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Created September 11, 2022 15:21
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Une bataille navale avec intelligence artificielle en python
La bataille navoul coloré
Un jeux incroyable avec une intéligence artificiel incroyable
__title__ = "La bataille navoul coloré"
__author__ = "Elouan &Robin"
#! Importation des modules
from random import randint
from colorama import Fore
#! Définitions des fonctions
def newTab():
t = []
for i in range(10):
t.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
return t
def displayTab(tab, playertab):
print(f"{Fore.YELLOW} | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |{Fore.RESET}")
for i in range(10):
stri = ""
if i == 0:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}A|{Fore.RESET}"
if i == 1:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}B|{Fore.RESET}"
if i == 2:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}C|{Fore.RESET}"
if i == 3:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}D|{Fore.RESET}"
if i == 4:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}E|{Fore.RESET}"
if i == 5:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}F|{Fore.RESET}"
if i == 6:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}G|{Fore.RESET}"
if i == 7:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}H|{Fore.RESET}"
if i == 8:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}I|{Fore.RESET}"
if i == 9:
stri = f"{Fore.YELLOW}J|{Fore.RESET}"
for j in range(10):
char = ''
if tab[i][j] == 0:
char = " "
if playertab:
if tab[i][j] == 1:
char = " "
if tab[i][j] == 2:
char = f"{Fore.GREEN} O {Fore.RESET}"
if tab[i][j] == 3:
char = f"{Fore.RED} X {Fore.RESET}"
if tab[i][j] == 1:
char = f" {Fore.CYAN}• {Fore.RESET}"
if tab[i][j] == 2:
char = " "
if tab[i][j] == 3:
char = f"{Fore.RED} X {Fore.RESET}"
stri += char
stri += f"{Fore.YELLOW}|{Fore.RESET}"
def newBoat(tab, boat, horizontal, x, y):
if horizontal:
if x+boat > 10:
return 1
for i in range(boat):
if not tab[y][x+i] == 0:
return 1
for i in range(boat):
tab[y][x+i] = 2
if y+boat > 10:
return 1
for i in range(boat):
if not tab[y+i][x] == 0:
return 1
for i in range(boat):
tab[y+i][x] = 2
return tab
def touche(tab, x, y):
if tab[y][x] == 2 or tab[y][x] == 3:
tab[y][x] = 3
return True
tab[y][x] = 1
return False
def couler(tab, boats):
for i in boats:
x = i[2]
y = i[3]
if not i[4]:
if i[1]:
for j in range(i[0]):
if tab[y][x+j] == 3:
if j == i[0]-1:
i[4] = True
f"{Fore.BLUE}|================[Coulé! ]================|{Fore.RESET}")
return True
for k in range(i[0]):
if tab[y+k][x] == 3:
if k == i[0]-1:
f"{Fore.BLUE}|================[Coulé! ]================|{Fore.RESET}")
i[4] = True
return True
return False
def victoire(liste):
for i in liste:
if not i[4]:
return False
return True
def convert(case):
y = int(case[1])-1
if len(case) > 2:
if int(case[1]) == 1 and int(case[2]) == 0:
y = 9
return 1
x = case[0]
if x == 'A':
x = 0
elif x == 'B':
x = 1
elif x == 'C':
x = 2
elif x == 'D':
x = 3
elif x == 'E':
x = 4
elif x == 'F':
x = 5
elif x == 'G':
x = 6
elif x == 'H':
x = 7
elif x == 'I':
x = 8
elif x == 'J':
x = 9
return 1
if x > 9 or y > 9:
return 1
return [y, x]
except Exception as e:
return 1
def verif(n):
if n == 9:
return 8
elif n == 0:
return 1
return n
#[False, x, y, direction, xorigine, yorigine]
# ( 5 = aucune, 0 = Nord, 1 = Sud, 2 = ouest, 3 = Est)
def tirerComputer(tab, memoire, boats):
if memoire[0]:
erreur = True
ty = randint(0, 9)
if ty % 2 == 1:
tx = randint(0, 4)*2
tx = randint(0, 4)*2+1
if tab[ty][tx] == 0 or tab[ty][tx] == 2:
if touche(tab, tx, ty):
memoire[0] = False
memoire[1] = tx
memoire[2] = ty
memoire[3] = 5
memoire[4] = tx
memoire[5] = ty
if couler(tab, boats):
memoire[0] = True
erreur = False
if memoire[3] == 5:
x = memoire[1]
y = memoire[2]
if tab[verif(y)+1][x] == 0 or tab[verif(y)+1][x] == 2:
if touche(tab, x, y+1):
memoire[3] = 0
memoire[2] = y+1
if couler(tab, boats):
memoire[0] = True
elif tab[verif(y)-1][x] == 0 or tab[verif(y)-1][x] == 2:
if touche(tab, x, y-1):
memoire[3] = 1
memoire[2] = y-1
if couler(tab, boats):
memoire[0] = True
elif tab[y][verif(x)-1] == 0 or tab[y][verif(x)-1] == 2:
if touche(tab, memoire[1]-1, y):
memoire[3] = 2
memoire[1] = x-1
if couler(tab, boats):
memoire[0] = True
elif tab[y][verif(x)+1] == 0 or tab[y][verif(x)+1] == 2:
if touche(tab, x+1, y):
memoire[3] = 3
memoire[1] = x+1
if couler(tab, boats):
memoire[0] = True
memoire[0] = True
if memoire[3] == 0:
x = memoire[1]
y = verif(memoire[2])+1
memoire[1] = x
memoire[2] = y
if tab[y][x] == 0 or tab[y][x] == 2:
if not touche(tab, x, y):
memoire[3] = 5
memoire[1] = memoire[4]
memoire[2] = memoire[5]
if couler(tab, boats):
memoire[0] = True
memoire[3] = 5
memoire[1] = memoire[4]
memoire[2] = memoire[5]
if memoire[3] == 1:
x = memoire[1]
y = verif(memoire[2])-1
memoire[1] = x
memoire[2] = y
if tab[y][x] == 0 or tab[y][x] == 2:
if not touche(tab, x, y):
memoire[3] = 5
memoire[1] = memoire[4]
memoire[2] = memoire[5]
if couler(tab, boats):
memoire[0] = True
memoire[3] = 5
memoire[1] = memoire[4]
memoire[2] = memoire[5]
if memoire[3] == 2:
x = verif(memoire[1])-1
y = memoire[2]
memoire[1] = x
memoire[2] = y
if tab[y][x] == 0 or tab[y][x] == 2:
if not touche(tab, x, y):
memoire[3] = 5
memoire[1] = memoire[4]
memoire[2] = memoire[5]
if couler(tab, boats):
memoire[0] = True
memoire[3] = 5
memoire[1] = memoire[4]
memoire[2] = memoire[5]
if memoire[3] == 3:
x = verif(memoire[1])+1
y = memoire[2]
memoire[1] = x
memoire[2] = y
if tab[y][x] == 0 or tab[y][x] == 2:
if not touche(tab, x, y):
memoire[3] = 5
memoire[1] = memoire[4]
memoire[2] = memoire[5]
if couler(tab, boats):
memoire[0] = True
memoire[3] = 5
memoire[1] = memoire[4]
memoire[2] = memoire[5]
#! Programme Principal
#=====================================[placement des bateaux]=====================================#
horizontal = True
bateauComputer = []
bateauPlayer = []
player = newTab()
computer = newTab()
size = 0
# mise en place des bateaux de l'ordinateur
for i in range(5):
size = 0
if i == 0:
size = 5
if i == 1:
size = 4
if i == 2 or i == 3:
size = 3
if i == 4:
size = 2
erreur = True
x = randint(0, 7)
y = randint(0, 7)
tirage = randint(0, 1)
orientation = False
if tirage == 1:
orientation = True
if newBoat(computer, size, orientation, x, y) == 1:
bateauComputer.append([size, orientation, x, y, False])
erreur = False
# print(bateauComputer)
# displayTab(computer,True)
print(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}Programme par Elouan et Robin, bon jeu ;){Fore.RESET} \n")
for i in range(5):
if i == 0:
f"{Fore.BLUE}|=============[Porte avion (5 cases)]=============|{Fore.RESET}")
size = 5
if i == 1:
f"{Fore.BLUE}|==============[Croiseur (4 cases)]==============|{Fore.RESET}")
size = 4
if i == 2 or i == 3:
f"{Fore.BLUE}|==============[Sous-marin (3 cases)]==============|{Fore.RESET}")
size = 3
if i == 4:
f"{Fore.BLUE}|==============[Torpilleur (2 cases)]==============|{Fore.RESET}")
size = 2
t = True
while t:
inp = input(
f"{Fore.BLUE}Voulez vous le placer de manière horizontal ou vertical (v ou h)? -> {Fore.RESET}")
if inp == "h":
horizontal = True
t = False
elif inp == "v":
horizontal = False
t = False
print(f'{Fore.BLUE}Entrée invalide, veuillez reesayer{Fore.RESET}')
displayTab(player, True)
t = True
while t:
inp = input(
f"{Fore.BLUE}Quelle case? (lettre en majuscule ex: B5) -> {Fore.RESET}")
if not convert(inp) == 1:
inp = convert(inp)
if newBoat(player, size, horizontal, inp[0], inp[1]) == 1:
t = True
f"{Fore.BLUE}Le bateau ne rentre pas ou est obstrué par un autre bateau, veuillez réessayer:{Fore.RESET}")
bateauPlayer.append([size, horizontal, inp[0], inp[1], False])
t = False
displayTab(player, True)
print(f"{Fore.BLUE}Entrée invalide veuillez réessayer{Fore.RESET}")
#=====================================[Main loop]=====================================#
memoire = [True, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0]
print("\n \n")
input(f"{Fore.BLUE}[Appuyez sur entrée pour continuer]{Fore.RESET}")
print("\n \n")
print(f"{Fore.BLUE}Début de la partie, bonne chance:{Fore.RESET}")
while not victoire(bateauComputer) and not victoire(bateauPlayer):
print(f"{Fore.BLUE}================Sa grille:================{Fore.RESET}")
displayTab(computer, False)
t = True
while t:
inp = input(f"{Fore.BLUE}Où tirez-vous? -> {Fore.RESET}")
if not convert(inp) == 1:
inp = convert(inp)
t = False
touche(computer, inp[0], inp[1])
couler(computer, bateauComputer)
displayTab(computer, False)
print(f"{Fore.BLUE}Entrée invalide veuillez réessayer:{Fore.RESET}")
print("\n \n")
input(f"{Fore.BLUE}[Appuyez sur entrée pour continuer]{Fore.RESET}")
print("\n \n")
print(f"{Fore.BLUE}Au tour de l'ordinateur:{Fore.RESET}")
tirerComputer(player, memoire, bateauPlayer)
print(f"{Fore.BLUE}===============Votre grille:==============={Fore.RESET}")
displayTab(player, True)
print("\n \n")
input(f"{Fore.BLUE}[Appuyez sur entrée pour continuer]{Fore.RESET}")
print("\n \n")
if victoire(bateauPlayer):
f"{Fore.BLUE}|=============[Vous avez perdu!]=============|{Fore.RESET}")
if victoire(bateauComputer):
f"{Fore.BLUE}|=============[Vous avez gagné!]=============|{Fore.RESET}")
print("\n \n")
input(f"{Fore.BLUE}[Appuyez sur entrée pour continuer]{Fore.RESET}")
print("\n \n")
print(f"{Fore.BLUE}|=========[Grille de l'adversaire:]=========|{Fore.RESET}")
displayTab(computer, True)
print(f"{Fore.BLUE}|==============[Votre gille:]==============|{Fore.RESET}")
displayTab(player, True)
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