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Robert Saunders RobertWSaunders

  • Toronto, Canada
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# these two methods appear to be the same but
# because one accepts memo as an argument
# it hackily gets away with the actual
# problem which is that `+` doesn't mutate memo
# since Ruby passes args by reference it
# works, ngl this took me sometime to find
# why one worked and the other didn't
# works
# Assignment #1 NoSQL Databases Part 2
# Class: CMPE 432 Advanced Databases
# Authors: Robert Saunders, Chris Jones
# Student Numebers: 10194030, 10177155
# Script to create a single MongoDB instance.
# This script will also create a database and import the movie and ratings data provided from taking a down sample of dataset 1.
# This script requires mongo to be installed and mongod to be installed within your PATH.
# Assignment #1 NoSQL Databases Part 6
# Class: CMPE 432 Advanced Databases
# Authors: Robert Saunders, Chris Jones
# Student Numebers: 10194030, 10177155
# Script to create a MongoDB replica set with two MongoDB instances.
# This script will also create a database and import the movie and ratings data provided in dataset 2.
# This script requires mongo to be installed and mongod to be installed within your PATH.
require 'pry'
module GraphQLTestHelper
def on_mutation(args: {}, &mutation_tests_block)
mutation, response = mutation_query(args: args, &mutation_tests_block)
puts mutation.selections # [{:script_tag=>[:src, :display_scope]}], response) do