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Created October 22, 2021 20:37
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mix extension
import { ClassComponent } from 'laravel-mix/types/component';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import { Options as TSConfig } from 'ts-loader';
import { ModuleKind, ScriptTarget } from 'typescript';
import * as webpack from 'webpack';
import { TransformOptions } from '@babel/core';
let isProd = mix.inProduction();
let isDev = !mix.inProduction();
declare module 'laravel-mix/types/index' {
interface Api {
streams(options?: StreamsMixExtensionOptions): this;
interface StreamsMixExtensionOptions {
ts?: {
configFile?: string
declarationDir?: string
declaration?: boolean
class StreamsMixExtension implements ClassComponent {
options: StreamsMixExtensionOptions;
public register(options: StreamsMixExtensionOptions) {
this.options = {
tsConfig: {},
ts: {
...options.ts || {}
public boot() {
terser: {
terserOptions: {
keep_classnames: true,
keep_fnames : true,
public name() {return 'streams';}
public babelConfig(): TransformOptions {
return {
babelrc : false,
configFile: false,
compact : isProd,
sourceMaps: isDev,
comments : isDev,
presets : [
[ '@babel/preset-env', {
'useBuiltIns': false,
'targets' : '> 0.25%, not dead',
} ],
plugins : [
public tsConfig(): Partial<TSConfig> {
return {
transpileOnly : true,
logLevel : 'INFO',
logInfoToStdOut: true,
happyPackMode : true,
configFile : resolve(process.cwd(), 'webpack.tsconfig.json'),
compilerOptions: {
target : ScriptTarget.ESNext,
module : ModuleKind.ESNext,
declaration : false,
declarationDir : resolve(process.cwd(), 'resources/public/types'),
importHelpers : true,
sourceMap : isDev,
removeComments : isProd,
experimentalWatchApi: true,
public webpackConfig(config: webpack.Configuration) {
config.devtool = isDev ? 'inline-cheap-module-source-map' : false;
config.output = {
path : resolve('./resources/public'),
filename : 'js/[name].js',
chunkFilename : 'js/chunk.[name].js',
library : {
name: [ 'streams', 'core' ],
type: 'window',
publicPath : '/vendor/streams/core/',
devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate: 'webpack:///[resource-path]?[hash]',
devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate : info => {
var $filename = 'sources://' + info.resourcePath;
$filename = 'webpack:///' + info.resourcePath; // +'?' + info.hash;
if ( info.resourcePath.match(/\.vue$/) && !info.allLoaders.match(/type=script/) && !info.query.match(/type=script/) ) {
$filename = 'webpack-generated:///' + info.resourcePath; // + '?' + info.hash;
return $filename;
config.optimization = {
moduleIds: 'named',
chunkIds : 'named',
minimize : isProd,
public webpackRules(): webpack.RuleSetRule | webpack.RuleSetRule[] {
return [ {
test : /\.tsx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules\//,
use : [
{ loader: 'babel-loader', options: this.babelConfig() },
{ loader: 'ts-loader', options: this.tsConfig() },
} ];
mix.extend('streams', new StreamsMixExtension());
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