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Last active August 28, 2023 11:32
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Threshold-encryption for multisig backups. This is a demo to backup the xpubs of a 3-of-5 multisig
# This is a scheme to encrypt a backup of a t-of-n Multisig spending script
# such that any combination of t-of-n xpubkeys can recover the missing (n-t) xpubkeys.
# In this example, we encrypt the 5 xpubkeys of a 3-of-5 Multisig
# and demonstrate how to recover from any 3 xpubkeys the other 2 missing xpubkeys.
# The scheme is a simple variation of Shamir's secret sharing.
# It is nicely compact. The encrypted payload is only the size of 2 xpubkeys.
# Encode a string as a big integer
def string_to_int(s: str, encoding='utf-8') -> int:
byte_representation = s.encode(encoding)
return int.from_bytes(byte_representation, 'big')
# Decode a string into a big integer
def int_to_string(num: int, encoding='utf-8') -> str:
num_of_bytes = (num.bit_length() + 7) // 8 # Calculate number of bytes required for the integer
byte_representation = num.to_bytes(num_of_bytes, 'big')
return byte_representation.decode(encoding)
# Lagrange interpolation
def lagrange_interpolation(points, field_size, x_interpolate):
def lagrange_basis(i, x):
basis = 1
for j in range(len(points)):
if j != i:
basis *= (x - points[j][0]) * pow(points[i][0] - points[j][0], -1, field_size)
basis %= field_size
return basis
interpolated_value = 0
for i in range(len(points)):
basis = lagrange_basis(i, x_interpolate)
interpolated_value += (basis * points[i][1]) % field_size
interpolated_value %= field_size
return interpolated_value
# Some random prime which is large enough to contain xpub keys
# This constant should be chosen once and for all users
FIELD_SIZE = 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b77
# Example xpubkeys included in this 3-of-5 backup
xpubkeys = [
# Convert the xpubkeys to points
points = [(i+1, string_to_int(xpub)) for i, xpub in enumerate(xpubkeys)]
# Sample two more points on the polynomial
# Those are the "public points", which act as the encrypted backup
# E.g. you could inscribe them into the blockchain
print(f"++ Encrypt the Backup ++")
x_interpolate = 6
encrypted_value1 = lagrange_interpolation(points, FIELD_SIZE, x_interpolate)
print(f"The first public value is f({x_interpolate}) = {hex(encrypted_value1)}")
x_interpolate = 7
encrypted_value2 = lagrange_interpolation(points, FIELD_SIZE, x_interpolate)
print(f"The second public value is f({x_interpolate}) = {hex(encrypted_value2)}")
# Example recovery using any combination of three xpubkeys
print("\n\n++ Decrypt the Backup using 3-of-5 xpub keys ++")
# To recover missing keys we have to know any three xpubkeys. In this example, it's xpubkey2, xpubkey3, xpubkey5.
# We want to recover the two missing keys, here, xpubkey1 and xpubkey4
points = [
(2, string_to_int("xpub6CUGRUonZSQ4TWtTMmzXdrXDtypWKiKrhko4egpiMZbpiaQL2jkwSB1icqYh2cfDfVxdx4df189oLKnC5fSwqPfgyP3hooxujYzAu3fDVmz")),
(3, string_to_int("xpub6BosfCnifzxcM3XKbZdmQiRs8P7HbYMGZaAAYRShiwPHmTq6S5vE1ZzYtpzAXgZ9WE3aSq7CST7tZJuXhjZAKoE3jo63Eeu2ajtzu9twvP5")),
(5, string_to_int("xpub6BosfCnifzxcN6JHh8D8y7HZMXJU3SJ2AoCLNQLNLY5evZJwaF1CUDGZL5Ge2PKe7eQXeT5gE3RKokMGRsYkPyMPpkfDBfxerBaVxEFsykt"))
# Append the two public points
points.append((6, encrypted_value1))
points.append((7, encrypted_value2))
# Interpolate the first missing key, xpubkey1 = f(1)
x_interpolate = 1
interpolated_value = lagrange_interpolation(points, FIELD_SIZE, x_interpolate)
print(f"The recovered xpubkey{x_interpolate} is: {int_to_string(interpolated_value)}")
# Interpolate the second missing key, xpubkey4 = f(4)
x_interpolate = 4
interpolated_value = lagrange_interpolation(points, FIELD_SIZE, x_interpolate)
print(f"The recovered xpubkey{x_interpolate} is: {int_to_string(interpolated_value)}")
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