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Created May 15, 2012 21:31
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imgur uploader v1.1
# Robertof's imgur uploader version 1.1
# Author: Guess who? Robertof
# Requirements: LWP::UserAgent, Term::ProgressBar, Getopt::Long, Term::ANSIColor, File::Basename, Pod::Usage
# Based on shura's imageshack uploader.
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Term::ProgressBar 2.00;
use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use File::Basename;
use Pod::Usage;
# use warnings; # decomment this ONLY if you want to see an annoying warning everytime you start the script.
$HTTP::Request::Common::DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD = 1;
$Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET = 1;
$main::VERSION = "1.1";
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "auto_version");
my ($name, $silent, $direct, $del, $page, $thumb, $conf, $apikey, $log, $help, $doc, $clipboard) = undef;
my %options;
my $filehandle;
my @extensions = ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "apng", "tiff", "tif", "bmp", "pdf", "xcf");
$SIG{"INT"} = sub { print "\n\nCaught SIGINT\n"; exit 0; };
GetOptions ("silent|s!" => \$silent,
"direct|d!" => \$direct,
"delete|D!" => \$del,
"imgpage|p!" => \$page,
"thumb|t!" => \$thumb,
"clip|C!" => \$clipboard,
"conf|c" => \$conf,
"key|k=s" => \$apikey,
"log|l!" => \$log,
"help|h" => \$help,
"doc" => \$doc
) or pod2usage (1);
pod2usage (1) if defined $help;
pod2usage (-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if defined $doc;
$name = shift @ARGV or pod2usage (1) if not defined $help and not defined $doc and not defined $conf and -d $ENV{HOME} . "/.imgur";
my $home = $ENV{HOME};
# 15/5/12 - xclip check #
my $can_clipboard = 0;
my $xclip_path;
if (defined $ENV{"PATH"} and $ENV{"PATH"} ne "")
my @dirs = split /:/, $ENV{"PATH"};
if (scalar (@dirs) > 0)
foreach (@dirs)
if (-d $_ and -e (&addTrailingSlash ($_) . "xclip"))
$can_clipboard = 1;
$xclip_path = addTrailingSlash ($_) . "xclip";
$clipboard = 0 if (not $can_clipboard and $clipboard);
# end xclip check #
if ($conf or not -d "${home}/.imgur" or not -e "${home}/.imgur/conf") {
print BOLD MAGENTA "** Warning: ${home}/.imgur directory already exists. Overwriting..\n" if -d "${home}/.imgur";
print BOLD GREEN " ! ** imgur uploader configuration ** !\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "-> Welcome.\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "-> What is your API key ? (get one here: " . BLUE " " . YELLOW ")\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "--> ";
chomp (my $apikey = <STDIN>);
&stopAll (BOLD RED "! Error: API key is not valid (not a MD5 hash) !\n") unless length $apikey eq 32;
print BOLD GREEN "> API key: OK\n";
print BOLD MAGENTA "> Now you must say to me which links you want to view.\n";
my @links = ("direct", "delete", "page", "thumb");
my ($i, $_tmp) = undef;
for (0..(scalar (@links) - 1)) {
$i = $_;
print BOLD YELLOW "-> Would you like to see " . $links[$i] . " links of uploaded images?\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "--> " . BOLD BLUE "[y/n] ";
chomp ($_tmp = <STDIN>);
$links[$i] = ($_tmp =~ /^n/i ? 0 : 1);
&stopAll (BOLD RED "! Error: you can't answer 'n' to all links. !\n") if ($links[0] eq 0 and $links[1] eq 0 and $links[2] eq 0 and $links[3] eq 0);
print BOLD GREEN "> Links: OK\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "-> Would you like silent output (no progress-bar)?\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "--> " . BOLD BLUE "[y/n] ";
chomp (my $silento = <STDIN>);
$silento = ($silento =~ /^n/i ? 0 : 1);
print BOLD GREEN "> OK\n";
# BEGIN: edit 15/05/12 (yes, after a loong time): clipboard #
my $dl2clip;
if ($can_clipboard)
print BOLD YELLOW "-> Would you like to store the final link, at the end of the uploading, in the clipboard?\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "--> " . BOLD BLUE "[y/n] ";
chomp ($dl2clip = <STDIN>);
$dl2clip = ($dl2clip =~ /^n/i ? 0 : 1);
print BOLD GREEN "> OK\n";
print BOLD RED "> WARNING: Skipping direct link to clipboard, 'xclip' is missing from \$PATH dirs\n";
print BOLD RED "> Install 'xclip' or change the \$PATH environment variable adequately if you want to autocopy direct links to the clipboard.\n";
# END: edit 15/05/12 (yes, after a loong time): clipboard #
print BOLD YELLOW "-> Would you like image uploads logging (logs will be saved in \$HOME/.imgur/log)?\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "--> " . BOLD BLUE "[y/n] ";
chomp (my $log = <STDIN>);
$log = ($log =~ /^n/i ? 0 : 1);
print BOLD GREEN "> OK\n";
print BOLD BLUE "** SUMMARY **\n";
print BOLD MAGENTA "* API Key -> " . BOLD GREEN "${apikey}\n";
print BOLD MAGENTA "* Links (in order: direct, delete, page, thumbnail) -> " . BOLD GREEN . join (", ", @links) . "\n";
print BOLD MAGENTA "* Silent output -> " . BOLD GREEN "${silento}\n";
print BOLD MAGENTA "* Direct links to clipboard -> " . ( $can_clipboard ? BOLD GREEN "${dl2clip}" : BOLD RED "skipped" ) . "\n";
print BOLD MAGENTA "* Logging -> " . BOLD GREEN "${log}\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "-> Is that OK ?\n";
print BOLD YELLOW "--> " . BOLD BLUE "[y/n] ";
chomp (my $shit = <STDIN>);
&stopAll (BOLD CYAN "Run again script *trollface*\n") if ($shit =~ /^n/i);
print BOLD CYAN "## Preparing config file.. ##\n";
my $conf = "apikey=${apikey}\n";
$conf .= "links=" . join (",", @links) . "\n";
$conf .= "silent=${silento}\n";
$conf .= "clipboard=" . ($can_clipboard ? $dl2clip : "0") . "\n";
$conf .= "log=${log}\n";
print BOLD CYAN "## Writing to ~/.imgur/conf .. ##\n";
mkdir "${home}/.imgur/", 0750 or &stopAll (BOLD RED "Error: cannot create dir ${home}/.imgur: ${!}.\n") if not -d "${home}/.imgur/";
open FH, ">", "${home}/.imgur/conf" or &stopAll (BOLD RED "Error: cannot create/open for writing file ${home}/.imgur/conf: ${!}\n");
print FH $conf;
close FH;
print BOLD CYAN "## Done! Please restart the script. Bye! ##\n";
&logShit ("Configuration done! Script ready.");
exit 0;
# Read config
open CONF, "<", "${home}/.imgur/conf";
while (<CONF>) {
$options{$1} = $2 if ($_ =~ /^([^=]+)=(.+)$/);
close CONF;
&stopAll (BOLD RED "Error: config file isn't valid. Please run script with -c param.\n") unless (exists $options{"log"} and exists $options{"clipboard"} and exists $options{"silent"} and exists $options{"links"} and exists $options{"apikey"});
my @links = split /,/, $options{"links"};
&stopAll (BOLD RED "Error: " . RESET RED "file " . BOLD "'${name}'" . RESET RED " doesn't exist\n") unless -e $name;
&stopAll (BOLD RED "Error: API key is not valid (not a MD5 hash)\n") unless length &getRightOpt ("apikey", "apikey") eq 32;
my ($ua, $contentfunc, $next, $current, $bar) = (LWP::UserAgent->new, undef, 0, 0, undef);
if (&getRightOpt ("silent", "silent") ne 1) {
# BEGIN shura's code
$ua->add_handler (request_preprepare => sub {
my ($request, $ua, $h) = @_;
$contentfunc = $request->content ();
ref ($contentfunc) eq "CODE" or die "Error in request_preprepare handler.\n";
$request->content (sub {
my $chunk = $contentfunc->();
return $chunk unless defined $current and defined $chunk;
{ use bytes; $current += bytes::length ($chunk); }
$next = $bar->update ($current) if $current >= $next;
return $chunk;
$ua->add_handler (request_send => sub {
$bar = Term::ProgressBar->new ({
name => &basename ($name),
count=> $_[0]->header ("content-length"),
ETA => "linear"
# END shura's code
my @_ext = fileparse ($name, qr/[^\.]+$/);
my $_ext = $_ext[2];
my $found = 0;
foreach (@extensions) {
if ($_ eq lc ($_ext)) {
$found = 1;
&stopAll ("Extension \"${_ext}\" is not valid. It must be a *.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif,apng,tiff,tif,bmp,pdf,xcf} file\n") if not $found;
&logShit ("[${name}] Starting image upload..");
my $res = $ua->post('',
Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data',
Content => {
key => &getRightOpt ("apikey", "apikey"),
image => [$name]
if ($res->is_success) {
# Match image hash and delete page, then generate links.
$res->content =~ /<hash>([^<]+)<\/hash>/i or &stopAll ("Cannot retrieve image hash.\n");
my $hash = $1;
$res->content =~ /<delete_page>([^<]+)<\/delete_page>/i or &stopAll ("Cannot match delete page.\n");
my $delpage = $1;
&logShit ("[${name}] Upload done. Links:${hash}.${_ext} (direct) ,${hash}s.${_ext} (thumbnail) , ${delpage} (delpage) ,${hash} (overview-page)");
if (&getRightOpt ("clipboard", "clipboard"))
&writeToClipBoard ("${hash}.${_ext}");
print "${hash}.${_ext}\n" if &getRightOpt ("links", "direct") ne 0; # Direct link
print "${hash}s.${_ext}\n" if &getRightOpt ("links", "thumb") ne 0; # Thumbnail
print "${delpage}\n" if &getRightOpt ("links", "del"); # Delete link
print "${hash}\n" if &getRightOpt ("links", "page") ne 0; # Page
} else {
&stopAll ("Something went terribly wrong during the upload..\n");
sub stopAll {
print $_[0];
exit 1;
sub getRightOpt {
my ($optname, $varname) = @_;
my $val = eval "return \$${varname}";
&stopAll (BOLD RED $@) if $@;
if ($optname ne "links") {
return $options{$optname} if not defined $val or $options{$optname} eq $val;
return $val if defined $val and $options{$optname} ne $val;
} else {
my %tmp = ("direct" => $links[0], "del" => $links[1], "page" => $links[2], "thumb" => $links[3]);
return $tmp{$varname} if not defined $val or $tmp{$varname} eq $val;
return $val if defined $val and $tmp{$varname} ne $val;
sub logShit {
return 0 if &getRightOpt ("log", "log") ne 1;
my $data = shift;
my $logfile = "${home}/.imgur/log";
if (ref ($filehandle) ne "GLOB") {
open $filehandle, ">>", $logfile or &stopAll ("Error: can't open logfile (${logfile}) : ${!}\n");
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year,,,) = localtime (time);
my $formatstr = "[$hour:$min:$sec @ $day/" . ($month + 1) . "/" . ($year + 1900) . "] ";
print {$filehandle} $formatstr . $data . "\n";
sub addTrailingSlash
return ( substr ($_[0], (length ($_[0]) - 1)) ne "/" ) ?
$_[0] . "/"
sub writeToClipBoard
if ($can_clipboard)
return if not -e $xclip_path;
open CLIPWRITER, "|" . $xclip_path . " -selection clipboard";
print CLIPWRITER $_[0];
sub closeHandle {
return 0 if &getRightOpt ("log", "log") ne 1;
close $filehandle if ( ref ($filehandle) eq "GLOB" );
=head1 NAME
imgur uploader - a simple script to upload files on
perl [-sdDptlckh] [--no{silent,direct,delete,imgpage,thumb,log}] [--version] [--key=apikey] image.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif,apng,tiff,tif,bmp,pdf,xcf}
-s/--silent/--nosilent* With this option the script won't produce any progress-bar or debug message.
-d/--direct/--nodirect* With this option the script will print direct link of the image.
-D/--delete/--nodelete* With this option the script will print delete-page link of the image.
-p/--imgpage/--noimgpage* With this option the script will print the overview-page link of the image.
-t/--thumb/--nothumb* With this option the script will print thumbnail link of the image.
-c/--clip/--noclip* With this option the script will copy the direct link of the image to the clipboard.
-l/--log/--nolog* With this option the script will log the image-upload in $HOME/.imgur/log
-c/--conf With this option the script will enter in configuration mode.
-k/--key <apikey> Your apikey (if configuration file is valid, you don't need this option)
-h/--help Show the usage.
--doc Show full documentation. You can use perldoc, too.
--version Show script's version.
* means that you can specify --noOPTION to disable that option.
perl --nosilent $HOME/myimage.png
The script will be launched without silent option (default) and it will upload an image from $HOME/myimage.png
perl -dpt $HOME/myimage.png
The script will be launched with options -dpt (--direct, --imgpage, --thumb) and it will print direct, overview-page and thumbnail link of the image $HOME/myimage.png
=head1 AUTHORS
This script was created by Robertof, and it is released under GNU/GPL v.3 licence. B<Based on shura's imageshack uploader.>
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