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Created October 1, 2020 06:21
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//code sample to migrate a one to many to one to many relationship to a one to many
//patch what devices user is permitted to use
Sql(@"INSERT INTO [dbo].[CouncilUserDevice]
select CouncilUserId,
(Select cu.Id as CouncilUserId, ac.Id as accesscard, d.Id as DeviceId, acd.[Enabled],
CASE WHEN (acd.[Enabled] is null) then (
count(case when (acd.[Enabled] = 0) then 1 end)
over (PARTITION by cu.Id) > 0
then 0
else 1
sum(case when (acd.[Enabled] = 1) then 1
when (acd.[Enabled] is null OR lower(ac.Description) like '%missing%' or lower(ac.Description) like '%lost%' or lower(ac.Description) like '%replaced%'or lower(ac.Description) like '%misplaced%') then 0
when (acd.[Enabled] = 0) then -1
over (PARTITION by cu.Id,d.Id) >=0
then 1
else 0
end as finalEnabled
counciluser as cu
full outer join
Device as d on cu.CouncilId = d.CouncilId
left join
UserAccessCard as uac on cu.UserId = uac.UserId
left join
AccessCard as ac on uac.AccesscardId = Ac.Id and cu.CouncilId = ac.CouncilId
left join
AccessCardDevice as acd on acd.AccesscardId = ac.Id and acd.DeviceId = d.Id
where cu.UsertypeId = 1
) as query
group by CouncilUserId, DeviceId");
//List<CouncilUser> failList = new List<CouncilUser>();
//using (SmartData uow = SmartDataProvider.GetUnitOfWork())
// List<CouncilUser> list = uow.CouncilUser.Where(cu => cu.UserType.Name == "CUSTOMER").Include(u => u.User.UserAccessCard.Select(uac => uac.AccessCard.AccessCardDevice)).ToList();
// foreach (CouncilUser councilUser in list)
// {
// Dictionary<long, bool> deviceDict = new Dictionary<long, bool>();
// bool failed = false;
// // iterate thru each access card.
// foreach (UserAccessCard uac in councilUser.User.UserAccessCard)
// {
// //check card is not disabled at all sites if it is exclude card
// bool enabledCheck = uac.AccessCard.AccessCardDevice.All(acd => acd.Enabled == false);
// if (!enabledCheck)
// {
// //compare each card to the other cards to see if they have the same devices. If not add to the failList.
// foreach (AccessCardDevice acd in uac.AccessCard.AccessCardDevice)
// {
// if (!deviceDict.ContainsKey(acd.DeviceId))
// {
// deviceDict.Add(acd.DeviceId, acd.Enabled);
// }
// else
// {
// if (deviceDict[acd.DeviceId] != acd.Enabled)
// {
// failed = true;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (failed)
// {
// //query to fix failed devices goes here.
// //throw new System.ArgumentException("Unhandled Exception", "device ID's were not all the same.");
// }
// else
// {
// foreach (KeyValuePair<long, bool> dev in deviceDict)
// {
// councilUser.CouncilUserDevice.Add(
// new CouncilUserDevice
// {
// DeviceId = dev.Key,
// Enabled = dev.Value
// });
// }
// }
// }
// uow.SaveChanges();
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