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Last active July 30, 2018 19:16
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pi prep for processing using the pi cam
0. download the latest pi + processing rasbian -- this is written using (the previous revision had an error that we encountered too
1. change the config to legacy gl driver... as enabling the kms ones would actually disable gpu video support (says so here:
sudo raspi-config
2. change the memory available (gui - settings)
3. make sure interfaces are on
ssh (if you want to remote in to the pi)
pi cam
serial port
4. enable the official V4L2 driver for the pi cam by adding the pi cam to /etc/modules
sudo modprobe bcm2835_v4l2
5. download the gl video library from processing contributions (sketch > import lib > add lib) -- it might already be installed!
6. reboot
7. open processing & run simplecapture
8. gstreamer should be installed, but if you get the error, you can try to install it. it might not work though.
sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0
serial port on pins 8 (TXD) and 10 (RXD) should come up as /dev/serial0
got permission denied error
this worked:
sudo raspi-config
- 5 Interfacing Options
- P6 Serial.
Select NO to Would you like a login console...
Select YES to Would you like the serial port hardware ...
It will then show
The serial login shell is disabled
The serial interface is enabled
- Ok
- Finish
- Reboot - Yes.
this did not make any difference:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
add this to the bottom
# Enable UART
## Disable RPi3 bluetooth to enable serial console on UART0
vnc server
by default it seems when you try to view the screen through vnc, it will black out any processing sketch windows.
to change this, go into vnc server (on the pi) > options > troubleshooting
optimize screen capture - make sure experimental direct capture mode is checked
restart, retry it, and now you should be able to see the screen!
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