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Created December 4, 2017 03:30
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Set<BlockPos> findBlockPossesInSphericalCone(Player player, int coneAngle, int reach) {
Vec3D playerHeadPosition = player.getHeadPosition();
Vec3D originPosition = playerHeadPosition.transform( -0.5, -0.5, -0.5); //shift position to check for middlepoints of blocks.
Vec3D lookVector = player.getLookVector; //I assume this will return a Vector with three factors <= 1.0
Vec3D targetPosition = originPosition.transform(lookVector * reach);
int coneX = lookVector.X;
int coneY = lookVector.Y;
int coneZ = lookVector.Z;
//minimise `squareroot(square(coneX * x - blockX) + square(coneY * x - blockY) + square(coneZ * x - blockZ))` by changing x, which is the only variable the rest already has a value by now
//using a and b from the abc method.
int a = square(coneX) + (square(coneY) + square(coneZ); //the sum of three squares is always positive, so this formula has a minimum
Set<BlockPos> investigatedPositions = new HashSet<BlockPos>(); //contains all positions which have been evaluated whether they are in the "cone" or not
Set<BlockPos> validPositions = new HashSet<BlockPos>(); //contains all positions found to be within the "cone"
List<BlockPos> unExploredPositions = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); //contains valid positions of which the neighbours have not been investigated yet.
for (double i = 0; i < reach; i += 0.5) { //walk along the cone's guideline from the "bottom" of the cone to the "top" of the cone, a.k.a. the @code{originPosition}
BlockPos startingPos = originPosition.transform(lookVector * reach - i).findNearestBlockPos();
if (investigatedPositions.contains(startingPos) {
//do nothing
} else {
if (isPosInSphere(startingPos, originPosition, reach) && isPosInCone(startingPos, originPosition, coneX, coneY, coneZ, a, coneAngle/2)) {
while (!unExploredPositions.empty) {
BlockPos oldPosition = unExploredPositions.get(0);
//explore every position directly around
for (int offsetX = -1; offsetX <= 1; offsetX++) {
for (int offsetY = -1; offsetY <= 1; offsetY++) {
for (int offsetZ = -1; offsetZ <= 1; offsetZ++) {
if (offsetX == 0 && offsetY == 0 && offsetZ == 0) {
//do nothing
} else {
BlockPos newPosition = oldPosition.offset(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ);
if (investigatedPositions.contains(newPosition) { //todo investigatedPositions can become pretty large, slowing down lookup time. Can this be remedied? A List type that will always be searched from back to front on contains(), perhaps?
//do nothing
} else {
if (isPosInSphere(newPosition, originPosition, reach) && isPosInCone(newPosition, originPosition, coneX, coneY, coneZ, a, coneAngle/2)) {
continue; //:P
return validPositions;
boolean isPosInSphere(BlockPos pos, Vec3D middlePoint, int radius) {
return squareRoot( square(xDiff) + square(yDiff) + square(zDiff) ) < radius
//coneVector should be the direction of the look Vector, not the absolute position
boolean isPosInCone(BlockPos pos, Vec3D topPoint, coneX, coneY, coneZ, a, int slopeAngle) {
Vec3D blockVector = pos - topPoint; //transform BlockPos to its relative position
int blockX = blockVector.x;
int blockY = blockVector.y;
int blockZ = blockVector.z;
//minimise `squareroot(square(coneX * x - blockX) + square(coneY * x - blockY) + square(coneZ * x - blockZ))` by changing x, which is the only variable the rest already has a value by now
//using a and b from the abc method. a comes as a parameter
int b = -2 * (blockX * coneX + blockY * coneY + blockZ * coneZ);
int c = square(blockX) + (square(blockY) + square(blockZ);
int x = (-1 * b) / (2 * a);
int y = squareroot(-1 * (square(b) - 4 * a * c) / (4 * a)); //this is the shortest distance between the BlockPos and the guide line of the cone
int distance = squareroot(square(coneX) + square(coneY) + square(coneZ)) * x;
int coneRadiusAtDistance = distance * tan(slopeAngle);
return y <= coneRadiusAtDistance;
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