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#CSV file is in this format:
#CUST1,Services for June 2020,1,100,UPSUSD
#CUST2,Services for May 2020,2,200,UPSUSD
#CUST3,Services for April 2020,3,300,UPSUSD
$WebSession = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
Login-Acumatica -WebSession $WebSession
Function Check-Invoice
$EndPoint = $env:AcumaticaTestEndPoint,
Function Pay-Invoice
$EndPoint = $env:AcumaticaTestEndPoint,
Function Create-Invoice
$EndPoint = $env:AcumaticaTestEndPoint,
$Uri = "$EndPoint/entity/default/18.200.001/Invoice"
Function Get-Invoice
$EndPoint = $env:AcumaticaTestEndPoint,
$HashArguments = @{
Function Login-Acumatica
#This OutputType allows you to strongly type the return object from this function
#In this case we are going to encapsulate the WebRequestSession object initialization and return it
#to the calling process as to be used in other functions. This is needed as to pass the authentication
#State to other functions that need it. Don’t forget to use the Logout-Acumatica function else you will incur
#unnecessary User Logins if they are left open.
$User = $Null,
"Releasing Invoice $ReferenceNbr"
$body = @"
`"entity`":{`"id`": `"$EntityID`"}
$HashArguments = @{
Uri = "$AcumaticaEndPoint/entity/default/18.200.001/Invoice/ReleaseInvoice"
Method = 'POST'
#We will declare Variable that will change often up at the top
#This is a common practice for scripts.
#Later we will convert this to a function, and these will become parameters
$AcumaticaUser = "Admin"
$AcumaticaPassword = "123"
$AcumaticaTenant = "Company"
$AcumaticaEndPoint = "http://localhost/APS20_104_0012"
$ReferenceNbr = "AR008403"
$WebSession = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
$CustomerNbr = "ABARTENDE"
$Description = "This was auto created with PowerShell"
$InventoryID = "CONSULTING"
$Qty = "1.000000"
$UnitPrice = "100.000000"
#The @" and "@ tags declare a here string which allows you to have string declarations that run multiple lines
$body = @"
#This WebSession object was not generated by Postman but you will need it to
#Share the Session state across each of the ReST calls. These calls will not
#Work without it
$WebSession = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
#We need this header data that Postman generated for us
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")