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Created December 12, 2020 01:13
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miniwdl run vcf_chrom_count.wdl \
  vcf_gz= \
  tbi= \
version 1.0
workflow vcf_chrom_counter {
input {
File vcf_gz
File tbi
Int num_chrom = 22
scatter (i in range(num_chrom)) {
String chrom = "chr~{i+1}"
call tabix_count {
vcf_gz = vcf_gz, tbi = tbi,
region = chrom
output {
Array[Pair[String,Int]] counts = zip(chrom, tabix_count.count)
task tabix_count {
input {
File vcf_gz
File tbi
String? region
command <<<
tabix "~{vcf_gz}" "~{region}" | wc -l
output {
Int count = read_int(stdout())
runtime {
docker: "biocontainers/tabix:v1.9-11-deb_cv1"
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