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Last active December 12, 2015 08:09
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Save RobertRM/4742177 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//Function to pull data needed from PB's server
function get_web_page($url) {
// Set up the options that cURL will use.
$options = array(
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('ApiKey:5393c0a3-2ff2-48f3-a450-288cb0205a61'), // Add API Key to the header for the request
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page
CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // don't return headers
// Start cURL
$ch = curl_init( $url );
// Set the options
curl_setopt_array( $ch, $options );
// Execute the request
$content = curl_exec( $ch );
// Close the request
curl_close( $ch );
// Return the comment
return $content;
//Function to send updated data to PB's database
function send_data($url,$json) {
// Set up the options that cURL will use.
$options = array(
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('ApiKey:5393c0a3-2ff2-48f3-a450-288cb0205a61', "Content-type:application/json"), // Add API Key to the header for the request
CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "PUT", // erases data from HTML
//CURLOPT_PUT => true,
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $json, // information that will be posted
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page
// Start cURL. $ch is the cURL session.
$ch = curl_init($url);
// Set the options. this needs the cURL session name too.
curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
// Execute the request
$content = curl_exec($ch);
// Close the request
// Return the comment from PB
return $content;
// Take the returned content from the get_web_page function and parse it with XML
$doc = new SimpleXmlElement(get_web_page(""));
$info = new SimpleXmlElement (get_web_page("$_GET[original_email]/Properties"));
print "<pre>";
var_dump(new SimpleXmlElement(get_web_page('')));
print "</pre>";
//define variables for xml data
$email = strval($info->EmailAddress);
foreach($info->CustomFields->CustomField as $CustomField) {
case 'CompanyName':
$CompanyName = $CustomField->Value;
case 'FullName':
$FullName = $CustomField->Value;
case 'City':
$City= $CustomField->Value;
case 'State':
$State= $CustomField->Value;
case 'Zip':
$Zip= $CustomField->Value;
case 'Country':
$Country= $CustomField->Value;
$user_list_array = array();
foreach($info->Lists->List as $List) {
$List_id = intval($List->ListID);
$user_list_array[] = $List_id;
if(isset($_GET['subscription_submit'])) {
$Val = True;
// Set variables for nonrequired fields
$City = empty($_GET['City']) ? "" : $_GET['City'];
$State = empty($_GET['State']) ? "" : $_GET['State'];
//start validation code..Error messages
if(empty($_GET["CompanyName"])) {
$CompanyNameErr = "Missing";
$MessageErr= "Please fill out the required fields.";
$Val= False;
} else {
if(empty($_GET["FullName"])) {
$FullNameErr = "Missing";
$MessageErr= "Please fill out the required fields.";
$Val= False;
} else {
if(empty($_GET["Zip"])) {
$ZipErr = "Missing";
$MessageErr= "Please fill out the required fields.";
$Val= False;
} else {
if(empty($_GET["Country"])) {
$CountryErr = "Missing";
$MessageErr= "Please fill out the required fields.";
$Val= False;
} else {
if(empty($_GET["email"])) {
$emailErr = "Missing";
$MessageErr= "Please fill out the required fields.";
$Val= False;
} else {
// Validate at least one list was chosen.
$user_list_array = array();
foreach ($doc as $i) {
$listID = intval($i->ListID);
if (isset($_GET["list_$listID"])) {
$user_list_array[] = $_GET["list_$listID"];
if (empty($user_list_array)) {
$valErr = "**Please select 1 or more.";
$Val= False;
//check the state of the form to see if it's valid if not.
if ($Val == True) {
// Setup an array based on the lists from PB.
$list_array = array();
foreach ($doc as $i) {
$listID = intval($i->ListID);
if (isset($_GET["list_$listID"])){
$list_array[] = $listID;
//Define additional field Variables
$info = array(
'EmailAddress' => $email,
'CustomFields'=> array (
array (
'FieldName' => 'CompanyName',
'Value' => $CompanyName),
array (
'FieldName' => 'FullName',
'Value' => $FullName),
array (
'FieldName' => 'City',
'Value' => $City),
array (
'FieldName' => 'State',
'Value' => $State),
array (
'FieldName' => 'Zip',
'Value' => $Zip),
array (
'FieldName' => 'Country',
'Value' => $Country),
"Lists" => $list_array
//convert php to json string and store string into variable $json
$json = json_encode($info);
$URL = "$_GET[original_email]/Properties";
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
//show restults
$response= send_data("$_GET[original_email]", $json);
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
<!--BOF HTML Form -->
<p>We appreciate your interest in receiving Newhaven Display's newsletter.</p>
<form action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="GET">
<p> * Required field.</p>
<legend>Your Current Subscription Information</legend>
<label for="CompanyName">
Company: <input type="text" name="CompanyName" size="44" id="CompanyName" value="<?php echo ($CompanyName);?>"/> *
<? echo $CompanyNameErr;?>
<label for="FullName">
First & Last Name: <input type="text" name="FullName" size="44" id="FullName" value="<?php echo ($FullName);?>"/> *
<? echo $FullNameErr;?>
<label for="City">
City: <input type="text" name="City" size="44" id="City" value="<?php echo ($City);?>"/>
<label for="State">
State: <input type="text" name="State" size="44" id="State" value="<?php echo ($State);?>"/>
<label for="Zip">
Zip Code: <input type="text" name="Zip" size="44" id="Zip" value="<?php echo ($Zip);?>"/> *
<? echo $ZipErr;?>
<label for="Country">
Country: <input type="text" name="Country" size="44" id="Country" value="<?php echo ($Country);?>"/> *
<? echo $CountryErr;?>
<label for="email">
Email: <input type="text" name="email" size="44" id="email" value="<?php echo ($email);?>"/> *
<? echo $emailErr;?>
<!--invisible field for original email value -->
<input type="hidden" name="original_email" value="<?php print $_GET['original_email']; ?>" />
<p>Below are the publications that you are currently subscribed to. To make a change, only select the names of the publications you wish to receive.</p>
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
// Starts iterating over the full set of Lists
foreach($doc->List as $List) {
// Creates a variable that olds the ListID as an integer/number.
$list_id = intval($List->ListID);
// Starts the HTML that makes up the checkbox, uses the ListID as a unique identifier in 'for'
$html = "<label for='list_" . $list_id . "'>";
// .= is a way to add more into a variable without cleaning out the current value, this line adds the Name of the list.
$html .= strval($List->Name);
// Start the input field, using the same naming scheme for the 'name' and the 'id' as the 'for' in the label.
$html .= "<input type='checkbox' value='" . $list_id . "' name='list_" . $list_id . "' id='list_" . $list_id . "' ";
// Check to see if the ListID is in the users list using in_array,
// If in_array returns true, which it will if the ListID also shows up in the $user_list_array, which means
// that the subscriber is already on that list.
if (in_array($list_id, $user_list_array)) {
// They're on the list, so add the 'checked' property to make the checkbox checked.
$html .= "checked='checked'";
// Close the input field tag.
$html .= " />";
// Close the label tag.
$html .= "</label>";
// print out the resulting html.
print $html;
echo $valErr;
<input type="submit" name="subscription_submit" value="Update Preferences">
<!--EOF Creating Content for HTML Form -->
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