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Created April 8, 2019 19:04
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Remote Controlled LIDAR-based GiggleBot
from gigglebot import *
from distance_sensor import DistanceSensor
from microbit import sleep
from utime import ticks_us, sleep_us
import ustruct
import radio
# stop the robot if it's already moving
# enable radio
# distance sensor object
ds = DistanceSensor()
rotate_time = 0.7 # measured in seconds
rotate_span = 160 # measured in degrees
rotate_steps = 10
overhead_compensation = 1.05 # defined in percentages
time_per_step = 10 ** 6 * rotate_time / (rotate_steps * overhead_compensation)
last_read_time = 0
radar = bytearray(rotate_steps)
servo_rotate_direction = 0 # 0 for going upwards (0->160) and 1 otherwise
radar_index = 0
set_servo(RIGHT, 0)
while True:
# read from the radar
if ticks_us() - last_read_time > time_per_step:
# read from the distance sensor
radar[radar_index] = int(ds.read_range_continuous() / 10)
last_read_time = ticks_us()
# do the logic for rotating the servo from left to right
if radar_index == rotate_steps - 1 and servo_rotate_direction == 0:
set_servo(RIGHT, 0)
servo_rotate_direction = 1
elif radar_index == 0 and servo_rotate_direction == 1:
set_servo(RIGHT, rotate_span)
servo_rotate_direction = 0
radar_index += 1 if servo_rotate_direction == 0 else -1
# and send the radar values
# read robot commands
lmotor, rmotor = ustruct.unpack('bb', radio.receive_bytes())
# and actuate the motors should there be any received commands
set_speed(lmotor, rmotor)
except TypeError:
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