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Last active October 11, 2023 20:25
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Save RobinHerbots/1308811 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WCF ProxyBase with channel reuse
using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ServiceProxies
public class PooledProxyBase<TChannel> : IDisposable where TChannel : class
private class ChannelStruct : IDisposable
private readonly TChannel _channel;
private readonly IClientChannel _clientChannel;
private readonly long _originalOperationTimeoutTicks;
private readonly DateTime _creationTime;
public ChannelStruct(ChannelFactory<TChannel> channelFactory)
_channel = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
_clientChannel = _channel as IClientChannel;
_creationTime = DateTime.Now;
_originalOperationTimeoutTicks = ((IClientChannel)_channel).OperationTimeout.Ticks;
public CommunicationState State
return _clientChannel.State;
public TChannel Channel
if (State == CommunicationState.Created)
return _channel;
public bool TimeShift()
TimeSpan currentTimeSpan = DateTime.Now - _creationTime;
var operationTimeLeft = _clientChannel.OperationTimeout.Ticks - currentTimeSpan.Ticks;
if (operationTimeLeft <= 100) //System.Timeout - proxy is idle or almost
Debug.WriteLine("Dispose Proxy " + typeof(TChannel) + " is idle " + operationTimeLeft);
Dispose(); //prevent exception
return false;
//add extra time
var extraTime = _originalOperationTimeoutTicks - (operationTimeLeft);
_clientChannel.OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(_clientChannel.OperationTimeout.Ticks + extraTime);
Debug.WriteLine("Timeshift Proxy " + typeof(TChannel) + " - " + extraTime);
return true;
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose()
switch (_clientChannel.State)
case CommunicationState.Closed:
case CommunicationState.Closing:
case CommunicationState.Opened:
_clientChannel.Close(); //gracefully close
catch (Exception)
_clientChannel.Abort(); //on exception kill the connection
private static ChannelFactory<TChannel> _channelFactory;
private static Queue<ChannelStruct> _freeClientChannels;
private ChannelStruct _channelStruct;
private int _communicationErrorRetries = 3;
private const int _COMMUNICATION_ERROR_SLEEP_TIME = 6000;
private ChannelStruct GetFreeChannel()
lock (_freeClientChannels)
if (_freeClientChannels.Count == 0)
_freeClientChannels.Enqueue(new ChannelStruct(_channelFactory));
Debug.WriteLine("New Proxy " + typeof(TChannel));
var channelStruct = _freeClientChannels.Dequeue();
switch (channelStruct.State)
case CommunicationState.Closed:
case CommunicationState.Closing:
case CommunicationState.Faulted:
if (channelStruct.TimeShift())
Debug.WriteLine("Reuse Proxy " + typeof(TChannel));
return channelStruct;
return GetFreeChannel();
#region Constructor
public PooledProxyBase()
: this(new ChannelFactory<TChannel>("*", null))
public PooledProxyBase(ChannelFactory<TChannel> channelFactory)
if (_freeClientChannels == null) _freeClientChannels = new Queue<ChannelStruct>();
if (_channelFactory == null) _channelFactory = channelFactory;
_channelStruct = GetFreeChannel();
#region Channel invokers
protected T Channel<T>(string methodName, params object[] args)
var method = typeof(TChannel).GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (method == null) throw new NotSupportedException(methodName);
return (T)method.Invoke(_channelStruct.Channel, args);
catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
if (ex.InnerException is FaultException) //pass FaultExceptions
throw ex.InnerException;
var innerExceptionType = ex.InnerException.GetType();
var innerInnerExceptionType = ex.InnerException.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.InnerException.GetType() : null;
if (_communicationErrorRetries > 0 && (innerExceptionType == typeof(CommunicationException) && innerInnerExceptionType != typeof(SerializationException)))
//give some 'think' time ;-)
Thread.Sleep(_COMMUNICATION_ERROR_SLEEP_TIME / _communicationErrorRetries--);
_channelStruct = GetFreeChannel();
return Channel<T>(methodName, args);
throw new ProxyException(ex.InnerException);
protected void Channel(string methodName, params object[] args)
var method = typeof(TChannel).GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (method == null) throw new NotSupportedException(methodName);
method.Invoke(_channelStruct.Channel, args);
catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
if (ex.InnerException is FaultException) //pass FaultExceptions
throw ex.InnerException;
var innerExceptionType = ex.InnerException.GetType();
var innerInnerExceptionType = ex.InnerException.InnerException.GetType();
if (_communicationErrorRetries > 0 && (innerExceptionType == typeof(CommunicationException) && innerInnerExceptionType != typeof(SerializationException)))
//give some 'think' time ;-)
Thread.Sleep(_COMMUNICATION_ERROR_SLEEP_TIME / _communicationErrorRetries--);
_channelStruct = GetFreeChannel();
Channel(methodName, args);
throw new ProxyException(ex.InnerException);
public void Dispose()
lock (_freeClientChannels)
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