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Azure PowerBI public ip allow in network security group firewall
# SEO: azure powerbi public ip allow in network security group firewall
# this code will get the latest Azure public IP's from Azure public cloud for PowerBI, and allow them to connect on port 5432 postgresql
# feel free to copy-paste for your needs.
# MS doesn't have a static URL or API for the latest IP's, so this script will find the right URL
# MS doesn't support Azure CLI from a Powershell Azure Function. I ended up running this as an Azure DevOps pipeline with a cron schedule every day.
# star this if it was useful for you :)
function Throw-WhenError {
param (
if ($LastExitCode -gt 0) {
Write-Error $output
${env:NSG_NAME} = 'aks-agentpool-*******-nsg';
${env:RESOURCEGROUP_NAME} = 'MC_Foundat*********_westeurope'
${env:SUBSCRIPTION} = 'LEGO-*****'
${env:DOWNLOAD_URL} = ''
$downloadUrlHTML = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ${env:DOWNLOAD_URL}).Content
$publicIpsJsonURL = Select-String -InputObject $downloadUrlHTML "(?:(?:https))(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.])*(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$].json)" -AllMatches
Write-Host "Found JSON download URL: $($publicIpsJsonURL.Matches[0].Value)"
$latestAzureIps = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($publicIpsJsonURL.Matches[0].Value)
$latestAzurePowerBI_ips = ($latestAzureIps.values | Where-Object { $ -Match "PowerBI" -or $ -Match "PowerQueryOnline" }).properties.addressPrefixes
$ipv4 = $latestAzurePowerBI_ips | Where-Object { $_ -Match "^([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(?:\.[01]?\d\d?|\.2[0-4]\d|\.25[0-5]){3}(?:\/[0-2]\d|\/3[0-2])?$" }
$ipv6 = $latestAzurePowerBI_ips | Where-Object { $_ -NotMatch "^([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(?:\.[01]?\d\d?|\.2[0-4]\d|\.25[0-5]){3}(?:\/[0-2]\d|\/3[0-2])?$" }
if ($ipv4.Count -gt 0 -And $ipv6.Count -gt 0) {
$output1 = az network nsg rule create --name 'AllowPBI-ipv4' `
--nsg-name ${env:NSG_NAME} `
--priority "105" `
--resource-group ${env:RESOURCEGROUP_NAME} `
--access "Allow" `
--destination-port-ranges '5432' `
--direction "Inbound" `
--source-address-prefixes $ipv4 `
--source-port-ranges '*' `
--subscription ${env:SUBSCRIPTION}
$output2 = az network nsg rule create --name 'AllowPBI-ipv6' `
--nsg-name ${env:NSG_NAME} `
--priority "106" `
--resource-group ${env:RESOURCEGROUP_NAME} `
--access "Allow" `
--destination-port-ranges '5432' `
--direction "Inbound" `
--source-address-prefixes $ipv6 `
--source-port-ranges '*' `
--subscription ${env:SUBSCRIPTION}
Throw-WhenError -output $output1
Throw-WhenError -output $output2
else {
throw "ERROR! Failed retrieving Azure public ipv4 / ipv6 IP's for PowerBI. Probably Microsoft's download page changed... ${env:DOWNLOAD_URL}"
Write-Host "Complete! NSG updated with $($ipv4.Count) IPv4 addresses and $($ipv6.Count) IPv6's addresses."
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