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Created March 14, 2018 03:29
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Stop using async with Meteor. Futures are the future (still).
// Go forth and code with the simplicity of sync
// PSA: this isn't production ready, and just a PoC, but enjoy using it!
// server only, as we need fibers (co-routines)!
import Future from 'fibers/future';
let resolving = (object, operation, ...args)=>{
let future = new Future();
let handleError = Meteor.bindEnvironment((error)=>{
// bubble with original error
let handleSuccess = Meteor.bindEnvironment((...results)=>{
future.return( (results.length == 1) ? results[0] : results );
let handle = Meteor.bindEnvironment((error, ...results)=>{
} else {
// a promise shouldn't care about an overloaded function signature
let maybe = object[operation](...args, handle);
if(maybe instanceof Promise){
return future.wait();
// async:
let thing = new ThingThatUsesAsync();
let something = resolving(thing, 'getSomething');
let somethingElse = resolving(thing, 'getSomethingElse');
// promises:
let thing = new ThingThatUsesPromises();
let result = resolving(thing, 'listThings', 'someParam', 'anotherParam' );
// error handling?
try {
let thing = new ThingThatUsesAsync();
let result = resolving(thing, 'getThing');
} catch (error) {
console.log("Something went wrong", error);
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