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Last active February 11, 2022 00:32
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.5.10;
import "";
import "";
contract Peg {
// Security Parameters
// Minimum work required in a headers chain
uint256 MIN_WORK;
// Minimum headers chain length
// Minimum value required for a peg-in
uint32 MIN_VALUE;
constructor(uint256 minWork, uint32 minChainLength, uint32 minValue) public {
MIN_WORK = minWork;
MIN_CHAIN_LENGTH = minChainLength;
MIN_VALUE = minValue;
// Constants to define valid bitcoin token transactions
// The tx version must be 2
bytes4 constant VERSION = 0x02000000;
// All inputs must have 41 bytes == TXID(32) + vout(4) + publicScriptLen(1) + nSequence(4)
uint32 constant VIN_LENGTH = 41;
// All inputs must have segregated witnesses
bytes1 constant PUBKEY_SCRIPT_LENGTH = 0x00;
// nSequence must be constant
bytes4 constant SEQUENCE = 0xffffffff;
// A tx must have exactly three outputs
bytes1 constant VOUT_COUNT = 0x03;
// All outputs must be p2wpkh (for now) // TODO: add p2pwsh and p2tr outputs
bytes3 constant P2WPKH_PREFIX = 0x160014;
// The BTC value of the op_return output must be zero
bytes8 constant OPRETURN_BTC_VALUE = 0x0000000000000000;
// A tx op_return encodes exactly 4 bytes (the token value of output_0)
bytes3 constant OPRETURN_PREFIX = 0x066a04;
// The locktime must be zero
bytes4 constant LOCKTIME = 0x00000000;
// A burn tx must have exactly one input
bytes1 constant BURN_VIN_COUNT = 0x01;
// A burn tx must have exactly one output
bytes1 constant BURN_VOUT_COUNT = 0x01;
// A burn tx op_return encodes exactly 20 bytes (the Ethereum address for the peg-out)
bytes3 constant BURN_OPRETURN_PREFIX = 0x166a14;
// Bitcoin headers are 80 bytes long
uint32 constant HEADER_LENGTH = 80;
// Minimum token unit for "common" values to fit into 32 bytes
uint64 constant MIN_TOKEN_UNIT = 10000000000;
// Maximum token value in uint32
uint64 constant MAX_VALUE = 0xffffffff * MIN_TOKEN_UNIT;
// Type definitions
using TypedMemView for bytes;
using TypedMemView for bytes29;
using ViewBTC for bytes29;
using ViewSPV for bytes29;
event PegInEvent(bytes32 txid, uint value);
// Global state
// The genesis outputs and their token values
mapping(uint256 => uint32) public genesisOutpoints;
// The Bitcoin Token utxo set
mapping(uint256 => uint32) public utxoSet;
// The used burn TXIDs
mapping(bytes32 => bool) public usedBurnTxs;
function pegIn(uint256 txid, uint32 vout) external payable {
// Verify the minimum peg-in value
require(msg.value >= MIN_TOKEN_UNIT, "Minimum peg-in value required");
// Verify the outpoint is unused. Overwriting it could be dangerous!
uint256 outpoint = txid + vout;
require(genesisOutpoints[outpoint] == 0, "Outputs can be used only once");
// Cast the value to 32 bits. Warning! This is dangerous.
// We have to limit the values to 2^32
require(msg.value <= MAX_VALUE, "Maximum token value exceeded");
uint32 value = uint32(msg.value / MIN_TOKEN_UNIT);
// Set the outpoint's value to the value we received
genesisOutpoints[outpoint] = value;
// Tell the world about the peg-in
emit PegInEvent(bytes32(outpoint), value);
function pegOut(bytes memory chain, bytes memory proof, uint index, uint32 fundingVout, bytes memory history) public {
// Verify the token history
uint256 fundingTxid = verifyHistory(history);
// Compile the burn TX
bytes memory vin = abi.encodePacked(BURN_VIN_COUNT, fundingTxid, fundingVout, PUBKEY_SCRIPT_LENGTH, SEQUENCE);
// Ensure the sender's Ethereum address is referenced in the op_return
bytes memory vout = abi.encodePacked(BURN_VOUT_COUNT, OPRETURN_BTC_VALUE, BURN_OPRETURN_PREFIX, msg.sender );
// Calculate the burnTxid
bytes32 burnTxid = abi.encodePacked(VERSION, vin, vout, LOCKTIME).ref(0).hash256();
// Verify this burnTxid is unused
require( usedBurnTxs[burnTxid] == false, "These coins were already redeemed");
// Store this burnTxid as used
usedBurnTxs[burnTxid] = true;
// Verify the headers chain
bytes32 merkleRoot = verifyChain(chain);
// Verify the inclusion proof for this burnTxid
bytes29 proofRef = proof.ref(0).tryAsMerkleArray().assertValid();
require( ViewSPV.prove(burnTxid, merkleRoot, proofRef, index), "Invalid inclusion proof. Ensure you're calling the contract from the address referenced in your burn TX");
// Get the burned token value from the UTXO set
uint32 tokenValue = utxoSet[fundingTxid+fundingVout];
// The prover passed all checks, so we give them the requested amount.
msg.sender.transfer(tokenValue * MIN_TOKEN_UNIT);
function verifyChain(bytes memory chain) private returns (bytes32){
// Compute the total work in the chain
bytes29 headers = chain.ref(0).tryAsHeaderArray().assertValid();
uint256 totalWork = headers.checkChain();
// Verify that no error occured
require(totalWork != ViewSPV.getErrBadLength(), "Bad length");
require(totalWork != ViewSPV.getErrLowWork(), "Work too low");
require(totalWork != ViewSPV.getErrInvalidChain(), "Invalid chain");
// Verify the minimum amount of work in the chain
require(totalWork > MIN_WORK, "More proof-of-work required");
// Verify the minimum number of headers in the chain
require(chain.length >= HEADER_LENGTH * MIN_CHAIN_LENGTH, "More headers required");
// Get the first header in the chain
bytes29 header = headers.indexHeaderArray(0);
// Return its merkle root
return header.merkleRoot();
function verifyHistory(bytes memory history) private returns (uint256) {
uint256 currTxid;
cursor = 0;
while(cursor < history.length){
// Read vin count
uint8 vinCount = readUint8(history);
// Allocate memory for all vins
bytes memory vins = new bytes(VIN_LENGTH * vinCount);
// Compute sum of all inputs and compile them into one byte array
uint32 inputTokenValueSum = 0;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < vinCount; i++){
uint256 txidIn = readUint256(history);
// TODO: Cast uint8 to uint32 here
uint32 vout = readUint32(history);
bytes memory vin = abi.encodePacked(txidIn, vout, PUBKEY_SCRIPT_LENGTH, SEQUENCE);
uint256 outpoint = txidIn + reverse(vout);
// Read token value from utxo set
// TODO: use safe math here!
inputTokenValueSum += utxoSet[outpoint];
// Add genesis value if there is one for this outpoint
inputTokenValueSum += genesisOutpoints[outpoint];
// Delete the utxo from our set
utxoSet[outpoint] = 0;
// Copy into vins
uint32 offset = i * VIN_LENGTH;
for(uint32 j = 0; j < vin.length; j++){
vins[offset + j] = vin[j];
// Read output0
uint160 pubkeyhash0 = readUint160(history);
uint64 btcValue0 = readUint64(history);
// Read output1
uint160 pubkeyhash1 = readUint160(history);
uint64 btcValue1 = readUint64(history);
// Read token value0
uint32 tokenValue0 = readUint32(history);
// Verify token value0 is not creating tokens out of thin air
require(tokenValue0 <= inputTokenValueSum, "Invalid token value");
// Compute token value1
uint32 tokenValue1 = inputTokenValueSum - tokenValue0;
// Compile the TX and calculate the TXID
currTxid = uint256(
VERSION, vinCount, vins, VOUT_COUNT,
btcValue0, P2WPKH_PREFIX, pubkeyhash0),
btcValue1, P2WPKH_PREFIX, pubkeyhash1,
// Insert outpoints into the UTXO set
// TODO: what if someone misses a token input in a tx because it was not required to prove his output's (output0) value?
utxoSet[currTxid] = tokenValue0;
utxoSet[currTxid+1] = tokenValue1;
return currTxid;
function reverse(uint32 input) internal pure returns (uint32 v) {
v = input;
// Swap bytes
v = ((v & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8) |
((v & 0x00FF00FF) << 8);
// Swap 2-byte long pairs
v = (v >> 16) | (v << 16);
// Our bytes library. lol
// This is ugly code smell and probably not how bytes should be handled in Solidity.
// TODO: Clean this mess up!
uint256 cursor = 0;
function readUint8(bytes memory _bytes) internal returns (uint8) {
require(_bytes.length >= cursor + 1 , "toUint8_outOfBounds");
uint8 tempUint;
uint256 _cursor = cursor;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x1), _cursor))
cursor += 1;
return tempUint;
function readUint16(bytes memory _bytes) internal returns (uint16) {
require(_bytes.length >= cursor + 2, "toUint16_outOfBounds");
uint16 tempUint;
uint256 _cursor = cursor;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x2), _cursor))
cursor += 2;
return tempUint;
function readUint32(bytes memory _bytes) internal returns (uint32) {
require(_bytes.length >= cursor + 4, "toUint32_outOfBounds");
uint32 tempUint;
uint256 _cursor = cursor;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x4), _cursor))
cursor += 4;
return tempUint;
function readUint64(bytes memory _bytes) internal returns (uint64) {
require(_bytes.length >= cursor + 8, "toUint64_outOfBounds");
uint64 tempUint;
uint256 _cursor = cursor;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x8), _cursor))
cursor += 8;
return tempUint;
function readUint160(bytes memory _bytes) internal returns (uint160) {
require(_bytes.length >= cursor + 20, "toUint160_outOfBounds");
uint160 tempUint;
uint256 _cursor = cursor;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x14), _cursor))
cursor += 20;
return tempUint;
function readUint256(bytes memory _bytes) internal returns (uint256) {
require(_bytes.length >= cursor + 32, "toUint256_outOfBounds");
uint256 tempUint;
uint256 _cursor = cursor;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x20), _cursor))
cursor += 32;
return tempUint;
function readBytes32(bytes memory _bytes) internal returns (bytes32) {
require(_bytes.length >= cursor + 32, "toBytes32_outOfBounds");
bytes32 tempBytes32;
uint256 _cursor = cursor;
assembly {
tempBytes32 := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x20), _cursor))
cursor += 32;
return tempBytes32;
// IDEA: let every peg-in commit to the current token UTXO set and a current bitcoin block hash.
// This utxo set commitment is verified client-side by the token recipient in bitcoin.
// This ensures, to forge a token history of value X, an attacker has to spend, for example, 1.1 * X.
// In addition to PoW, this is another economic game to find consensus on the entire token history.
// Another succinct proof, that is very expensive for attackers, but very cheap for honest users.
// It is used in peg-outs to compress the token history.
// Older tokens have to reference those newer tokens and thus, confirm their token history.
// PROBLEM: Attacker's don't lose money if they make an invalid commitment and then peg-out
// because the contract doesn't know the truth
// IDEA: use locktime to prove a minimum block height for every TX
// This helps to develop a more robust notion of bitcoin block times
// We can require the locktimes increase every transaction
// This also allows us to set minimum times for token existence
// e.g. burnTx.locktime > 100 + genesisTx.locktime
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