobertFischer / .js
Created August 17, 2015 13:22 — forked from usman88/.js
var handle = null;
handle = $.PeriodicalUpdater('/notifications', {
method: 'GET',
data: id: $field_id,
cookie: false,
maxTimeout: 5000,
error: function (xhr,status,message) {
// Do stuff