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Created April 8, 2019 19:16
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Remote Controlled LIDAR-based GiggleBot - Remote Code
from microbit import sleep, display, button_a, button_b
import ustruct
import radio
import math
rotate_steps = 10
rotate_span = 160 # in degrees
rotate_step = rotate_span / rotate_steps
max_distance = 50 # in centimeters
side_length_leds = 3 # measured in the # of pixels
radar = bytearray(rotate_steps)
xar = bytearray(rotate_steps)
yar = bytearray(rotate_steps)
saved_xar = bytearray(rotate_steps)
saved_yar = bytearray(rotate_steps)
motor_speed = 50
while True:
status = radio.receive_bytes_into(radar)
if status is not None:
# display.clear()
for c, val in enumerate(radar):
if radar[c] <= max_distance:
# calculate 2d coordinates of each distance
angle = rotate_steps / (rotate_steps - 1) * rotate_step * c
angle += (180 - rotate_span) / 2.0
x_c = math.cos(angle * math.pi / 180.0) * radar[c]
y_c = math.sin(angle * math.pi / 180.0) * radar[c]
# scale the distances to fit on the 5x5 microbit display
x_c = x_c * (side_length_leds - 1) / max_distance
y_c = y_c * (side_length_leds + 1) / max_distance
# reposition coordinates
x_c += (side_length_leds - 1)
y_c = (side_length_leds + 1) - y_c
# round coordinates exactly where the LEDs are found
if x_c - math.floor(x_c) < 0.5:
x_c = math.floor(x_c)
x_c = math.ceil(x_c)
if y_c - math.floor(y_c) < 0.5:
y_c = math.floor(y_c)
y_c = math.ceil(y_c)
xar[c] = x_c
yar[c] = y_c
xar[c] = 0
yar[c] = 0
for x, y in zip(xar, yar):
display.set_pixel(x, y, 9)
# print(list(zip(xar, yar, radar)))
stateA = button_a.is_pressed()
stateB = button_b.is_pressed()
if stateA and stateB:
radio.send_bytes(ustruct.pack('bb', motor_speed, motor_speed))
if stateA and not stateB:
radio.send_bytes(ustruct.pack('bb', motor_speed, -motor_speed))
if not stateA and stateB:
radio.send_bytes(ustruct.pack('bb', -motor_speed, motor_speed))
if not stateA and not stateB:
radio.send_bytes(ustruct.pack('bb', 0, 0))
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