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Last active November 17, 2023 17:10
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  • Save RobinL/87b3fd14f5696ee72c732237635ac72c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Query gridwatch
-- The following queries were entered into
-- on an Macbook Pro 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
-- with a 54Mbps internet connection
select max(wind)
from '';
-- Takes 6 seconds on the first query, 200ms on subsequent similar queries
select *
from ''
where pcd = 'SW1A1AA';
-- Takes 13 seconds on the first query, 100ms on subsequent similar queries
select *
from parquet_metadata('');
-- Doesn't (yet) support display of metadata. In python can write `pq.read_table("iris_with_metadata.parquet").schema`
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
# Returns
# sepal_length: double
# -- field metadata --
# description: 'The length of the sepal in centimeters'
# sepal_width: double
# -- field metadata --
# description: 'The width of the sepal in centimeters'
# petal_length: double
# -- field metadata --
# description: 'The length of the petal in centimeters'
# petal_width: double
# -- field metadata --
# description: 'The width of the petal in centimeters'
# species: string
# -- field metadata --
# description: 'The species of the iris plant'
# -- schema metadata --
# Dataset Description: 'The iris dataset'
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