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Created December 12, 2023 11:42
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defmodule Model do
@doc """
A function that given the current value calculates the
difference between the current and next value.
@type t :: (value() -> dvalue())
@doc """
The value the model will mutate.
@type value :: integer()
@doc """
The difference in the value returned by `t:t()`.
@type dvalue :: value()
@type points :: [value()]
@type run_opts :: [
start_value: integer(),
start_at: integer(),
max_t: integer(),
dt: integer()
@spec run(t(), run_opts()) :: value()
def run(model, opts \\ []) do
start_value = Keyword.get(opts, :start_value, 0)
start_at = Keyword.get(opts, :start_at, 0)
run(model, start_value, start_at, opts)
@spec run(t(), value(), integer(), run_opts()) :: value()
def run(model, value, i, opts) do
max_t = Keyword.get(opts, :max_t, 100)
dt = Keyword.get(opts, :dt, 1)
if dt <= max_t do
value = value + model(value) * dt
run(model, value, i + dt, opts)
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